episode 31 - swasan moment

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Hey guys due to some personal issues i am not able to give you all any update for continue 3 days and i am really disappointed about that and i am genuinely sorry for that but it was also very important work for me which i couldn't able to ignore that's why i didn't update but then i realize weather i update or not nobody care that's why i thought about ending this story here itself when i won't get that love support and response for my story then it will really make me feel low and disappointing it's just making me feel like stupid to waist my time behind this story leaving my all the work now i will give next update then only when i really feel i have some readers of mine who really want me to continue otherwise i will delete the story and stop updating my story not much but little help
VOTES : - 50+

Enjoy the episode 💖💖

swara was lost in her own thought her mobile ring making her bring in sense she see it's her principal's call she close her eyes then receive the call going toward pool side talk with him for sometimes then go down for having lunch she see still no one come except sanskar and madhu she go near sanskar who  look toward her seeing her coming near her
Sanskar - what you want now shona what your doing here near me well tell me one thing why it's take you this much time today to get ready
Swara - leave about this all sanku you know from today i have to go college and i totally forget about that principal sir just now call me to ask why didn't i come today at college
Sanskar - you should have tell me shona about going college i must have already said karan to drop you at your college why didn't you drop at least message that you needed to go college from today you being so careless nowdays right (swara look toward sanskar frown hearing him)
Swara - how i should have gone when you were in hospital don't talk rubbish sanku i don't think so i will able to concentrated on study rather than you and morever due to yesterday incident i just forget about this that's why i didn't tell you
Sanskar - with me all was there to for taking care you make understand sia but who should make you understand better half about your exams
Swara - sanku there is still 1 week for my exams and morever you don't worry i will study you don't need to take tension about my exams and morever your not ok now so i won't  go college till you won't get okey
Sanskar - stop being stupid i am alright now and you don't need to skip your college morever i myself going office from tommorrow so don't need to skip college for such silly reason shona because it's not gonna work near me (swara look toward sanskar with pout) stop making this faces because it's not gonna make me melt at any cost Mrs sanskar maheswari
Swaara - but your hurt here see (touch his forehead bandage)  and i should be with you na till you won't get totally fine (sanskar hold swara's hand make her seat his other side chair) i won't go
Sanskar - you have to be jaan morever i am gangster like this so many wounds i have got before also it's not first time it's just that this time you were with me nothing more than this sweetheart so now stop getting tensed just like sia
Swara - no i am not gonna hear you i know it's happened just because of me you have come between which wound meant to be min....... (sanskar place his finger on swara's lips making her shhh)
Sanskar - there is nothing mine or yours between us jaan it is always ours what is yours is only mine and what is mine is all yours so now stop talking rubbish what nonsense you were thinking about haan
Swara - (take out his finger) i will not talk something like this but i have one condition then only i will go college and you have to listen to me
Sanskar - say it what's that if it's in my hand then i will surely gonna do that otherwise i don't think so i am gonna hear your any kind of kiddish or childish condition
Swara - okey so you think me childish and kiddish Mr sanskar maheswari how mean okey leave about that actually i was saying about if you will agree to do work from home for somedays then only i will go college otherwise i won't go and that is final
Sanskar - that is not possible jaan you really don't know how stupid my office staff are they don't work seriously if i don't go office this is really not possible please try to understand my problem
Swara - then you also understand i won't let you go office and i myself won't go college and this is my final decision and if you won't listen to me then i won't talk with you
Sanskar - NOOOOOOO just keep your mouth i will do anything whatever you will say but don't ever say that you won't talk with me it's very toughest punishment which you give me i can't take that
Swara - (giggle) okey i understand if you are ready for my condition then i will also go to my college and you won't cheat me Mr sanskar maheswari if you do that then i will surely gonna give you my silent punishment so no cheating sanku
Sanskar - this is too much shona for such a stupid reason your fighting with me nothing can happened with your childish stubborness
Swara - yes that is right nothing can happened with this well where is others till now no one come i am really damm hungry because i even didn't have my breakfast too
Sanskar - then eat me i think your stomach will be fulfilled after eating me Mrs sanskar maheswari do you wanna eat me (swara look toward sanskar hearing him)
Swara - no i am not interested because i am not non vegetarian i only eat food when i am hungry i didn't eat human being so keep your mouth shut stop talking rubbish
Sanskar - i don't really mind if you eat me well i am really waiting (pull swara closer by her hand) to eat you (wishper huskily swara blink her eyes several times she gulp down her saliva hearing sanskar)
Swara - sanku leave me anyone can come please we are not in room (try to push sanskar but he hold her tightly he what about to kiss her swara take out her hand from his grip hearing sia she turn and look toward sia) haan sia what happened
Sia - bhabhi will you come to drop me at airport with Bhaiyu then we will get more time for spending with each other will you gonna come please (swara look toward sia hearing her then look toward sanskar)
Sanskar - shd won't come sia she also need to do study there are so many days go that she didn't even touch her books in next week her exams gonna start that's why don't force your bhabhi next time i will bring her to take you back here
Sia - bhai common yaar now don't behave in this way what will happened if she will be with me just for some time then tommorrow she can do studies how much she wanted i won't mind but for today can't she come with me don't behave like Hitler it's just matter of 10 minute so don't take tension na about such a small thing Bhaiyu why your behaving like 90's in laws let her come na please
Swara - it's okey sanku if sia wants we will go with her i will start my studies from tommorrow honestly i was not going to start it from today so leave it na now don't behave like this
Sia - haan exactly now you don't take tension bhai see bhabhi wasn't going to start study from today she will do from tommorrow now you don't become mood spoiler please haan
Swara - exactly sanku don't worry about this all we will go to drop sia it's just matter of today not everyday that i am gonna do like this stubborness
Sanskar - fine if i say no then also you all don't wanna listen to me that's why  it's waste to make you both understand but (to swara)  you have to start your studies from tommorrow
No matter what happened yoi won't give any excuses (to sia ) and you also if i wasn't there with you then you won't do something stupidity focus on your studies nothing eles
Sia - haan ha i understand if you don't tell also na still more than me no one is intelligent like me here i know how to do studies and other things also so you don't give me lecture for this
Swara - exactly like till now he only teach us talking like this (sia chuckle hearing swara both give hi-fi to each other sanskar roll his eyes just then all come down for lunch they seat in there respective seat Madhu & ragini serve lunch to everyone then they also seat for lunch)
Rishabh - sia when your going back and morever why didn't you inform any of us before coming here like this you know na what is the situation
Sia - you all take too much tension for small small matter don't think about this all i have come safely and carefully morever i have so many bodyguards behind me which my over protective brother has keep
Viren - he is not over protective he want to keep you secure that's why he have kept bodyguards for you there in cape town for your safety
Sia - but they are very irritating bhai you don't how embarrassing it is when they always roam behind my back like i am not going in college i am going at any dangerous place
Sanskar - think whatever you want I don't care but how much drama your gonna do for this i won't gonna change my decision that not to keep bodyguard's behind your back
Lakssh - it's for your good only sia you don't know who is your friend and who is your enemy there and we are also not there to come at right time for saving you this much long distance that's why we have keep bodyguard's for you and your safety
Karan - they come till college gate only na then why your getting frustrated and irritated from this matter sia you don't take tension for such things it's only for your good
Sia - it's so irritating you really don't know about this because you don't have to go college like this but ask me how stupid it's feel they being behind me all the time
Sanskar - there are no one there to look after you that's why i have to keep this much bodyguards for you once you will be here then i won't keep any guards behind you if your this much irritated from this
Sia - fine who can say you anything if i will say also you will again blame me for small small matter which even i haven't done but make your stupid bodyguard's make understand that this all are ok till home not till my college they won't tell me what to do and what not
Sanskar - they even don't stop you for doing anything till that time only till you won't do something stupid otherwise they won't tell anything to do so now keep your mouth shut i very well know about you
Swara - (in mind)  he know everyone rather than himself stupid fellow what he will understand when someone is in cage this way then how it's feel he will surely understand then only when someone will treat him same in this way huhh leave it if i will say something then from tommorrow he will start sending bodyguards behind me also like sia
Sanskar - even from tommorrow some bodyguards will be behind your bhabhi also she is also going college na from tommorrow (Swaara look toward sanskar hearing him she frown) there is no drama which i am gonna let her do also
Swara - there is nlg gonna happened something like that Mr sanskar maheswari i don't want any giant bodyguards behind me i know how to take care of myself very well
Laksh - shona sanskar is saying right it's needed that's why he is saying otherwise do you think he must have done something like this it's just for your safety nothing eles
Madhu - now leave discussion about this topic guys you all talk later first have dinner  and then talk about anything and do whatever you guys wants to do i won't say anything (all nods and have lunch then go to there respective rooms swara also go to her room sia go behind swara seeing sanskar was at downstairs only talking with LAksh rishabh viren and karan sia see swara was doing something in her mobile she go near her seeing her lost in her mobile)
Sia - bhabhi let's go na we will go out because in night i was going so I will not get time to talk with you also due to my exams so say bhai to take us
Swara - your Bhai hardly listen to me sia when i do stubborness he litterly take some decision in this way that which should make me only put in confusion so what can i say to him
Sia - bhabhi please please please it's my request won't you do this small work for me yaar i am your only younger small sweet sister in law please make bhai convinced to take us somewhere in out
Swara - sia i understand but he is hurt na we should said him to take rest how much he can actually before lunch only i litterly fight with him for not going office and if now i will say him for outing then he will start going at his office also
Sia - nothing will happened like that you don't worry i have master plan for this that bhai won't go against your saying whatever you say (swara look toward sia hearing her)
Swara - your bhai is Hitler and his heart don't melt this much easily whatever anyone do for that he never get convinced from anything i very well know about him
Sia - simple if he won't listen to you then you blackmail him for that topic which make him melt without 1 second without thinking about anything and i know you must be have like this some threatened toward you bhabhi so we will try that na
Swara - i am stuck from both the side i can't denied you nor i can't make your bhai understand about this all God only can help me out now in this matter well okey let him come i will talk with him now
Sia - that's like my bhabhi well i Forget to say you something (swara look toward sanskar) thank you so much loving my Bhai i know i don't need to say thank you for this but still i really want to say you thank you bhabhi you know i always wanted someone in his life who can understand him and more than that she should understand mine and his relationship i never wanted to become that third person in your relationship because of which you both ever fight with each other bhai has always think me as his first baby you don't fight with him ever for this matter please bhabhi
SWara - you don't need to say me thank you and this all sia how much your important for my sanskar that much only now your also important for me and if sanskar understand you his first baby na then according to that your also my first baby more than our baby in future you will first to us and i promise you for that no one can take your place in Sanskar's life he loves you alot in his life your place is above than everyone and i am really Not jealous from this infact after this my respect for him grown more i know he love me alot and my place is different in his life and your place is always yours so you never think your bhai will ever keep anyone above you if you having any problem na then you share that with me but never ever hurt him i will try my best to solve your all misunderstanding when it will be in my hnad i know sometimes it's common to feel insecurities and having misunderstanding but because of this don't ever hurt sanskar your very important for him more than his own life (sia smile nods in yes with bright smile she hug swara tightly she also hug her back then break the hug patt her cheek they talk for sometimes about there life and some general things about knowing each other more and many things )

PRECAPE - same as previous sia go back ti cape town swasan moment and many more 💞💞🤗😍😍😍💖💖😍😍🤗🤗🤗🤗💖💖🤗🤗💞💞💞💞💞🤗😍🤗💞💞🤗💞🤗💞🤗💞🤗💞🤗😍😍🤗💖😍💖😍💖😍💖😍💖😍💖😍💖💞💖🤗💖🤗💖💞💖🤗💖💞💖🤗💖🤗💖💞💖🤗💖💞💖🤗💖🤗🤗💖💞💖🤗💖💞💖💖🤗💞💖💖🤗💞💖🤗

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