episode 21 - swasan closeness

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Swara was seating there only still where LAksh go leaving her she didn't move from her place she was thinking all that which her brother tell her just now about whatever happened and what's the matter about him being not able to come near her when she need him at that time all the things was revolving around her mind again and again she was feeling bad for sanskar only he love her truely this much unconditionally still she was feeling she isn't good for him she is impure she can't do this it will be totally wrong with him she know that he don't give damm about anything he just want her no matter for that whatever he have to do he gonna do that without saying anything she means to everything to him she come in sense feeling something near her mouth she look down see someone making her eat dinner she look up toward who is he and it's her husband who was making her eat dinner seating beside her
Sanskar - Mrs swara sanskar maheswari i don't want to go in domestic vilonce case if your brother put this case on me then what will i do haan so now have your dinner because from morning you haven't had anything and it wasn't good
Swara - hmm not only me because of me no one had anything from morning i have make everyone also starving behind me creating meaningless fuss from morning
Sanskar - when your brother don't have peoblem with that then who aM i to stop you  creating that meaningless fuss Mrs sanskar maheswari leave about that don't think this much leave about that
Swara - you never tell me your gangster why your fearing that i go leaving you after you must have tell me about that
Sanskar - no not by any chance i have let you go from my life leaving me if for that i have to force you also going against your brother and father then i haven't back off so that was never reason better half actually i didn't tell you because you was not fully mixed up with us that's why i haven't tell you anything i was myself didn't get this much open up with you because of hiding laksh truth also
Swara - and what about that thing you didn't tell me ragini bhabhi being laksh bhai's wife only you hide this also she being married
Sanskar - how should i tell you about she being LAksh wife yaar better half if i must have tell you then what has happened you very well know you must have created fuss at that tome only but i tell you her name yaar wifey as ragini Gadodia you also know na she being rishi bhai's sister means ragini kundra before marriage and now she is ragini gadodia na you didn't geuss this simple thing baby doll okey leave it now let's have dinner first then we will continue this question answers sweetheart
Swara - but we can talk while having dinner also na what's the problem if we will talk while having our dinner (sanskar look toward swara sign hevaily he get busy making swaraa feeding dinner while listening her all the talk patiencely even answering her all the questions) did you have your dinner sanskar
Sanskar - i will have better half now i am not hungry you have your dinner first please shona now stop your bak bak yaar how much you speak without any stop (swara pout hearing sanskar)  i didn't said something wrong i should keep your namw as miss chatterbox right (swara shake her head in no with pout ) now stop making this face later don't blame me if i kiss you wifey (swara widen her eyes in utter shock hearing sanskar)
Swara - you being so shameless sanskar stop talking like this ans have your dinner i am done my tummy get full now please i can't eat more
Sanskar - okey fine but only last two more bite then i won't make you eat i will have mine dinner shona common be a good girl and have it shona plz (swaraa make faces and have last two more bites with so much difficulty then sanskar didn't give her he himself have his dinner)
Swara - sanskar (he look toward her)  should i ask you something (he sign her to ask) it's related to your family will you tell me if i ask you something (sanskar sign hevaily smile faintly nods in yes) what about your mom dad do you know where they are now
Sanskar - hmmm they are dead actually my father's second wife kill them for property but they didn't knowing bade papa make will that when i will turn 21 all property will be mine when they get to know it was already late i have leave my house
Swara - you don't miss them after whatever happened they was your mom dad only na (sanskar complete his dinner look toward swara)
Sanskar - they didn't did any work of being my mother and father from childhood i was always close to my bade Papa and badi ma so i haven't get this much attached to them better half to feel sad about there departure
Swara - and what about your badi ma where she is bhai tell about your bade papa he being killed by his enemies then what about her
Sanskar - she was very kind hearted lady sweetheart she used to love bade papa alot she didn't able to take the shock of his death and she also died due to heart attack
Swara - hmm sorry of you feel bad about hearing my question or if i hurt you asking this all the things
Saanskar - you don't need to feel bad hearing this all it's already happened things baby doll so don't think this all this things i didn't get hurt hearing your this all questions just forget that now you don't have any other queery of yours right sweetheart
Swara - not exactly i have so many questions for you sanskar but it seems you don't liking that i am asking you this all questions it's okey i will go to my Bhaiyu (swara what about to go sanskar hold her hand and pull her toward himself swara fall on sanskar's lap she widen her eyes in shocked she look toward him glare him trying to get up from his lap) idoit what the hell your doing leave me stupid let me go na i will go to my Bhaiyu now you stay here itself (sanskar smirk naughtily looking toward swara )
Sanskar - my innocent kitten it's not time to spend with family night time only belongs to your one and only one hubby means me so don't even try to think i will let you go from here even if it's your brother also so now common stop ranting that you want to go near your Bhaiyu well i haven't stop you from asking any questions you ask i will surely gonna replay you about everything
Swara - first leave me then only i will ask you whatever question i want to ask why did you pull me like this sanskar please leave me na
Sanskar - only on one condition baby doll (swaraa look toward sanskar in what ) give me one kiss (swara widen her eyes in shocked imneadiately shake her head in no) Arey not on lips at my cheek sweetheart at least i can expect this kiss for my reward about making you meet with your bhaiyu want you give me that
Swara - no i won't give you any kiss ans all just leave me sanskar stop talking rubbish you will get no reward for anything
Sanskar - your so mean biwi i was just asking small kiss and your showing this much tantrums for that i am your husband yaar can't you give me that see if you won't kiss me na then (swara look toward sanskar) i will (see her pink juicy rosy lips) your this delicious lips ans test all strawberry flavour for sure (swara look toward saanskar widening her eyes shake her head in no turning her face Otherside) kiddo you can't save Yourself from me no matter what you do so don't even try biwi (he make her look toward himself holding her chin swara blink her eyes several times looking toward sanskar who was staring her intensely his eye fall on again at swara's lips she was looking pale due to weakness and all the shocks she get  today which has suddenly come Infront of her but still due to moonlight which falling in there room from balcony her face is glowing she is looking simply beautiful no matter in which state she stay she become more beautiful he see her pink rosy lips which is really inviting her to claimed by his lips he didn't waste for more time and place his rough lips on her rosy lips kissing her softly and lovingly sliding his hand on her belly making swara close her eyes feeling peace after all the happening she move her hand up and hold sanskar's coller making her small effort and kiss him back wanting this peace can no one can snatch from her she badly needed this to calm down her inner soul and mind too her  mind is trembling to fall in love with someone but her heart is making her bend down infront of him surrending her to the only person of her life who has given her real meaning of family weather making her hate him but he never let anyone give chance to hate her or something eles too he is that guardian angel of her life which she got luckily sensing swaraa get out of breath sanskar break the kiss and slowly look toward swara who's eyes are closed and her small tiny hands are fisting his coller tightly he smile seeing his kiddo wifey he peck her forehead softly making swara to open her eyes) well wifey if you really wanted to kiss me then you should have tell me i shouldn't have denied infact i must have loved it yaar (swara widen her eyes beat sanskar)  okey sorry now say what you wanted to asked me sweetheart and for asking anything from me you don't need to take my permission i am all yours you can asked me whatever question you want to ask from me i won't get angry at you ever haan yes if you will take some stupid stunt like you did today then i can't garenty you about my anger then don't blame me that i haven't warned you about that don't you even dare try to harm yourself i can bear any pain wounds hurt scars if you give me i won't tolerated one small niddle also touch you so don't even try to wake up devil inside me for you let me how am i now calm naughty happy romantic in your language stupid fellow idiot boka just don't make me angry it's strict warning for you kiddo
Swara - i am not kiddo stop calling me kiddo mr maheswari did i am looking you like kid that your calling me kiddo kiddo again and again
Sanskar - yes baby wifey your kiddo only you still didn't grown up fully that's why like small kid you have hold whole house on your head today creating all the stupid fuss behaving like stubborn kiddo who's favourite candy is infront of her but she was getting cranky and fussy just to go and hold it by her hand (swara look toward sanskar in open mouth hearing her she pout hearing him make faces) okey now say what you want to asked because after that we have to sleep also Right
Swara - why you didn't tell me you are loving me from past 7 years at that time when i was just small child who don't even know about this all the things (sanskar look toward swara hearing her)
Sanskar - hmm should i give you this answer to you that day when i will hear that three magical words from you for me if you don't mind Mrs sanskar maheswari (Swaara look toward sanskar hearing her she don't know what to say after hearing sanskar because it's something which she is also not sure) and don't worry sanskar maheswari know that his kitten will surely gonna fall in love with him no matter how much time it will gonna take after that
Swara - confidence is good husband ji but over confidence isn't good for health don't assume anything according to yourself it's small advice for you mr maheswari
Sanskar - it's not over confidence wifey it's my faith over mine love which i am having on you 90% you have fall for your idoit husband only 10% is left i can tell you this while closing my eyes (swara look toward sanskar blinking her eyes several times without uttering one word also) if you shouldn't have fall for me then probably you must have NEVER GONNA GET JEALOUS FROM KIA AND EVEN FROM RAGINI TOO YOU THINK I DON'T UNDERSTAND THAT BUT I DO BABY DOLL MY EYES ARE ALWAYS FIXED ON YOU IF YOU THINK ALSO I AM NOT LOOKING TOWARD YOU BUT I AM ALWAYS WATCHING YOU ONLY (swara turn her face Otherside hearing sanskar he chuckle) you don't need to feel embarrass hearing this love infact i am gonna love your possessive side more than anything and trust me i am only yours (swara try to get up from sanskar's lap but unable to because his hold get stronger than before) stay kitten now just shoot your questions if it's still left wifey
Swara - no i am done now leave me sanskar why your  behaving Love sick puppy leave me na i am really sleepy please let me go na now
Sanskar - you being you na kitten your stubborness never gonna change okey go (he left her waist swara sign in relief she try to get up but fails miserably his eye fall on karan who come in his room he what about to say something but stop seeing swasan's position swara who was trying to get up she again fall on sanskar she look toward him blinking her eyes several times sanskar look down toward his kiddo wifey he shake his head in impossible seeing her struggle swara look toward sanskar then again try to get up but no use she again fall on sanskar) if you didn't feeling to leave me tell me that better half i really don't have any problem with that (swara glare sanskar angrily and get up carefully but her leg dash with food trolley she move back but again fall on sanskar who chuckle seeing swara she get more angry her nose get red in anger making swara look more cute sanskar smile he kiss on her nose tip making swara stop at her track and stop struggling to get up she look toward sanskar gulping down her saliva blinking her both doe hazel big eyes cutely making sanskar smile widely seeing his kiddo + baby wife's antics karan shake his head he without disturbing swasan go from there) you're damm cruel love Stop making this cute faces if you don't want me to kiss you senselessly you're just badly tempting me to hold you tightly and claimed your rosy lips with mine lips swara come in sense she push sanskar and get up she go otherside of bedroom in wadorobe to change her cloth's Sanskarrr smile scratching his neck swaraa go inside wadrode she remember her and Sanskar's recent beautiful moment her lips curved into beautiful big & real smile she close her eyes slapping her forhead she take her night dress and go inside washroom get freshen up and change in simple black colour off shoulder jumpsuit

Swara was seating there only still where LAksh go leaving her she didn't move from her place she was thinking all that which her brother tell her just now about whatever happened and what's the matter about him being not able to come near her when...

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She come out in room see sanskarrrr isn't in bedside she go toward balcony side see him staring moon she go near him stand beside him
Sanskar - you come so quick love didn't able to hold yourself to get back near me right better half
Swara - no wrong i just go to change my dress that's it nothing eles that's why i didn't take time to change well good night (she turn to go sanskar hold her hand and pin her to glass wall of balcony making swara shocked she look toward him widening her eyes more in shocked sanskar smile seeing swara he side her hairs behind her ears looking toward Swaara deeply in her eyes without blinking it making swara also lost in his deep brown eyes she gulp down her saliva slowly slowly without breaking there eyelock cool air touches there cheek swara's hairs flow in air sanskar slide it behind her ears staring her deeply laksh who come to there room for talking with Sanskarrr about something related work seeing open door look toward swasan he smile seeing them go from there without Disturbing there moment closing door slowly )

PRECAPE - some naughtiness mischievousness and drama of Mrs kiddo maheswari for troubling her hubby only for annoying him 😆😆😆😆😆😄😄😄😄🤗😄🤗😄🤗😄🤗😄🤗🤗😄🤗😄🤗😄🤗😄🤗🤗😄🤗😄🤗😄🤗😄😁😁🤗😁😁😁😍😑😍😑😍😑😍😁😍😍😍😁😍😁😍😁😍😁😆💖💖😆💖😆💖😆💖😆💖💖😆🤗😆🤗😆💖😆💖💖😆💖💖😆💖😆💖💖😆💖😆💖😆💖😆💖😆💖💖😆💖😅😅😅💖😅💖💖😅💖😅💖😅💖😅🤗😑🤗😑🤗🤗😅🤗💖😑💖😑💖💖😅💖😑💖💖💖

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