episode 4 - sanskar humiliate swara

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Sanskar get hell frustrated and Angry seeing and hearing his Family supporting swara going against him he go at his room messed the whole room and pour his anger and frustrations on swara giving her punishment to stay starving for whole one day. And go out from home in anger otherside swara weep her tears and sweat she was feeling to run away from this place she look out from balcony door opening the glass door she see the hight of the room it's looking like it's almost 5th floor she close her eyes she turn back and look toward room she start searching something for climbing down and anyhow come out from this hell.  She see rope she what about to go she remember what sanskar warn her he said her if she try something against him then he will destroyed whole orphanages she can't punish innocent people because of her mistake she move back from there in tears she keep rope back in cupboard and then silently start cleaning the whole room she go to freshen up she come out then only she just now admire whole room of sanskar it's very royal and luxurious even everything is systematic in it's place swara seat on floor keeping her head on bed in no time she fall in sleep after whatever happened today coming out from this all so quickly isn't easy for her. After sometimes later sanskar come back home in dinner time he see all are waiting for him only
Rishabh - sanskar go freshen up and come down for dinner with your wife it's already late (sanskar look toward rishabh hearing him silently nods and go from there ) this boy has taken oath to test my patience
Madhu - rishabh now you keep your  anger cool this is not gonna work it will make situation more worsen sanskar will very soon realize his mistake and he will stop hurting that girl and let her go from here
Jivika - hope so he won't do something wrong with her in anger which make him regret for his whole life just pray to God (sanskar go in his room he see his room is all cleaned he search for swara go toward balcony didn't find her there he turn back see she is sleeping seating down keeping her head in couch he look toward blankly and fisting his hand he see she what about to fall he go near her and hold her head which going to heat with glass tea table swara's sleep get broke she see sanskar holding her she look toward sanskar who was already staring her without blinking his eyes there two minute eyelock is break by door knock sanskar immmeadiately get up turning his face otherside SWara also get up sanskar go to open door he see servent who come to call him for dinner he send him then go to freshen up without looking toward swara after getting freshen up he go down without looking toward Swaara or asking her about dinner he go down and seat beside karan all look toward him seeing him alone)
Karan - sanskar you come alone where is she means your wife why didn't you bring her down for dinner why you come without her
Sanskar - i already tell you and everyone stay out of this matter why she didn't come whatever it is it's my problem not anyone eles rather than asking questions to me focus on dinner karan please (karan what about to say something rishabh sign him in no sign him to have dinner karan nods in yes all have dinner without uttering any word and go to there respective rooms sanskar also go to his room lock the door he turn see swara isn't toward bed side she was still seating infront of balcony he go toward her swara who feel his presence look up toward him close her eyes she don't have any capacity to hear more or do something she get up slowly fisting her hand to her dress looking toward sanskar)
Sanskar - you have some work to do tommorrow Mrs maheswari first you will wake up at early morning 5 you will clean my whole house without taking any of Servent help you will prepared  breakfast for my family then in afternoon my some clients are Coming at dinner so it's your responsibility to take care of everything if i found anything wrong in this then i won't mind to create some more dangerous situation i want everything perfect if you will do anything wrong then you better know me now right (he turn to go swara look down sanskar turn and look toward swara who didn't say anything now also after hearing him)  well till morning your cloth's will be arrange in one side of self and make sure you will wear them only not something like which you are wearing now (he go from there swara close her eyes just then sanskar off the lights swara get scared she can't even tell him that she is scared of darkness she seat on couch closing her eyes and lay down silently sanskar remove his T-shirt and lay down on bed close his eyes after sometimes later he fall in sleep swara also sleep after lot's of struggle
In morning 5 swara get up in jerk feeling cold water fall over her she look up see sanskar has pour cold water on her she shiver due to cold water ) didn't i said you to wake up at 5 but i think you forget that your married with me yesterday right no worry i will make you remember it don't worry about This okey go take bath get ready and start your work right now (swara go to take shower she come in wadrode see one side wadorobe having girls outfit she close her eyes take one long red colour dress she didn't apply any make up wear simple earrings apply pinch of vermilion pin up duppata at right hand and make her hairs

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