episode 5 - Sanskar's clients misbehave with swara

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Sanskar who see his family getting very concern and attached with swara he get angry and tell them to stay away from her she is here only for one month after that she will go away from here he go outside to make Call to his clients and then go inside see everyone except swara he close his eyes in frustration and anger seeing everyone who was still looking very concerned for swara he fist his hand go toward them saying it's breakfast time don't waste time on one stranger thinking about swara they look toward sanskar then silently move to have breakfast after having breakfast all go to there respective work Madhu and jivika also go to jivika's home meeting her parents who was calling her from so many days with veer . Except sanskar who was in home itself he said swara to prepared lunch for his client who is coming till 1 swara didn't say anything go down and start preparing lunch whatever sanskar tell her to prepared after sometimes later Sanskar's Clients come sanskar go in kitchen see swara get tired while preparing this much lunch he smirk seeing her
Sanskar - get tired Mrs Maheswari not done you have so many works to do more my clients has come and yes if small mistake also happened from you then you better know me (come out and serve them snacks and drinks swara nods in yes fisting her hand it's not that she is scared of  any person she is the person who always live her life fully with respect but from the tine sanskar has come in her life he is humiliating her in every second she go out serve snacks and tea coffee to sanskar's client who look toward swara top to bottom)
Client - Mr maheswari you appoint this much hot and beautiful Servent in your home (swara close her eyes calming down her Temper )
Client - truely nowdays like her girls also do the work of housemaid i think i should start checking website of housemaids like her only (sanskar look toward swara who was hardly controlling herself to say something )
Swara - (in mind) no SWara don't say anything they won't come here everyday you have your patience don't loose it you know your so called husband is psycho he himself don't know how to give respect to girl how will his clients will be just like him control yourself don't utter anything
Client - WELL SANSKAR WHAT YOU CHARGE FOR HER FOR ONE NIGHT TRUST ME I WILL PAY YOU DOUBLE AMOUNT THAN NOW  JUST SEND HER TO US FOR ONE NIGHT (swara fist her hand she what about to react or say something but she widen her eyes in shocked seeing sanskar throw hot tea on his clients face hearing his cheap words for swara who move back look toward sanskar )
Client - so you make your wife servent of your house Mr maheswari you yourself selling her showing her to us and now saying this all ohh may be this is new way of your to earn money.....( before he say something more sanskar punch him hardly on his face in anger swara jump in fear move back when that man fall down in near her feet other one what about to hit sanskar he kicked him angry and beat them black and blue swara looks on sanskar what about to hit anyone more karan seperate him from that person whom he is beating mercilessly all Clients immediately go from there when Karan warn them )
Karan - sanskar what the hell wrong with you man what your doing haan what did you did  with your Clients that too for your 1 month wife let them or anyone say na whatever they want why do you care (look toward Swara who was looking toward sanskar and his bleeding hand he close his eyes controlling his temper he make sanskar seat on couch
Karan - wait here i will bring first aid kit (karan bring first aid kit from drawer seat beside sanskar and weep his hand blood swara hiss in pain she look Otherside karan look toward swara chuckle then look toward sanskar who was seating silently without saying anything he bandage his hand) it's done (swara look toward karan hearing him she silently go from there) sanskar what you have done can you explain me that (sanskar look toward Karan hearing he himself don't know how he behave ) i am asking you something what was this all man (sanskar what about to say something seeing swara he get silent and look toward karan swara come near sanskar and  Karan with turmeric milk forward it to sanskar who look toward her karan also look toward swara)
Swara - you have it please your wound will cured fastly (karan look toward sanskar he take milk glass from Swaara and give it to sanskar who was looking toward swara)
Karan - sanskar man have this milk before anyone come back home and start questioning you about your wound and this hall matter
Sanskar - i don't want to have it take it back karan i aM having some work in my office i am going
Swara - it will pain if you work with wounded hand please have it and then go where you want to go (sanskar who was about to go stop hearing swaraa karan also look toward swara hearing her he then look toward sanskar)
Sanskar - why do you care haan it's my wound my problem it pain me or anything why your concern about this haan (swwra look toward sanskar hearing him look toward him blankly fisting her hand to her dress sanskar also look toward swara don't know but he really wants to hear from swara that she do care for him)
Swara - it's just humanity shake i am giving you this otherwise i don't care about you whether something happened to you or not how you save me just for humanity shake which you don't need to do that much capable aM i for myself that i can handle like this situation i don't need anyone for my support or to protect me you want to have this then have it otherwise throw it in dustbin i don't bloody care (swara go from there without looking toward sanskar who fist his hand turn to go see karan who forward milk glass to him sanskar throw it angrily and go from there Karan looks on he sign heavily say Servent to clean hall he go upstair toward sanskar's room he knock at door swara who was standing near balcony weep her tears and go to open door see karan she sign heavily then go inside karan go behind swara seeing her)
Karan - are you okey little doll i mean they didn't hurt you na or touch you i know sanskar shouldn't have let them touch you still are you ok
Swara - you please go from here i don't want to misbehave with you please don't come near me with this drama that you or your any family members care for me i really don't need anyone for showing this sympathy whatever happened it's my matter you please go leave me alone (karan look toward swara go near her patt her cheek seeing her blank face)
Karan - you know your just like sanskar when he become stubborn like you na he also don't want anyone or there concerned you know he don't like to share his pain with anyone but you know the moment you have come in his life na from that time he become more stubborn don't trust me for anything. But still i want to tell you why our sanskar is like this he was forced to become like this his own family force him to become like this otherwise he was very sweet and loving person more than you imagine see little doll eeveryone have there own reason to become bad sanskar was one of this we are together not from some years it's becoming 10 years that we are together we all know each other this much that we don't need any proof for trusting each other we didn't let any outsider enter in our home because we don't want many weakness how much we already having that is enough for us you know what happened when sanskar was only 14 years old he was being assault by his step sister in his own home itself she was 10 years elder than him his family wasn't having time for him too look after him or his problem his father ram prasad maheswari and his mother sujata maheswari both used to busy in there life itself his mother used to sleep with outsiders man bringing them in home his father used to stay all time in effect of alcohol his second wife Urvashi maheswari with whom he was having two kids  one boy and one girl sahil maheswari and kavita Maheswari both are really selfish just like there mother they always used to torture sanskar kavita was just like her mother like she trap Sanskar's mother that way kavita also used to trap sanskar she always try to make him learn bad things but sanskar always used to ignored her and focus on his study then she sahil and Urvashi plan to kill sujata maheswari and trap sanskar in fake rape case of kavita that they can be enjoy whole money of ram prasad maheswari so from that day kavita used to force sanskar everyday one day sanskar try to to tell ram prasad  Maheswari then Urvashi closed sanskar in basement for 5 days and then kavita did drama of fake rape and put blame on sanskar that he did it with her but sanskar never ever touch her or look toward her with bad intentions  even his father belive kavita over sanskar and he then remove Sanskaar's name from property then Urvashi kill ram and sujata Maheswari after getting property when they go to kill sanskar they see sanskarrrr wasn't in basement he already run away from maheswari mansion then he meet with accident when big bro means rishabh bhai got him on highway then he admitted him in hospital after that 2 month he was in coma when he wake up.......... (his phone ring he look toward swara who also look toward him he take out his mobile see viren's call he sign heavily) excuse me (he go aside) what happened bhai.
Viren - i send you to bring file not for doing some other where the hell are you karan where your busy that you forget for what work i have send you
Karan - i will be there in two minute i am coming Bhai just a second please so sorry haan (he cut the call turn toward swara)  sorry i need to go we will talk in some other day okey bye haan you take care of yourself (he go From there swara look toward close door from where karan go from she seat going in balcony looking outside look toward moon)
Swara - please God ji send someone for sanskar he is not at fault don't punish you know everything na even i am not perfect from him he deserves someone who will love him how he is please God ji send someone for him soon i can't even become reason for his smile because i am not that someone with whom he can be happy all the time the moment he will know my truth he will leave me and i don't want to destroy his life just because of me my life's truth is something which no one will be able to digest he don't deserves girl like me impure and already touch by someone he will just leave me knowing 2 years ago SOMEONE RAPED ME THAT'S WHY IT'S GOOD IF YOU KEEP ME AWAY FROM HIM DON'T LET MY HEART FALL FROM HIM PLEASE PLEASE I DON'T WANT TO GO SOMEONE'S  LIFE BECAUSE I DON'T DESERVES IT HERE EVERYONE IS VERY NICE RISHABH BHAI KARAN BHAI VIREN BHAI AND YOU KNOW EVEN I LIKE THAT SMALL BABY TOO BUT I CAN'T BE PART OF THERE LIFE PLEASE DON'T MAKE MY HEART WEAK IT'S MY HUMBLE REQUEST (she weep her tears Otherside sanskar go to his farmhouse he go toward his bar side area the words he said is frustrating him to the hell he take alcohol bottle and gulp it still nothing is working swara's face come infront of his eyes when she being so much concern for him seeing his wound how she bring turmeric milk for him immediately he gulp down one more bottle and throw it)
Sanskar - no sanskar you can't become weak remembering this all didn't you heard her she don't care about you dammit she don't she only care about herself she tell you for humanity shake because she thought you beat your clients just for humanity shake she don't have any soft corner or feelings for you she is near you just for 28 days because it's already 3 days pass then she will go her way and you will your way leaving her she can't make you weak and your heart too you don't have anyone or you will not give anyone place in your heart because it can't melt for someone otherwise you know what happened how people play with it so stay away from her yes i will stay away from her i will not go near her (he get up stumble bit but balance himself close the farmhouse door and go from there back to home he see rishabh viren and karan in hall who has come back from office they look toward sanskar who avoid eye contact with them what about to go directly at his room stop hearing rishabh who called him)
Rishabh - sanskar i want to talk with you come here right now and don't try to runaway from this topic let's talk about something important (sanskar fist his hand close his eyes take long deep breath and go toward rishabh viren and karan) what more your planning to do now regarding to your wife tell me that after whatever happened today your still gonna continue your stupid revenge
Sanskar - that's my headache not yours or anyone eles i don't understand why you guys are so much concern for her she herself choose her life in this way so let me do whatever i want
Viren - there is one limit sanskar for something she is not part of this all stupid revenge of yours and she can't be even here so it's better if you now let her go and after 1 month later send her DIVORCE PAPERS TO SIGN (sanskar fist his hand tightly hearing divorce this  word pinch his heart very worst way. Rishabh noticed sanskar's fist which getting more tighter with every second) JUST LET HER GO MAN SHE IS TOO INNOCENT TO COME IN OUR WORLD TO COME IN YOUR WORLD (sanskar look toward viren hearing him who also look toward him)
Sanskar - when you and rishi bhai didn't think about this then why your forcing me think about this when it's just matter of 1 month not lifetime even karan is getting married you give him this advice i didn't bringing anyone in my life you trio think about this i know very well what i am doing (he go from there viren look toward rishabh who was looking toward sanskar goingly upstair toward his room)
Viren - bhai what your looking why didn't your saying anything to sanskar his anger his revenge isn't stopping he still in his revenge mode
Rishabh - HE WILL NOT LEAVE HER EVEN AFTER 1 MONTH (Karan and viren look toward rishabh hearing him who was looking toward that way where sanskar go) HE IS FALLING FOR HER HIS HEART START BEATING FOR HER AND IF SHE IS GOING TO CHANGE OUR SANSKAR THEN NOW LET HIM DO WHATEVER HE WANT TO DO SOON HE HIMSELF STOP HIS REVENGE AND ASK FORGIVENESS FROM HER NOW LET'S NOT TALK ABOUT THIS MATTER LEAVE IT ON HIM ITSELF SOON HE WILL END THIS (rishabh go from there viren and karan look toward him goingly then toward each other whatever rishabh said it's something which is not possible because they know sanskar who will really not fall for anyone but if anyone tell new wonder is found they will trust at this thing but the heartless sanskar maheswari' will fall for someone it's impossible to next for them if still rishi is saying then may be it can possible because he know sanskar more than them he can read sanskar closing his eyes without even looking toward sanskar they sign hevaily and go to there respective room)

PRECAPE - sanskar try to hurt swara in every possible way but unble to do that he try to stay away from swara due to his feelings which is growing for swara will he stop himself from falling in love with swara 😳😢😳😳😢😳😢😳😢😳😢😳😢😳😢😳😢😳😢😳😢😳💖🤗💖🤗💖🤗💖🤗💖🤗💖🤗💖🤗💖🤗💖🤗🤗💖🤗💖😭💖😭💖😭💖😭😭💖😭💖😭💖💖🤗💖🤗💖🤗💖🤗💖🤗💖🤗💖💖🤗🤗

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