All Gone To Shit

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Yuri has a dark black balaclava on, wearing a dark black gortex tracksuit on. Her gloves grab ahold of my arm and she quickly pulls us out of the room, into the hallway.

Yuri: 'Darling I've yearned to see your face! But at last, here we are!'

Y/n: 'You are the last person I would want to see right now.'

Yuri: 'Come on Y/n?! Are you not satisfied spending time with a very attractive woman whom is madly in love with you?'

Y/n: 'You know what, just do what you want to do-'

Yuri: 'Let's spend some time at the festival!'

Y/n: 'It's 7am though-'

Yuri: 'Well, we can always spend a little time with Sayori. Here, I'll show you my place so follow me darling!'

Out of fear that she might hurt Sayori if I don't tag along, I just go with Yuri. She takes her balaclava off when we reach the front, revealing her messy purple hair. It seems like she didn't spend time with putting on her hair bands. Once we're outside, she's constantly grabbing me too. It's like she wants to keep me tight to not run off while also wanting to touch me in a affectionate way. She keeps running her fingers all around the places that she's gripped hard on. Eventually we make it to Yuri's home. She fishes for her keys, then opens the door.

Yuri: 'So Y/n, my new friend has paid me a visit in this very room, so I'll not dilly-dally any longer and just get to her.'

Yuri guides me through her home, passing through the living room and I take a quick moment to observe my surroundings. I notice a massive bookshelf that spans through the whole wall; from the corner to the end, at the side of the living room. There's also a black sofa with a clean coffee table in front. There appears to also be a book and some cups laid on top of it. I wished to observe more of her living room, but she doesn't waste time getting to the room. We then pass through the kitchen and that's when I saw her family photo. Both of her parents have beautiful, silky purple hair and Yuri looks like a young little kid. Around the age of 6 or 7. She illuminates a massive smile and just looks... normal. She doesn't look shy or timid; she doesn't look depressed or insane; she's just a regular old kid. Yuri seems to neglect everything and just continues on to the room.

Y/n: 'A-Are we there yet?'

Yuri: 'Yes, actually.'

We make it to the back corridor of her home, and a door is present from behind a long thick wall that would normally seperate the stairs from downstairs. This must be a basement then. She uses her key again on the door, and opens it to complete darkness.

Yuri: 'Come on Y/n, I bet she's dying to see you!'

Y/n: 'It's so dark though, where is the light switch?!'

Yuri kindly flips the light switch, but maybe that wasn't the best idea. I couldn't really believe it with my own eyes. I just stood there, jaw dropped yet soundless. It's Sayori. She's tied to a chair with cuts all over her face. Her hair's very messy, and dirt's scattered all over her clothes. She even has tape stuck onto her mouth just like Natsuki.

Yuri: 'Now- bitch, tell me...'

Yuri takes off the tape.

Yuri: '...what do you even see in Y/n? Can't you see he's mine?'

Sayori: 'I only see him as a friend please just let me go... (sob)'

Sayori's stuck between crying in pain and in rage. When I wanted to approach her, I notice Yuri raise her arm up in a flash.


Yuri: 'BULLSHIT! I know very well that you've harboured feelings for him. I read that little diary of yours, Sayori. Actually, hey Y/n!'

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