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After a long reading session with Yuri, she informs me that she needs to urgently use the restroom. After she leaves the clubroom, I spot Sayori walking up to me.

Y/n: 'S-Sayori don't!'

Sayori: I'll make it quick okay...

She stares down at the ground.

Sayori: 'All I'm playing is an act. We all are. Because we'll save you out of this Y/n!'

She stares back at me with fire in her eyes.

Sayori: 'Stay strong for a little longer. I'm... We're sorry.'

Y/n: '(Chuckle) Oh Sayori, why does the victim always get the "I'm sorry's", when they do nothing wrong?'

Sayori smiled back,

Sayori: 'Sorry.'

She lends me a hug, then departs immediately after. A minute later my Future Wife Yuri appears and I'm stuck reading with her again. Monika skips poem sharing for today, and we're out of the club in no time.

Natsuki: Geez Yuri, give your friend some space to-


Yuri grabs Natsuki's head and slams it with great force onto one of the nearby desks

Yuri: Geez Natsuki, looks like you need a nurse

The air feels louder and heavier in the room now. A cold breeze breaks me out of my trance as I see Natsuki knocked out on the floor, I immediately went up to her and checked her pulse, still beating

Yuri: Please, use sanitizer after touching dirt

"Dirt" huh?
Yuri hands me a bottle of hand sanitizer, my hands shake while I attempt to grab it. Once in my reach, I use it througholy

Yuri: Let's get back home, I'll make you some food!

She takes my hand and I get dragged once again. I hope Nat recovers soon... I miss her


Y/n: Y'know I'd appreciate if you can disinfect the "YURI" on my arm, Yuri

Yuri: Disinfecting my mark on your arm wouldn't keep the scars. I promise you'll get better soon!

Y/n: How long will it last?

Yuri: 3 weeks with that size of cut, is it bothering you that much darling?

Y/n: Y-yeah

Yuri: You're weak inside, I'll sort that out soon...

Y/n: Yeah, I'm not mentally ill. I'll pass on your offer of being like you

Yuri: You're just like my parents! Spewing lies like 'Mentally ill' and 'Dangerous', you think I was always this fierce and intimidating?!

Y/n: Hey, I'll just dip and go to the washroom ok?

Yuri: For hurting my feelings, I'll hurt your bladder by not allowing you

Ouch that hurt
Yuri goes ahead and brings me back into her room. She consistantly made threats that if I didn't go, she'd go to 'drastic measures' to keep me inside. My bladder is dying at the moment and I feel like sobbing heavily, this like a teacher forcing a student to "Boo hoo, don't drink in school like JAIL!" I'm bounded again and for a few hours, all she has done is be a clingy bitch and even got a chess board out.

She got a chair and placed it on her desk, then untied my left hand and tied it back again on the chair, carefully making sure the rope isn't hitting my cuts. This time she even tied my legs too, the rope is really going to leave a mark from how tight she's wrapped them. She sets the chess board on top of the desk and sits on the other side of the desk

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