A Happy Marriage

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Y/n's POV

It's been only around a few years since my soulmate and I settled for one another. Whenever we have jobs, we cry in agony without one another, wondering why we cannot find a well-paying that involves just the two of us. In the end, we settle with the luxury of comfort inside home

Yuri: Do you want tea with added flavour?

Y/n: Yes please!

I may sound egocentric but, why do I feel bad for everyone who doesn't have a love? I mean, just look at our gremlin in the basement. She was such a one-sided girl, "Me me me, screw you" type

After sipping my tea and tasting the familiar iron nutrients, I remind Yuri that our wedding will be taking place next week! Instead of naming my soulmate just as a "girlfriend", she'll be my wife. Marriage, one of the best moments in your whole life that you patiently wait for an eternity. It's a shame that so many poor souls get matched with ignorant playboys and sluts that abuse the magnificent system for selfish gain. What's your reward for being selfish?

Yuri: Dear, let's begin reading to set the mood together

My answer will wait

Y/n: Agreed!


Yuri: You may now kiss the bride

She imitates the priest. I chuckle quietly as our hands shake like somebody possessing us. The priest arrives and our eyes must have hearts on them, as we are finally getting engaged legally! This reminds me of the time we first carved our initials together, one of the best moments of my life and now, perhaps a bigger moment can arise!
Once the priest actually allows us to kiss, we both cry, almost in sync!
After we're done, we had a wonderful party to celebrate with our beloved friends that we've met throughout the past 5 years. To be blunt, I wouldn't call them "friends", rather, I'd call them coworkers because that's all they'll ever be

Sayori's POV

Y/n, you did it. You got married. I can't tell if I'm jealous, glad, or even happy for you. If I even try to contact you, your wife would search endlessly to hunt me down, so I keep my questions to myself.

I stop spying on the two lovebirds and skip back home. In the end, I guess I wasn't a failure to life. People failed me.

Mom: Welcome home, Sayori!

Sayori: Heya!

Mom's been living back here for about two years, and it's been a blast! Not to mention my new friend group has been so supportive to me and we all share so much in common! I still hide my burden however. I hide my past friends to them. I guess I kinda gained the habit of keeping to myself that it just sorta, sticks. Monika and Natsuki, I believe you two found peace in heaven forever and ever and will cheer me on as the sole survivor to... well, to tell the tale.

Y/n's POV

Me and my beloved are about to set foot into a wonderful honeymoon but there is one issue, the goblin. We've already ripped away every way she could possibly move. Her dull, flimsy feet weren't too hard to snap in a multitude of ways. A fun fact actually, is we have to wear masks now because she smells that atrocious!

Back to my issue, she can still crawl, and severing her hands could possibly end her life. Think about it, how else can she even eat food and drink unless she does it? Wait, she would rather starve herself to death, wouldn't she? No legs, no hope. It makes sense to just give up on life

Yuri: Can we hire a zookeeper?

I chuckle

Y/n: Sorry my love, I don't think those services exist. How about we buy some gates to keep our pet from getting "hurt"?

She chuckled back

Yuri: Wonderful idea!

Not long after we set up our defences and the gremlin shouldn't be able to escape from her little dungeon, me and Yuri packed everything we possibly needed in order to live in a wonderful tropical paradise somewhere out in this world. I hope the rodent eats like she's supposed to


Yuri: My Y/n, did you know I have written many, many diaries since the day I met you? Every. Single. Day?

I blush heavily

Y/n: That's incredibly endearing, honey

I reach out for her hand and we stick them together. We stare outside of our window, into the beach and far off into the horizon. I'm glad I met you Yuri, my dear angel.

Forever and ever, I need you Darling.

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