One - A New Beginning

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Author's Note

Hi! Thank you so much for taking the time to read this story! 

Really quick author's note and points I want to make-- 
One - Each new chapter will be released weekly because I'm a very slow writer :)
Two - This story is based on the DreamSMP and will have many characters from the SMP. 
Three - These are not fully accurate representations of the characters and they should not be treated as such. 
Four - Please do not send any sort of hate to anyone on the DreamSMP, as they are real people with real feelings. 
Five - I hope you enjoy this story, have an amazing day, even if you don't like it. 


Chapter One: A New Beginning

Dream XD walks around, putting his tools away after creating, what he considers to be, his greatest creation. His creation, a human-like being. Created out of a mixture of a person -one who nobody realized was gone- and a demon -taken straight from the inner workings of Limbo.

He called it, Ångêlïc Dêmøn, after the human he took from the surface of the server. Dream XD lifts the table, allowing the being to nearly stand up. It opens its eyes, causing Dream XD to cheer himself in success. Ångêlïc Dêmøn looks around scanning every object before stopping on Dream XD.

"Ångêlïc Dêmøn. I am Dream XD, your creator. Do you understand what I am saying?" Dream XD says sternly, watching Ångêlïc Dêmøn's facial expressions.

She blinks, staying silent before taking a sharp breath in, "I do, but, Dream XD, you are not my only creator. I am still partly human." Her words cause Dream XD to scoff, "I do need to know though, is it normal to have overlapping memories and to be able to remember dead people's Limbo? Because this is really fucking with me right now."

"For you, yes. For everyone else, no. You will be sent down to the server soon, but you have to act normal. You cannot let anyone know about it or they will turn on you. Understood?"


Dream XD nods and watches as Ångêlïc Dêmøn stands up and moves around the area. She stands at the edge of the area, and she stares over the edge, watching everything below.

"When can I go back?" Ångêlïc Dêmøn says after a moment.

Dream XD opens his mouth, but pauses, thinking for a moment. He looks back to Ångêlïc Dêmøn, "When do you want to go back?"

She shakes her head, "I don't know. I would love to go back as soon as possible, but I fear not knowing where to go, or who to talk to, I guess. I wasn't exactly close to anyone when you propositioned me with the experiment."

"You were one of the only people who wasn't known by most of the server. But, about your worries, you'll learn. You'll know. I can send you back in a short amount of time if you're ready."

"What if I get hurt? Or die? What happens to me then?"

"I revive you." Dream XD states simply.

"Okay then, I guess I'm ready to go."

"Alright, follow me then."

She follows him into a new area marveling at the sight.

***Ångêlïc Dêmøn's pov***

Dream XD leads me into the largest room of the palace-like area. He opens a door, revealing a portal. My jaw drops, the room is gorgeous, with ceilings that seem to go up to the stars. The pillars around the room reach up to the ceiling.

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