Two - A Wanderer Wanders...

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Author's Note

I am so so so so sorry. I completely forgot to add a second chapter these last few days. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter, it's not great, but it will help move the story along in the long run. 



Chapter Two: A Wanderer Wanders...

I stroll the streets, trudging through the dirt and snow on the way. I see Wilbur, chopping down a tree and collecting the wood and branches falling from the heights of the tree. He takes a long drawl of the cigarette in his mouth, returning to the tree in front of him. With each swing of the ax, more and more chips of wood flew towards him.

"Wilbur! How's it going, king?" I say, trying to sound as cheery as possible.

"Oh, hey, Dêmøn! It's going great," Wilbur pauses, looking around slightly, "What are you doing here?"

I pause, trying to figure out how to tell him I basically just lost any possibility of Tommy trusting me, "I- well, I kind of, sort of, may have been caught in an accidental-ish lie by Tommy, and he may or may not hate me right now." I say slowly, trying to justify myself, unable to rationalize the lies.

"You what?" Wilbur said, stopping his actions.


"I heard what you said Dêmøn. What do you mean you lied to Tommy? What did you lie to him about?" Wilbur says sternly, pointing the cigarette at me defensively.

I blink, taking a small step back before taking a deep breath in, "I didn't technically lie to Tommy. More like I didn't tell him information I didn't think was necessary for him to know." I say slowly, flipping my rings between my fingers.

Wilbur clenches his jaw, crushing the cigarette under his boot, "That's not answering my question." He says, pulling his coat back over himself. I sigh, pushing the rings back onto my fingers, staying silent, "Dêmøn. Answer the question."

"Why should it matter, Wilbur? I lie. It's what I do. How do you expect me not to lie to someone who I barely even know? Hell, I even lied to you, Wilbur. It's not important." I say, still attempting to justify my lies.

"It matters because you're lying to someone who doesn't deserve to be lied to. Especially not about simple things, Dêmøn."


"Dêmøn, you don't understand. Tommy has been through a lot," Wilbur says, taking a step closer, "And he's only recently started trusting me again. You cannot mess this up for me." Wilbur says sternly.

"Wilbur I know, I-" We both turn when we hear a shout from a distance.

"Wilbur! Wilbur! Wilbur! You're back!" Tommy shouts, slowing his words when he sees Wilbur standing in front of me, Wilbur's hands still curled into fists, "What the fuck is she doing here?"

"She was just leaving." Wilbur says, staring at me in anger, "Right, Dêmøn?"

"I wasn't, but I'll let you guys catch up. Wilbur, we will be continuing this conversation." I say, stepping away from them, "Oh, and Tommy? You really need to get your shit under control." With that, I walk away, pulling my hands into my pockets.

***Tommy's pov***

I watch as Dêmøn walks away, waiting until she is far enough away for me to talk to Wilbur so she doesn't hear.

"Wilbur, what the fuck was that?" I say, pointing toward the direction Dêmøn walked in. Wilbur merely shrugs his shoulders, pulling the chopped wood into a makeshift rucksack. "Hello? Wilbur? Are you going to tell me what that was?"

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