Four - And a Fighter Fights

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Author's Note

Hello!!! It's me again... I hope you enjoy this chapter, it is pretty boring, I must admit.

To summarize this quickly, this is a continuation of the flashback from the prior chapter, and it sets up the basic premise of the next chapter. 



Chapter Four: And A Fighter Fights

**Please remember this is a continuation of the flashback from the previous chapter**

"Hmm?" Phil says, looking at something behind me.

I pause for a moment, simply thinking, "Tommy!" Someone says behind us after a moment.

"Oh hey, Tubbo!" Tommy shouts back, walking over to the boy.

The two wave goodbye as they walk away, leaving Phil, the brown-haired boy, and me in L'manberg, "What wasn't a hallucination, Dêmøn?" Phil says, watching me intently.

I cross my arms, staying silent for a moment before replying, "I saw him."

Phil raises his brows, leaning back in shock, "Him? As in Dream XD?"

I nod, "Yeah. Yeah, I did."

"Well, did you talk to him?"


"What did he want?"

I sigh, shaking my head slightly, "To tell me that I have the opportunity to be a part of an experiment, or- I don't know. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel about it yet. I kind of feel like I don't have a choice, considering he's pretty much God. You know?"

"Not really, but it's up to you. I don't think I'd personally go through with it if it were my choice. But, it's your choice. Just be sure you choose the right option, okay?"

I nod my head, "Oh, yeah, can you not tell anyone about this, either? Please?"


"I just don't think it's a good idea, all things considered."

"So you just want me to let you disappear and not answer any questions as to where you went?"

"For now, yes. Once everything is over and I come back, I'll answer the questions, okay?"

"I can't promise that I won't tell anyone, but I'll make sure it doesn't get too far out there."


"Okay, okay. Your secret's safe with me."

I thank Phil for his help and leave, returning to the docks, but not getting on my boat. "What do I do here? I should do it. Should I? No turning back, I have to do it. Ugh! Make up your mind!" I fight with myself, crossing my arms and watching the water.

"Dêmøn? What are you doing here?" I hear a male voice behind me.

I turn around quickly, seeing the brown-haired boy from earlier at the other side of the dock, "Oh, hey, sorry, just thinking. I'll get out of your way." I say, walking away from the chest beside me.

He walks forward, opening the chest and grabbing a fishing rod, "Phil just wanted to show me something and we need a fishing rod." He turns around, pausing, "But are you okay?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2022 ⏰

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