4 Levi

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I ride all day, stopping a few times to eat and let my horse rest. I start to recognize my surroundings at about mid-afternoon and come into a clearing. In the middle of a big meadow is a house. There's a barn next to it. My horse walks closer to the house and the door opens. The woman turns as if talking to someone inside, then starts walking toward me. We meet and she speaks.

"Hello, Levi. This is a surprise. How are you?"

"I'm well. And you?"

"The same. Are you staying for long?"

"A few days."

"Alright then. You can put the horse in the barn and come inside. Someone is waiting for you." She turns and I direct the horse toward the barn.

I leave him there and remove the maneuver gear. I set it in a corner and walk to the house. I sit at a table and she turns to me.

"Tea?" she asks.

"Yes, thank you," I reply.

She pours tea into two cups on the table and sits down. "I heard about Petra." Her eyes still shine with tears. She's Petra's aunt.

I nod.

"How have you been?"

"Everything's been good. A little quieter, but that's normal returning from an expedition."

"I asked about you."

I know. "I was sad at first, but I'm better now. I still miss her, but I'm glad she died a brave death, defending something."

"If you don't mind, how did she die?"

"Everyone had been ordered to go back. Some thought we had failed while others thought we had been successful. My squad was heading back, but Commander Erwin told me to stay behind to get more gas and more blades. I wanted to go find them, but he told me not to. Jaeger told me they thought Annie was me. It wasn't until she killed one of them that they realized it definitely wasn't me. But then it was too late. She transformed and killed them all, one by one. Petra was hit and landed facing a tree. Her head was tilted back." Her unseeing eyes met mine as I saw her for the first time, dead.

"I'm sorry." A tear rolls down her cheek. She wipes it away. "Is she the reason you came here?"

"No." I pause as she wipes the tear away. "I need your advice."

"What about?"

"Commander Erwin wants me to construct another Special Ops Squad."

"Do you know who you want in it?"

"I need one more person."

"Who do you have?"

"Jeager, Ackerman, Arlert, and Kerstein."

"Would you rather the final one be a girl or a boy?"

"Either. I haven't decided."

"Do you have anyone in mind?"


"Well, I don't know anyone, so you'll have to tell me about some of your options."


"But first," she holds up a hand. "Someone wants to meet you." She pushes her chair back and stands. She opens the door to the next room. "Little One, someone wants to meet you now. She backs away from the door and a little boy about two years old hugs her leg.

I stand and walk around the table to see him better. His hair is black and his eyes are light brown. He hides his face behind her legs when I meet his eyes.

"Little One, go say hello to the Captain."

He looks out and whispers, "Hello."

I crouch so one of my knees is touching the floor. "Hello."

"Maybe if you smiled," she suggests.

I turn the corners of my lips up and look him in the eyes. He starts to come out from behind her. I hold out my hand for a handshake because I don't know what else to do. He puts his left hand in mine.

"I've been calling him Little One and Little Boy and Tiny, but he's getting bigger. He needs a name."

"He'll be named after his mother," I decide. "His name is Petr Rale Ackerman."

Isn't Petr adorable!!!!!

Petr is pronounced JUST like Peter, but with an "eh" sound instead of an "ee" sound. Pee-tur, Peh-tur.

But he's so cute!!!!! XD XD XD XD XD XD

And in case you didn't realize, Petr Rale Ackerman is Petra Ral and Levi Ackerman's son.

Levi smiled for Petr!!!!!!!! XD

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