6 Ecyn

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I practically wake up to the words telling me Captain Levi is back. I don't know whether to feel relieved or disappointed. I liked training with Briine and an instructor that is less strict, but Captain Levi is more skilled than Captain Zebbo.

I stand and get dressed. I can barely concentrate on my actions because I'm so tired, but I'll wake up eventually. I walk outside and the cold hits me like a wall. I consider going back inside to get my cloak but I don't want to be late for breakfast. It will probably be warmer afterwards anyway.


But it isn't warmer after breakfast. If anything, it's colder. Dren sees me shivering.

"Are you cold? Here have my cloak." He starts to take it off.

"No. No, don't. You'll be cold."

"No I won't. I'm not even cold right now."

"No-" I protest, but he already has it off and is handing it to me. I accept it and put it on. It's extremely warm.

"See? I'm not cold at all." He smiles, reassuring me.

We walk to the stables together and I feel guilty for keeping his cloak, but it's really warm.

I see Captain Levi waiting for me and walk up to him. He goes into the stables without saying a word and barely recognizing my presence. I follow him and we get our horses along with most of the other pairs. We get some maneuver gear and then ride in a different direction than usual. Clouds cover the sky in a cold grey blanket but the cloak keeps me reasonably warm. Captain Levi is wearing his as well.

He jumps off the horse and I am quick to follow. He stops only a few feet from the ground though. He faces me.

"You need a new cloak. Yours is much too big."

"It is, sir?" I ask.

"When it's too long, it gets in the way of the cables. Take it off."

I'm about to explain that it's not mine, but that wouldn't do anything productive so I do as he says. The cold hits me again and I shiver. I crumple the cloak into a ball and am about to lower myself to put it on my horse.

I don't even realize what's happening until the captain is holding his cloak out to me.

I stare at it, surprised.

"Are you going to take it?" He practically snaps.

I stutter a little before accepting it and placing the crumpled one in his waiting hand. I twirl it around my head and fasten the clasp at my neck. It fits me well. I watch as his skilled hands fold Dren's cloak so quickly and so perfectly it's almost unbelievable. He places it in my saddlebag.

"Be sure to get a new one," he orders. "And don't get mine dirty."

"Yes, sir. And thank you."

He doesn't say "You're welcome," or anything for that matter, just ascends higher into the trees. I follow him.

"I want you to remember every single thing I taught you. Every maneuver, every instruction, every order."

I nod and try to bring all the knowlege he's taught me to the surface of my mind.

"Now I want you to forget it all."

I look at him, confused.

"Stop trying to remember maneuvers and words. They won't help you at all. They'll just slow you down. Speed is absolutely everything. Let your instinct take over your body."

What instinct? Doesn't instinct with this only come after years and years of constant practice?

"Are you forgetting it?" he asks.

"How do I forget everything, sir?" He's confusing me. I don't know what he means. If I forget everything, won't I be unable to use the maneuver gear?

"Ignore everything but the movements you carry out. Don't try to remember the name of something, or what I told you to do specifically. Remember the actual actions you do."

I think I get it. "Yes... sir. I'll try."

"Trying isn't good enough."

"Then I will, sir."

He nods at me. "Follow me." He waits a second for me to process his words before flying away faster than I can see. I follow him yet again.

He speeds through the trees, barely even using the gas. I use more gas to keep up with him. I don't want to be left alone again.

Still, I start lagging behind him. He calls to me, "Remember to forget!"

Okay, sorry. Remember to Forget is a really good Luke Hemmings fanfic by _smilelikeniall. The words popped out of my fingers and I remembered the book, so yeah.

I try to let the knowledge slip out of my mind and it works for a few seconds, but it takes more concentration than I thought.

"Stop thinking!" he yells.

Alright, I'll stop thinking. Yes, sir. Oops, I just died. That was your fault.

He turns sharply and comes to face me. I stop for him to approach me and he grabs my shoulders. I brace myself for an assult but one doesn't come. He shakes me a little. "Stop thinking about what you're going to do and just do it. Do you understand what I mean?" His words are very forceful and intense.

"Not entirely, sir."

"Stop using the voluntary part of your brain and just let the involuntary part, the automatic part, take over. You have an instinct, an intuition. Use it."

"I..." I don't know what to say.

"Use it." He releases my shouders and races away. I fly after him. I try to concentrate on the Wings of Freedom stitched onto his back, but I have to look away to see trees. I still can't do whatever he's asking. Is it even possible for anyone but him?

Awwwww. He gave her his cloak. Then he gave her his cloak and took Dren's from her. A battle of love... but does Levi love Ecyn? Ooooooooo.

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