Chapter 1 - The Bidding

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I followed that sinking feeling in my gut and it led me to an abandoned building. Beyond the door, a light shimmered and dimmed. I looked around and found an open window. I removed my bag from my shoulder and got in. I tiptoed around the room, my heels making a tapping sound that echoed throughout the room. My eyes widened at the sight. A portal?

Marinette's POV

I stood face to face with the swirling vortex of energy as it changed between purple, pink, aqua, and many other colours. And I could swear I heard whispers and someone's voice from on the other side. But soon after, I felt myself fading into the colours as my mind went blank. My body moved on its own and in seconds I was on the other side of the portal. My mind regained focus as I was now in a cave and in front of me was a hooded figure.

"My my, another catch for the day." I flinged at the voice as it sent shivers down my spine. "Who are you?" I questioned in reply while readying myself in a fighting stance. He chuckled and in a blink of an eye, he had a knife to my throat. My body grew stiff. "Ah, Ah, Ah..." And it was only then did I realize that he was a Vampire. "Lights out, human." And with that, he jabbed my neck and I fell to the ground.

I woke up and found myself in a cell underground. It was damp, dark, cold and my clothes were changed into a silk nightgown. I looked around and saw that there were many others like me. I stood up and jumped when I heard a voice behind me. "You're finally awake." I turned around and there was a brunette sitting on the floor. "How long was I out?" I asked. She sighed, "About an hour since they brought you here."

I walked over to the metal bars that contained us and looking at the other girls here made me sad and furious with those blood suckers. I sat back down next to the brunette and asked, "How long were you here?" She shrugged, "A while now. The bidding and auction are reopening tonight. Only on the weekends." My eyes widened in shock, "You haven't found a way out of here?" She looked surprised then chuckled.

"Did I say something funny?" She waved her hand, "No, no, just...You're weird." I was offended. "What do you mean I'm weird!?" She then held out her hand, cutting me off, "The name's Alya." I blinked twice then took her hand, "Marinette." She grinned, "Well Marinette, you got spunk. I like you." I smiled. Moments later our cell opened and the same hooded figure was there, only now his hood was removed.

"Come on, my darlings. The bidding is about to begin. Move it, humans!" he ordered. Just then, other men came around and unlocked the other cells dragging the females out. No! Two then entered ours and pulled us out with them. We were all led to a big, open stage and all lights were on us. "Starting us off. Anyone for 300!?" Many hands went up but then some dared to shoot higher.

As time went by more of the females were being sold and handed to the vampires. I was next. "This human girl was brought in just today a few hours ago. State your name, age." I spoke sternly while looking at the pairs of blood thirsty eyes. "No." I was not going to let myself be sold off as if I was being bought off a shelf. Gasps were heard across the room and whispers were flooding everywhere.

The same person spoke again, more like ordered, "State Your Name..-" I cut him off short before he could finish, "I said No." I said turning to him, my eyes blazing. "I am not going to be sold off just like that. I rather die then go to a stupid, ignorant, putrid, blood sucking mosquito!" Arguments and shouts were heard across the room but one voice stood out above the rest.

"5 Billion for the girl." The room fell silent as my heart dropped. I turned to see a female with glasses standing beside a boy sitting on a throne. He stood up as the two would now make their way down the flight of stairs. I glanced at the exit as I dashed for it but the same men who escorted us out stood in front of me. Alya raced up to me and now we were both cornered.

The two people made their way onto the stage and strolled up to the girls. The male smirked and grabbed my face pulling me towards him. "I'll take her. She's...a 'special' case." My eyes widened as he released me as the man yelled, "S-Sold!" The woman snapped her fingers and again in a blink of an eye two men grabbed my arms and took me with them. I looked back at Alya who narrowed her eyes.

I struggled to get out of their grip but it was no use. We reached outside the building and only then did I notice it was a run down theater. They were about to throw me in a carriage when someone crash landed onto it and it was smashed to bits. The two vamps that held me flew into the air but were slashed almost immediately. I screamed as I was on my way to the ground but a strong pair of arms caught me.

I gazed up at my supposed saviour and it was a guy. "Don't worry pixie, I got yah." he reassured. He didn't think twice before sniffing my neck and even dared to lick it. "That scent, the's delicious~" he whispered in my ear. I pushed him away, "What the Hell do you think you're doing!?" I jumped out of his arms and backed away rubbing my neck. A hand patted my hand and I turned to see another guy standing behind me.

"I'm sorry about him. He can get carried away sometimes. You're safe now, little blueberry." I raised a brow and saw that they weren't the only ones here. Three others appeared including the one that landed on the carriage. Alya exited the theater with the auctioneer in her hands as she threw him on the ground. "What is going on here?" I angrily questioned. The male that bought me clenched his fist as his eyes turned red.

"Agreste. I should've known these kidnapping reports were the workings of the vampires." We all turned to see a middle aged man come into the light. "Bruce." Agreste started, "Should've known you would've interfered with my plans. How else are we vampires supposed to thrive?" He snapped his fingers and other Vampires appeared on the scene. Oh shoot!

We were all totally surrounded. Alya ran up to me and pushed me through a portal. "Don't worry, stay there, you'll be safe." And with that the portal closed. I got up and I found myself in a room. It was nice, but dark. I searched the room for a light switch and I found one. I turned it on and the room lit up. It was gorgeous. I looked around and there was a bathroom, a walk-in closet, an enormous king size bed, a fireplace with a lounge and much more.

It was beautiful. I laid down on the couch that was in front of the fireplace and relaxed. With everything that happened today I surely needed to rest my head. The more I relaxed, the more I felt myself dozing off, and not long after, I fell asleep.


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