Chapter 2 - The Lycanthrope Realm

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Damian's POV
*(Bold - Damian's Inner Wolf)*

That battle was torture. The Agreste child just barely managed to escape thanks to his father's secretary. *groans* Dammit! I turned to look at the wound on my right arm. We all teleported back to the Palace as I would teleport back to my room and strip off my shirt.  I walked up to my sofa but saw the same human girl we saved before sleeping on it. Damn you, Cesaire!

Not only that, the air was filled with an intoxicating scent. It made my inner wolf and lycan scream. I searched my room only for it to lead straight back to the girl. I knelt down beside her as she slept soundly. I sniffed her and my senses began to flood and before I knew it, I had transformed into a wolf. But I wasn't in control of my body any longer.

What the Hell do you think you're doing?

That's delicious. This girl is special.

That doesn't give you the right to take over. Settle down.

Not after a little taste~

I made my way over to her and gently pushed my way between her arms that blocked her face. Before my wolf could even get a taste, she screamed and fell off the sofa and began to back away. I pounced and pinned her to the ground as my face found its way to her neck and began to lick her and she squirmed beneath me. Exquisite. Devine. My wolf continued until there was a throbbing in my arm.

I whined as I got off her and I was finally able to transform back. Sh*t, My arm! She slowly got up and ran off. As expected, though, I didn't care. But moments later she came running back with medical supplies. "What the hell do you think you're doing, girl?" She didn't answer but spoke, "Remove your hand so I can take a look at that injury." She wants to help me after what just happened..

I told you she was special.

Shut it You!

I moved my hand that covered my arm and cleaned it up with a damp, warm towel. I winced in pain and she rolled her eyes, "Stop acting like a pup..." How dare she! Does she even know who I am? She took out the roll of bandages and wrapped it around my wound. "I would suggest you don't transform. I heard an injured animal is at its weakest when wounded." She got up and left me to go back to the bathroom.

I sat there leaning up against my sofa when Father and Alfred entered and saw my wound already patched up. "You did that yourself?" I sighed, "No..the human girl did.." I stood up and we all turned to see her with her arms folded, "Well this 'human girl' has a name." She glared at me and I scoffed back at her as I left the room. Why the hell did Cesaire have to put her in my chambers!?

I made my way over to the mansion behind the Palace and stormed in. "Cesaire! Show Yourself!" She yawned as she made her way down the steps with Lahiffe not so far behind. "You called, your highness.." "Why the hell did you put that human girl in my chambers!?" She grinned with a shrug. I grit my teeth as Lahiffe turned to me. "Why in the world are you half naked, dude?"

I growled and left, "From tomorrow, that human will be staying here, NOT in the Palace! Do I make myself clear!?" They nodded as I shut the door behind me. Tt, they all give me a rash... I re-entered the Palace and made my way back to my chambers to get changed. A knock came at my door and Alfred came in. "Master, Your Father would like to see you immediately." I sighed and followed him to the living area.

I grit my teeth upon seeing that girl and she reciprocated with a glare. "Boys, This is Marinette and she, as we all already know, is a human. She was willing enough to give me a little information about herself. She was born and raised in Paris by her Guardian after her parents had passed. She, along with all those other females and those we managed to save, were drawn in by the light and hypnotic features of the portal."

I sat down on the chair farthest away from her and narrowed my eyes. "Well, what do you suppose we do, Bruce?" Drake asked. Todd got up and sat next to her as he picked her up and placed her in his lap and hugged her close, "I suggest we keep her. There's always room for her in my quarters. *grins*" She arched her lip in disgust. "Jay, let her go. She looks really uncomfortable.."

She pushed him away and instead sat in the chair next to Father. "With all do respect, you all know more about me than I know about you. Care to give me an introduction?" Father nodded, "I'm Bruce Wayne and I'm the King or rather Alpha of the Lycanthrope Realm. This is my first Dick Grayson, my second Jason Todd, my third Timothy Drake and final Damian Wayne. My gratitude for patching him up before we did."

"So...only the rude kid is your biological son.." Father nodded while I rolled my eyes. She got up and bowed to us.

Finally some respect.

She has more than you.

Tt... "I'm grateful for your hospitality so far but I must really be getting back to Earth. My guardian must be getting worried about me. I have a life over there and I really need to return." We all exchanged glances, "I say we should let her go." Todd marched up to me. "We can't let her go back with the vampires, most of all the Prince, going after her like that. It's too dangerous!" I got up from my seat and countered, "Well, now she knows what not to do. She'll be fine."

"You two look like growling pomeranians..."

We both glanced at the girl and Drake and Grayson were laughing at her comment. Father then got up from his seat and said, "Marinette, until we can assure your safety, I'd like for you to remain here. We have a mansion to the back of the Palace. Alfred is clearing out a room for your stay as we speak. Until the time comes when you can safely return to Earth, we ask that you put up with this arrangement till then."

She stared at him then sighed and held out her hand, "Since there are no contract papers at the moment, we'll shake on it. We have a deal, Mr. Wayne." He shook her hand and two of our maids escorted her to the mansion. "These maids will be at your service during your stay." She nodded and she was gone. Todd fell back in his chair and spoke, "Now, about her scent, I can't be the only one that craves her."

"You are right, she does have a delectable fragrance." Drake chimed in. "What do you think about this, Bruce?" Grayson queried. He looked away, "I'll ask the priestess to look into it. But for now, get some rest." And with that he left and so did I. I flopped back in my bed and glanced at my arm.


Someone's craving a little snack.

Don't be ridiculous. I'm just fine. I should be saying that to you. And that little display, don't ever do that again.

Jealous, because you want to do it to her in your own body? Even you were lusting for her.

Tt, No I don't and No I wasn't!

*chuckles* You say that now, but I know what you felt.
*serious* But to be frank, that scent was no ordinary scent. It even caught the attention of the Vampire Prince.

Indeed. I'm going to need to be mindful around that girl from now on.


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