Chapter 14 - Awakening (Part 1)

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Damian's POV

Tt, It's always me getting dragged out after this girl. Father was literally doing nothing! Only chatting with a mere female devil. I arrived outside the ball and saw her sitting on the bridge with the two kwamis from before. I sighed and took my time crossing the bridge. "Plagg, you're not done with that cheese yet!?" She yelled at the black one, "I had a second one in case I was hungry after the first."

She looked so pissed and so did the other kwami with her. "So why did you run away from the Ball? Were you not enjoying yourself?" The spotted red one asked. I stopped as Marinette turned to look at her feet. "It was going great until the blonde look-alikes asked me to dance. I only did it because...I didn't want to embarrass the Waynes." I was shocked. What did she mean?

"Embarrass those puppies, How so?" the black one queried. She faintly smiled, "I don't know. Since I was spending so much time with them, not to mention the past incidents, I didn't want any shame to coe to their Kingdom. And I think up till now almost everyone knows that I'm a Grimm. If I had done something out of line again or even spoken a word, they would've turned it back to the Waynes." she finished.

She pushed herself to dance with those two After they sexually harrassed and assaulted her, Why would she? "But Marinette, you know they don't feel that way or else they wouldn't have saved you time after time again without thinking of the consequences. That's just who they are." She exhaled, "Well, even so, I still didn't get that perfect dance..." She really drives me crazy..and that look on her face.. *sighs*

I walked up to her as she immediately looked up. I held out my hand and she looked at me confused. "You wanted a dance, then let's dance." She looked at me in disbelief and we stared at each other. And just like out of a fairytale, the moon came out of hiding and shon down on us both. I now see how beautiful her eyes are under the moonlight, they sparkle as her hair shines.

She took my hand and I helped her off the bench. I positioned my hand on her back and she rested hers on my shoulder. I started and she followed and she never deterred her gaze from mine. But this didn't feel awkward at all, it just felt...right. "Thank you for dancing with me, Damian." I grinned, "You wanted a 'perfect' dance. Let's hope your standards aren't too high and you were hoping for someone else."

I was joking but she took it seriously and she pouted. "Damian Wayne, you need to work on your jokes. I might actually take them seriously. Aside from that, this right here, right now, is perfect." She smiled and I felt my cheek heat up. I smiled back, "Yeah.." I frowned as I felt that sinking feeling in my gut as if we were being watched.

Damian: Would you all stop staring! It's throwing me off.

Jason: Oh no, looks like we were caught guys.

Alya: Aww, I didn't know you were charming Damian. *smirks*

Dick: The two of you look so cute together, Lil'D.

Tim: You make a really good pair, demon.

Damian: Tt, Leave before I cut all of your throats when we go back home!

Nino: Alright dudes, let's give them some privacy.

Idiots! They're all...idiots... "Damian, are you okay? You seem out of it." I nodded and glanced back at the window to see they were gone. I sighed in relief and stopped. "Maybe we should get back inside before the Ball ends. You'll want to enjoy it while it lasts." She nodded and called the two kwamis she had with her. The black cat was called Plagg, while the ladybug was called Tikki. Cute names.

When we arrived back inside, I saw Father, Lady Amelie, King Gabriel and Priestess Marianne in a circle with Queen Titania trying to intervene. "You can't have her!" Father yelled. I turned to Marinette who gripped onto her arms, "Something doesn't feel right.. T-The guests are all on the higher floor of the building while the hall is filled with devils and vampires but little werewolves compared to the amount on the higher floors."

She was trembling, "S-Something doesn't fe-eel right.. Where's Agreste and his cousin?" she finished. I scanned the room and she was right, everyone was backing away and distancing themselves from us, all except Cesaire and her friends along with Agreste's two number 1s and us. I stomped up to Father to see what the situation was about and I was left speechless along with my brothers. A...Royal Sign-Off...

Marinette's POV

I didn't know what was going on but what I do know is that something bad was going to happen. But right now the boys looked peeved about something and Damian looked like he wanted to explode. Alya and Nino, along with the others ran up to me and Alya began pulling me by my hand. "Mari, we need to go back now. Our friends will cover us." I was confused to the highest degree, and my mind dazed and blurred in and out.

Then, on reflex, I pulled Alya back to me and the dagger that was aimed at her, missed by an inch. It stuck into the wall and the liquid it contained started eating away at the wall as if it were acid. We turned to see Felix with a handful of similar daggers and Adrien with his staff. They jumped from the second floor banister and my mind just snapped. I dashed back to Queen Titania in seconds and pulled her away from the circle.

I knew just then what they were planning to do. The guests were all being mind controlled as I spotted the faintest blue light from the shadows. If they managed to have gotten Alya, that would've distracted us a bit for them to move onto the Queen and do either one of two things. 1. Use her as a hostage to get to me..or 2...Massacre her, King Bruce, Priestess Marianne and if necessary, the guests and still try to get to me.

"I'm sorry for grabbing you, Your Highness, without permission. We need to protect the Queen and Mr. Wayne at all costs!" I instructed. Mr. Wayne and the boys backed away from the circle as miss Marianne teleported away with mister Fu who was within the crowd. Alya and the others surrounded the Queen and me As the four grew closer. Dammit! We're up against four nobles plus their guards and here we are.

First things first, the Queen's safety. Second, and not that it matters to me but everyone will try to protect me. But that shouldn't be the case, it should be a matter of saving the guests and getting them out of range of the mind control. We only have a few devils on board and the Waynes who can teleport at will but I'm not even sure on the whole. They obviously planned this in advance have we. I have been training as well.

But it will all be decided...after one of us makes the first move.


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