Chapter 9 - Closer

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Damian's POV

"Oh and Damian.." I turned back, "What?" She looked at me with piercing eyes and a smirk, "The bathroom's down the hall, take a right, first door on the left if you were wondering." I grit my teeth and stormed off. She's ridiculous! Of course I knew where the bathroom was! Once I was done in the bathroom I walked back out to see her and the pup in a weird position and they looked constipated.

"Uhh...what are you two doing other than embarrassing yourself?" She looked at me, "Feeling the shift." she said confidently. This was just shameful, though she looked shameless. "Do you feel it yet Tom?" she asked. He shook his head. I sighed. "Well Damian, if you're bothered by this, maybe we should see a 'master' at work." I stared at them coldly but both did those stupid puppy dog eyes and I faltered.

I shifted into my wolf form and the pup looked amazed as he circled around me. "I..wanna do that.." Marinette caught him, "So, what are we waiting for? Let's get to work!" He looked so overjoyed. I hope she knows what she's doing...

"So Damian, how do you feel when you shift?" I honestly haven't thought about it like that. "Umm...I guess it feels like magic and energy rushes through my body and poof. I'm a wolf." The poor pup looked confused. "Ok..what about your Lycan form then?" she asked. "It's too big to fit in the nursery a-and it might scare the pups." She looked confused while the pup tried shifting like me.

I shifted back into my human form as he circled around me again. Was he observing me? "C-Could you...shift for m-me...again..?" he asked. I raised a brow then stood up transforming into a wolf and back into a human again. "You think you could do it?" she asked with a grin. He nodded confidently and tried again. I stared at him as his tail, snout, and paws began to fade in and out and a human body underneath was seen.

Marinette looked so happy and cheered him on. But he stopped short panting as if his life depended on it as he landed on her lap. "It's okay. We can take a break. You did great!" She stroked him from his head to his back looking at him lovingly. I felt myself just stop.

Oh, is someone a tinsy bit jealous?

Tt, No. Why would I be?

Oh, I don't know, maybe because that little puppy is ALL over her.

Please, don't be ridiculous.

Then is it safe today that you wanted this same attention from her? The cuddling, the encouragement... the closeness. *grins*
I also see that you're comfortable using her name now. *chuckles*

Shut up!

I clenched my fists as I grit my teeth. "Damian?" I quickly turned around, "Uhh, yeah?" "Are you okay?" I nodded and glared back at my wolf. Idiot. "I-I'm ready to s-start again.." Marinette first got up and called in one of the helpers. "Can you bring out Tom's lunch please?" she nodded and came back in a few minutes with his food and gave it to Marinette. "First things first, you need to get your energy back."

He walked over to the bowl of food and began to eat. Marinette sat down next to me and sighed with a smile. "Are you satisfied?" I asked. She smirked, "Nope. Both Tom and I know that we can do it and we will get it by the end of the day." She's saying we as though she's trying to transform too. "By the way Damian, aren't you supposed to be with your family right now?" Oh yeah...forget about them. I got up and walked off. "If you say you can do it, I'll hold you to that."

Marinette's POV

Tom was fired up and ready to go. We started again and we kept getting the same results. You would see him underneath the fur but he just wouldn't come out. Was he going through a block? Maybe he's scared or worried about something? "Hey Tom, are you holding back or are afraid of something?" He stopped and sat down. "I don't know. I-It's there's far." What does that mean?

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