Chapter 13 - Prince Felix

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Marinette's POV

I can't believe Mister Fu and the kwamis are here and the tears just kept falling. "I'm happy to know that you're okay, Marinette. We were all worried about you. The kwamis informed me of a ball and a supposed human girl that was kidnapped. I'm glad I came tonight and was invited by Marianne, an old friend of mine." Wait, she knows mister Fu? I stood straight and smiled as I saw the two together.

What a pair of sweethearts. Alya handed me a handkerchief and I wiped my face. "Happy tears were shed today, and as much as I wish to stay to get to know you, I have guests to entertain. See you soon, my dear." I bowed and she turned to leave. I giggled as I felt a wiggle against my cheek, Tikki. "Marinette, we were so worried about you when mister Fu said you didn't come home."

I held out my hand and she sat in my palms, "It's okay Tikki. I'm fine. Wait..- Where's Plagg?" The kwamis all smacked their foreheads and Tikki heavily sighed. He was the one kwami I couldn't handle. Then there it was, that stench that I know all too well. Everyone began to whisper and gag at the funky smell of...camembert. I turned around to see Plagg flying over with a huge piece.

"Plagg! You can't be eating cheese at the party like this!" He shrugged, "Well, what else am I supposed to eat that tastes just as good as my camembert?" I groaned, "At least eat it outside first then come in. You're disgusting." He broke off a piece and I swear some people fainted. "Plagg you either go outside or hurry and eat the cheese now." He sighed, "But the cheese wouldn't last long if I ate it all now..."

"Don't worry Marinette, I'll deal with him." Tikki volunteered and she dragged him out of the party by his tail. Only Tikki can handle 'that'. I giggled. After that I caught up with mister Fu while walking around the Ball and of course introduced him to the boys, Alya and Nino and His Majesty. We stopped at the snack bar for something to drink only to see some weird fluid that smelt neither like wine or liquor. So we just had water.

"It seems that you have been enjoying yourself, Marinette." I chuckled, "Yeah...the people here are nice and some...are just snakes and mosquitoes." He smiled then Marianne came over and took him away. I giggled, So cute~ Just then the music changed and guests began pairing up and started dancing. Sh*t, I didn't learn how to dance! Maybe if I hide no one will pick me...

"Hello my ray of light." My blood ran cold after I heard that voice. I gulped and turned around to see two Adriens. And one was bad enough, now there are two! "It's been two long. This is my cousin, Felix. He insisted I introduce you." I narrowed my eyes as he bowed. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you. Adrien has told me a lot about you and how you gave him a good beating."

His presence feels different than Adrien's. I have the feeling he isn't a vampire. "Yes... Nice to meet you too." Of course that was a lie. Adrien held out his hand, "May I have this dance, m'lady?" I didn't know what to say. I kinda didn't want to dance with him but if I reject him it will kinda look bad on the Waynes since I've been with them the entire time and maybe they've heard about the whole situation.

I felt the kwamis and Alya's gaze on me and I sighed, "Sure.." I reluctantly took his hand as the doppelganger said, "You owe me one after." I gulped and tried to hide my nervousness. He pulled me closer around my waist as I rested my hand on his shoulder. Damn, why was I so scared? I felt like I was trembling. I didn't even try to keep eye contact and by now I felt all eyes on me.

Adrien pulled me even closer and close to my ear and whispered. "Isn't this lovely, a perfect reunion. I can steal you away and take you back into my Realm." I grit my teeth as he continued but his tone changed, "I still don't quite forgive you for injuring me and my two number 1s. You will need some serious disciplining from me. Those Waynes clearly don't have enough control over you."

My vision began to fade and I swear I was gazing all over the place. It wasn't that I was scared of going back there, but I wasn't going to live with them. But if I act out in the ball that will look bad on the Waynes and they wouldn't allow me to do that getaway again and get away with it. I glanced at Gabriel who was staring me down along with the other Vampires. I felt like a body of red.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and it was the other one. What were they trying to do? Overwhelm me? I clenched my fist and I felt my blood boil. Don't act out Marinette, behave yourself. Not only that but mister Fu is here as well. This can be disastrous if I make the wrong move. I took Felix's hand and strangely enough, Adrien glared at him and he did the same. What the hell is going on!?

We started dancing and he seemed more of the quiet type but I can't really be sure. "It's rude not to make eye contact." I rolled my eyes, "Oh no.." I muttered. His grip tightened around my waist, "I'm taking you back with me to Hellion. The other Realms had their turn in sharing the Grimm." Did he think this was a game where everyone had their turn of me!? "Umm, sorry to disappoint you but no, I will not be going with you."

He just stared at me and didn't say anything. He then looked behind me and I saw Damian scowling at us. "Why won't you come to Hellion?" he asked. "Because 1. I don't want to, 2. I'm happy in Lycanthrope with my friends and 3. I can't guarantee my safety. Furthermore, I hardly know you and you can probably just want me for my powers." He chuckled, "You're smarter than you look. I admit, I'm intrigued."

I narrowed my eyes. "There's also that scent of yours too. Delicious to any supernatural and you're radiating with it. No wonder Damian's glaring at us. He must really like you. But he most likely has you there for power and other reasons like research purposes or for...other things, dirty things. Has he taken advantage of you, or have you done 'it' before with him. A Werewolf's possessiveness is as good as their will to hunt."

I don't know what he's getting at, But If He Thinks That Damian And I Do DIRTY Things Together He Has Another Thing Coming!! "Look, I don't know what reasons the Waynes have for keeping me but don't you sully my ears with such hurtful and - excuse my language - b*tchy remarks about the people I call my friends. Felix was it? I won't deny the fact that I'm a 'prize', but my family comes first, and so do my friends."

I stopped and backed away. He sighed, "So what you're saying is that family and friends hold you back..?" I replied, "Not only that, but I have an obligation and a want to stay in Lycanthrope for the time being" He released me and I left almost immediately and ran outside to see Tikki and Plagg still there. I needed the fresh air.

Alya's POV

Marinette left the ball after she danced with the unfortunate twins. I hope she's okay. I glared at Damian who somehow saw me and rolled his eyes.

Alya: Idiot, why didn't you save Marinette?

Damian: She was doing fine on her own.

Nino: Dude, you were practically staring them down.

Damian: Tt, No I wasn't.

Alya: Stop denying it. If you don't want to dance with her then go check on her outside to make sure she's okay.

Damian: Why do I..-

Alya: You're Not Even Dancing With Anyone! Do it.

I saw him roll his eyes from across the room and he marched off after Mari. "Hmph, so stubborn.." I chuckled. "You're also very stubborn, Alya. Anytime you have your cravings, you don't wanna stop and you always risk us getting caught." Nino commented. I pouted, "They know we're together.." "It's embarrassing, babe. No one wants to see two naked werewolves playing in bed." I rolled my eyes, "Yeah Yeah.."


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