chapter 11

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Felix was surprised but didn't say anything.

when Hyunjin's index finger touched the button, Felix's eye got caught on his black ring. it had some sort of symbol carved on it, and Felix had assumed that it was a family ring.
now that Felix thought of it, he was pretty sure he'd seen Mr. Hwang wear one just like that.

they headed out of the elevator, Hyunjin leading Felix to his apartment.

Hyunjin opened his door For Felix.
the apartment was neat just like last time, and there was no naked woman to be seen.

Felix walked forward and noticed the beautifully set breakfast on the kitchen table. fresh baked bread, fruits that were neatly cut into different shapes, scrambled eggs, bacon, avocados, salad, tomatoes, cucumber, orange and apple juice, ice water...
it was even fancier than the breakfast downstairs.

"wow, you really had the chefs busy making all this and carrying it here" Felix said.

"Hyunjin smiled. "not really. they just brought me the ingredients. I prepared this myself."

Felix let a tiny smile slip on his face, thinking about Hyunjin cooking and preparing all this, cutting the fruits...

"oh" Felix said.

"let's eat, yeah?"

"yes sir."

they sat down at the table and started grabbing food on their plates.

they had eaten a few bites in silence when Hyunjin placed his chin on his palm.



"I'm supposed to trust you with my life. And I admit, you really proved yourself yesterday..."

Felix listened while stuffing scrambled eggs in his mouth. he looked cute.

"...but I don't really know you, do I?"

Felix swallowed quickly.

"you didn't get my guard's file? I thought they let you have it."

"ahh, they did. but that's not what I mean.
I want to really know you."
Hyunjin said slowly with an intense undertone tone in his voice.

"I'm... not sure what you mean, sir."

Hyunjin grabbed a few grapes and put one in his mouth. he looked at the grapes in his hand and said,

"what's the most important thing to you? what has value?"

oh I see. this clearly has to be test.

"doing my job well. keeping you safe."

Hyunjin reacted like Felix had just cracked a joke.

"be honest."

"I am being honest."

"you're not."

Hyunjin placed another grape in his mouth and leaned in closer.

Felix felt defeated.

under the table, Hyunjin's foot touched Felix's leg.

"tell me the truth, lix.

the slight touch sent butterflies to Felix's stomach.

"I want to do my job well. and protect you."

"because if I don't, I'll lose everything. my family will lose everything. they depend on me. and then I'll lose myself too... I don't want to go there."

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