Ch 3. First Day

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything (Picture, Video, or Show/Anime)


Depiction of Anxiety Attack (With my own experience in mind)


Yuki stared at the classroom door, feeling anxiety rushing through her like a rampant river and wished she could talk to the One For All users outside of her dreams. However they didn't know she could hear them and she wasn't planning on letting them know until closer to the USJ incident.

"Ok, take a deep breath, it's gonna all work out and you won't be brutally murdered by Kacchan as soon as you enter." Yuki muttered to herself, swallowing nervously as she stared at the door.

Taking a deep breath, she pushed it open and immediately regretted it as the sounds of talking, shouting, and laughter hit her ears. Nope, she couldn't do this and she had no idea why she had thought doing this was a good idea, screw the plot, there was no way she was walking into that classroom.

She paused, noting Aizawa watching the class silently from their little yellow cocoon of a sleeping bag, it quickly became clear that they were looking directly at her and she just paled slightly. She hoped that she wasn't on their radar for displaying more then one Quirk, it had already been a mess trying to explain it to All Might. Having to do it again for someone who didn't even know One For All at all, was just not what she'd call a good time.

'I wish we could help her, their anxiety is worse the Fourth's and his Quirk was basically super anxiety.' Daigorou mumbled in her head, making her feel happy at least one other One For All user liked her, besides Nana and Yoichi.

She walked through the class, keeping her head down and avoiding the attention of everyone. She hadn't met Ochaco like Izuku would have, so not even the gravity girl was able to recognize her and talk with her. She just ducked her head and waited for Aizawa to reveal themselves, listening closely to Iida and Kacchan's argument.

Biting her lip, she observed the others carefully. Wondering what differences to Canon she might find, or if she was the only difference. She needed to know, or she couldn't plan around those differences effectively. What was everyone like, did personalities match completely with their Canon counterparts...or were the slightly different?

"Every be quiet and go to your seats." Aizawa snapped, revealing himself to the rest of the class. Yuki just watched from where she was already seated as the class scrambled, she was mildly amused by Denki tripping over his feet.

Aizawa followed the script of the show, other then complimenting her for already being prepared for the class. Which caused everyone to look towards her and she felt herself begin to have a panic attack, some of the past One For All users however sent reassuring feelings that calmed her.

They were told to go get changed and that was when she actually had a panic attack, not wanting to be naked in front of people even though there wasn't another option available at the time.

She was currently curled up against a wall in the classroom, her breath's coming in short gasps and her eyes were screwed shut. Everything was loud, bright, overwhelming, and nothing was making it better. Even the One For All users trying to calm her wasn't helping, nor was Aizawa's talking bringing her out of it.

'How do we help her, calming isn't working this time.' Nana said, yet it was clear no one knew the answer.

'I don't know, Seventh.' Yoichi murmured, sounding worried.' I don't have experience with calming a teenager, let alone my own Niece of all people. In fact, your the only one who's ever had kids and you were forced to leave them before they reached teenager age.'

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