The rumour 🤍

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I don't remember anything from that night at the party, but some thing must have happened that pissed a certain girl named Michelle over the edge.

All day I had been getting weird stares as I roamed the halls at school. People often glancing my way, talking shit by whispering and then walking away nervously as I looked them in the eye.

I was aware that Michelle had spread a rumour about me. Something to do with her boyfriend, and I how I apparently tried to make a move on him. Although I was anything but being close to sober, I wasn't drunk enough to do something stupid like that.

I try to avoid getting into peoples lives and muddling them up. If I become friends with a person I am so aware of their boundaries it almost hurts.

Javon and jayla told me after first period this morning a very brief explanation of what was going on before they had to run there separate ways to class.

It was now the start of the 3rd class for the day. I had just gathered my books and pens etc. before I started on my short walk to the science rooms. I walked alone to class struggling to avoid the numerous amount of stares.

After the hole incident with jaden I have had 2 more small anxiety attacks. Which meant he made them come back, so all my hard work over the first few years of my life were for nothing. My parents didn't know he was the one who caused the first panick attack at dinner the other night, which made me stop managing everything else. And I wasn't planning on telling them.

I haven't talked to jaden since and everything felt awkward for me now that I new he was in love with some random girl. And I was possibly the only one who new.

I was torn away from my thoughts when a blonde nasty looking short bitch, who goes by the name of Michelle slapped me across the face as I was walking.

I turned around so that I could face her as she had walked past me.

"Omg nice to finally meet the girl who's boyfriend I apparently tried to get with" I smirked a few phones flew out from peoples pockets in the corridors. "Good to put a face to name. Clearly you already know who I am since my name is in everyone's mouth. So why did you do it" my eyes found the figure of jaden holding out his phone aswell smirking at the screen. Typical. All of his friends were standing around him eyes glued to us and blondy bitch in front of me. My eyes rolled
Into the back of my head out of irritation.

I almost scoff when Michelle told her boyfriend to back her up. He almost looked oblivious to the rumour as I was but took no hesitation to stand with her. He was good at faking he was tough, no one was probably seeing through him but me.

Unexpectedly I feel a pair of hands on my waist pull me backwards. I reach down and try to pry them off careful not to break my dreaded eye contact with Michelle. Except now she wasn't looking at me...... she was looking at jaden.

He gently pushed me away. His touch made me shiver and pushed I his hand off me out of frustration. Perv.

"You better sit the fuck down" jaden spat towards the so called 'power couple.' I watched as the two stepped back in fear. There faces didn't show it though. I looked beside me my eyes widened when all of my enemies friends stood behind him.

"What if I don't" Michelle's rat ass looking boyfriend yells back. He stepped in front of the blonde headed bitch. His hands balling up into fist.

Most of jaden friends scoff or laugh at his words. I just stand there confused. Why is jaden doing this. Is it to prove a point cause if it is I was doing just fine by myself.

"We will fucking make you. You are nothing against all of us so don't you dare lay a hand on his girl." One of jadens friends reply.


His girl. No I'm nothing of the sort. Both mine and jadens faces redden at the comment but neither of us deny it. Perfect. Now half the school has that on video. I almost chocked on my air at his friends last two words.

I stood there in silence as I gathered my stuff back into my hands as I tried to walk to class.

"Woah slow down their partner" jaden stopped me placing a hand on my chest.

"Let go of me dickhead" I said nudging his arm away. My hands were to occupied carrying all of my stuff. Jaden ignored me.

"That's going to make for a nasty bruise." Jaden said as he cupped my cheek where the bitch slapped me. He rubbed his thumb along the cheek bone. I flinched at the touch if he didn't back away soon his whole fucking body will be slammed into the wall.

"Ok well I got to go by" jaden layed a kiss on the bruise on my cheek before running off. Omg he did not just do that. He ruined everything. And what about the girl he loves that he wrote about clearly he doesn't love her that much cause if they were together him kissing me on the cheek would be considered cheating.

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