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she gets into the backseat behind the passenger seat. they sit in the car the same way they sit in their videos: matt is driving, cheis is in the passenger seat, and nick is sitting behind matt.

"whats your name?" chris asks.

"chandler winchester, im 17."

"oh. why arent you driving?" he asks again.

"i dont know. i just didnt feel like it," chandler responds, letting out a nervous laugh.

"hm, interesting. well im chris. this is matt and nick," he says, pointing to them.

"i know. ive seen you guys before. on youtube."

"oh, cool. we were actually just filming a video," nick says.

"oh really?" chander reaponds, pretending to not have a clue, "thats cool."

"whats your address?" matt asks, pulling up the gps.

"umm i dont know. i know that sounds stupid but i just moved here yesterday. its a little down the street though. i will tell you when to turn."


"umm sure. i doubt you guys will like my music though."

"thats alright."

chandler plugs in her phone and strts playing her playlist on shuffle. the first song that plays is affection by cigarettes after sex.

she was gonna skip it before nick screams, "OH MY GOD! I LOVE THIS SONG!"

chandler and nick start swaying. then they start screaming their hearts out.

chandler noticed matt looking at her through the rear veiw mirror, smiling. they made direct eye contact. but he immediately looked back at the road, blush flooding his face.

chandler keeps looking around for her house. as the song comes to an end, matt turns on her road. "there it is. that dark gray house," chandler points out.

"alrighty." he pulls into the driveway and chandler opens the door, starting to get out.

"wait," nick blurts

chandler turns around, "yeah?"

"whats your number?"

chandler smiles. "here, give me your phone."

nick gives her his phone and she types in her number. she also types her name out as chander 🦦🤍   and gives it back to nick.


"no problem."

chandler runs inside, due to it still raining, and runs into the kitchen. she gets a glass of water and pill bottle and brings them to her mom. when she walks into the room, laura is sleeping. so she sets the pills and water on the night stand and walks back to her room.

she changed out of her sopping wet clothes. put put on a black sports bra and grey sweats, leaving her hair down. as she is brushing theough her hair, nick texted her.

nicolas 🗝🤍


hi nickkkk

jsyk i gave matt and chris your
number and told them to text

i havent got anything yet.

we should hang tomorrow.

my mom just got sick w something.
it might just be a cold but i will
let yk


chandler go to her desk and gets out her notebook. she starts thinking of lyrics to write down.

soon, her phone goes off and two notifications pop up, both saying "heyy"

she replies to both of them saying, " who is this?"

the first one to respond says, "oh im matt :))" and the second one says, "its chris." chandler taps on matts first.

matt 🧸🤍

oh im matt :))

oh hii
its chandler lol

so are you gonna hang
out w us tomorrow?

idk i told nick id
let him know.
but my mom just go sick
and we dont know what
it is.
its probs j a cold but idk

well let us know tomorrow
if you can.

will do :)

chander swpies out of her and matts chat and goes to chris's.

christopher 🍊🧡

its chris.

oh hiii
its chandler lol

i know. soooo
wyd tmr?

omggg okay so my mom got
randomly sick. its probably
just a cold but idk

oh okkk
you wanna hang tmr? if u can ofc

i might be able to if my dad stays
home. he pobably will

just lmk okay.


chandler checks the time and its almost 10:30 pm. she goes over to her bed and lays down. scrolling through tiktok, she finally falls alseep.

authors note:

i tried not to make this chapter boring but you gotta start somewhere. i hope you like it so far :))

much love <33

dont let me go &lt;3  -matt sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now