late night talks.

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it was almost noon and chandler woke up to matt walking  into his room. "hey, chandler. why'd you come in here last night?"

"oh, i couldn't sleep on the couch and i thought the bed might be better."

matt nods in response. then he lays next to her, putting his arm behind her head and holding her tight. 

"can you bring me home soon? it feels like i haven't been home in a while," chandler asks.

"of course. when do you wanna leave?"

"around like 2 or 3, probably."

"alright." matt lays his head down on top of hers. they lay there for a bit, until matt sits up and says, "you want food? nick made pancakes about an hour ago. they're sitting in the fridge."

"sure," chandler responds, sitting up and getting off the bed. they both walk to the kitchen. chandler sits at the island while matt gets everything out. "how many do you want?" he asks, turning around.

"two please," chandler replies, smiling. matt nods his head and gets out two pancakes, along with butter, syrup, a fork, and a knife for the butter. he puts the pancakes in the toaster and sets out the butter and syrup. soon after, the pancakes unexpectedly popped up, scaring both matt and chandler. they laugh it off. matt carefully grabs the pancakes and sets them on a plate, sliding them to chandler.

while chandler eats, her and matt have small conversations. soon, nick walks in joining in on the conversation.

after chandler eats half on her pancakes, she pushes the plate forward, saying, "i'm full." then, chandler grabs her stomach in pain.

"hey, chandler. whats wrong?" nick asks.

chandler just shakes her head, "i don't know. i think i just ate too much."

nick walks over to her and hugs her, then goes back upstairs.

matt and chandler go into the living room, where chris is playing mario cart. after about two hours of them playing together, chandler decides to go home.

"matt, can you drive me home now?"

"of course. make sure you have all your stuff together."

"i do."

they walk out to the van and matt drives her home.

when matt pulls into the driveway, chandler thanks him and hugs him goodbye. she walks inside and sees her mom leaning over the counter on her phone. laura looks up, "hi baby! i missed you."

"hi mom," chandler says, sitting at the counter. she talks to her mom for a little. after talking, chandler goes to her room and lays down in her bed, falling asleep.


chandler wakes up around 5:30. her stomach is in severe pain and she can't get up. realizing she needs to tell someone, chandler calls nick.

"hey nick."

"hi chandler, what's up?"

"can you please come over?" chandler asks, starting to cry.

"of course. whats wrong?"

"i'll tell you when you get here. we can talk about it then."

"oh okay. i'll be over in 10."

"ok. thanks nick. i love you."

"i love you."

chandler hangs up the phone, continuing to cry. soon, nick walks into chandler's bedroom and hugs her tightly. chandler sobs into his shoulder.

"hey, hey. look at me. whats wrong?" nick asks, concerned.

"i can't do this anymore nick," chandler sobs.

"cant do what anymore? what are you talking about?"

"i dont wanna be here anymore."

"oh chandler. dont say that. look at me. i love you so much. and i know so many more people love you too."

chandler looks at nick with tears streaming down her face. nick begins to cry too. "is it about the comments on youtube?"

chandler nods her head. "don't listen to them," nicks starts, "they're just jealous of you. trust me. you're amazin." nick hugs her tightly again, not planning on letting go. but, he lets go and lays down with his arms stretched out. chandler lays next to him with her head on his chest.

nick, trying to light up the mood, says, "guess what."

"hm," chandler responds, looking up to nick.

"chris is trying to hook me up with cynthia."

"but. you're gay."


chandler starts laughing. "doesn't he know that's not going to work?"

"i dont know."

chandlers mood is happier now and she lays her head back down on nicks chest, falling alseep again. nick noticed and didn't want to wake her so he texted chandlers mom on her phone to ask if it was okay for him to stay the night.

when laura answered, nick looked at it and smiled. he set the phone down on chandlers night stand and cuddled her tightly, falling asleep as well.

authors note:

i updated again! the chapter is kind of short but im trying to finish off the story. i think there is going to be maybe 2 or 3 more chapters. then im finishing this story!

much love <33

dont let me go &lt;3  -matt sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now