The Game

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The event that changed my whole life was the final junior high football game of the season.
Me and my best friend David were standing in line for the concession stand when a kid in my class starts punching my shoulder. It was Matthew Tareco. He was taller than all the other kids. He had a mane of red hair and it looked like there was a wildfire of acne on his face.
"Hey shadow!" He yelled at me spraying spit all over my face. He called me shadow because I wasn't that popular and I only had one friend: David.
"Shut up." I said quietly but apparently he heard me.
"You're telling me shut up punk!" He howled and grabbed the crumpled up five dollar bill that was in my hand.
"H-hey Matt g-give it back." David said with a quiver in his voice.
"You too loser, well then why not make this fun!" Matthew said and then threw a punch at David and gave him a bloody nose which got all over my t-shirt. Then I, Kyle Freedmen, did the stupidest thing I could have done, I threw a punch.
"SHADOW!" Matthew roared as I was sprinting off to the stands. After running for a few seconds, all I could hear was the crowd and the cheerleaders chanting "go warriors!" There was no sign of Matt. David ran into sight breathing hard and coughing.
"D-did we lose him?" He managed.
"Yeah," I said "I think so."
We walked up the top row of the stands to watch the game even though David didn't know what was going on.
"Hey guys!" A loud voice said. It was Rosie Patricks, the only girl in seventh grade who was nice to us but I never considered her as my friend.
She had her their school sweatshirt on and a maroon hat on. Her dark chocolate colored hair tumbled down her shoulder as if it was a waterfall, but her eyes always grabbed his attention, they were startling blue like they were sparks of electricity which made her always look as if she just thought of a genius idea.
"Hey." I said trying to act like I hadn't just been chased by a wild lunatic also known as Matthew.
"At least we're winning right?" She said gesturing to the scoreboard. The score was seventeen to thirty five.
"Awesome!" David said with a lot of enthusiasm in his voice.
"Umm Kyle?" Rosie asked "why is there blood all over your shirt?"
"Oh er... I spilled some fruit punch." I said avoiding the Matthew subject. Then I heard a loud ripping sound came from the football field.
I saw cheerleaders screaming, football players running off the field and the coach yelling at people to get off the field. Both field goals had fallen. The ends were growing out until they connected then a large green beam shot into the sky and everything went black.

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