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Nothing could stop Y/n, everyone knew that. Well...everything except Steve Harrington and Dustin Henderson. She trusted them more than anything so when they told her it was a bad idea, she stopped. Actually she was forced to stop.

She did trust them but when it came to Jason Carver, hell, she wanted to rip his spine out just to see if he'd finally fold to her against his will. The only thing stopping her was the fact that Steve Harrington, her best friend, had her keys.

She gave him her keys when they went out for food. This all just pissed her off more. She didn't like being told what to do, or held against her will. Would she hurt the two? No, of course not. She'll definitely scare them though...

"Give me the goddam keys Harrington." She seethed clearly about to go crazy.

Steve gulped, "Listen, Y/n, my best friend, I cannot have you turn into an ACTUAL murderer!"

"Yes! Yes! And we'll just have to clear your name too!" Dustin shouted.

This calmed her down a little, I mean she didn't want to be an actual murderer. The more she thought about it, the darker her thoughts became... Maybe she'll just let Vecna handle it.

She started to giggle to herself which turned into a full on laugh. This almost made Steve and Dustin piss themselves. Somehow her smiling and laughing during this situation was even scarier.

Eddie turned to Robin, "Is she ok?"

"Honestly, I don't know?" She replied which made Max take off her headphones.

"Obviously not, can't you see the look in her eyes...she's gone mad." She sighed.

Y/n finally stopped and looked around at everyone.

"Alright fine. I won't hurt him unless I have to...but if it comes down to it, I won't be saving his nasty ass." She walked back to the shed.

She walked past Eddie and put a hand on his shoulder, this made him shiver a bit...she was quite scary. As she sat down Robin called out that they were leaving. The engine roared signaling that they left. Now it was Eddie and Y/n alone once again.

"Wanna go see the house?" Eddie asked trying to cool the tension.

Y/n could feel it now as well and figured it may be a bit nerve-wracking to Eddie. So, she smiled and looked at him with soft eyes, "Sure, let's go Eddie."

This kind of surprised him but he went along with it now that he felt more comfortable. He felt like comforting her as well but he didn't know how. He's never really gotten seriously serious before so maybe a joke or two?

"Hey..uh..shit." Eddie tried but ended up failing and cursing at himself.

She laughed at his attempt, it made her calm down completely. "Eddie you don't have to comfort me! That's what I'm here for ya goober!"

Eddie felt a pang in his chest, "But, you seem down Y/n...I may not be the best person to talk someone out of it but I can be a good listener?"

She smiled at his response, "I suppose ranting would be helpful. Why don't we get food and sit on the couch for a bit talking about all the things we hate about Jason Carver?"

Eddie skipped a little as they got closer to the house, "Sure! That may take HOURS though..."

She nodded in return as they reached the front door. Eddie held it open and bowed.

"After you m'lady. " He felt a little more confident now, he was back to his charming self.

"Why thank you good sir!" Y/n curtsied and walked into the house heading straight for the kitchen.

They opened every cupboard until Eddie found a can of spaghetti-O's. "Yeah, you'll do."

"Ah! You found something, thank God!" Y/n said while dramatically falling against the counter.

Eddie laughed and put it in two bowls. They both sat on the couch and ate like rabid dogs. Afterwards, they started talking about Jason Carver and all the bullshit he's put them through. This lasted a while until Eddie questioned.

"So how come I've never seen you around before...yknow...ya went missing?" He went straight to messing with his rings.

A sigh escaped Y/n's lips, "Hey I wouldn't remember me either Munson.."

"WHAT?! WE HAVE MET BEFORE?" Eddie gasped trying so hard to remember her.

She laughed and shook her head, "Don't worry Eddie, I didn't recognize you until you talked about the Jason incident during a Correded Coffin performance...so, we're even!" She smiled at him.

"Recognize me?" He questioned her.

"I heard your band play for the talent show! I thought you were totally...metal." She rolled her eyes and smirked at him.

He laughed and hid his face in his hands trying not to show his embarrassment. He was SO glad he didn't have that buzz cut anymore.

"Please forget all about how I used to look!" He pleaded with the girl who could not stop laughing.

"But you were so cute back then!" She managed to get out while slapping her knee.

Eddie used this to try and catch her off guard, "So, you don't think I'm cute anymore?"

He was dying in his head. How could he say that? It was so embarrassing! He tried to hold it in while he watched the girls eyes widen, but slowly went back to normal. She smiled and went along with it.

"Now, I didn't say that did I?"


End of chapter eight

Thanks for reading! I really enjoy the comments on it so far!! This chapter goes out to my most outgoing commenter recently!! Thanks for reading again luv <3

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