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[Please comment during your read, I read every single one and they make me so happy! Enjoy!]

A bird chirped above, waking Eddie from his sleep. He looked around forgetting everything that happened last night. Which, is why he was so confused to see a pretty girl attached to him, and his arm slung over her to keep her close.

Then, it hit him like a train. The dance, the planned date, jason-fucking-carver, Patrick, the boat, and skull rock...

They didn't have a walkie anymore and he really needed to contact Dustin. He didn't want to get up and wake the girl but he needed to look for a walkie. Slowly, he unwrapped himself from the girl. This instantly woke her up, and she grabbed his hand in a panic.

"Hey, hey, it's me. You're ok, you're safe." He softly told her. She looked back at him and let go.

"I'm sorry..." She whispered and rubbed her eyes.

This sight made Eddie's eyes widen. She looked beautiful with the morning sun slightly on her face. The scar that ran up from the top of her neck to the side of her jaw was more prominent. Her face looked dewy like morning grass. Her hair reminded him of his own, a little messy but still stylish? He couldn't help but stare.

"What is it?" She asked him. She had the doe eyes without realizing when she was confused.

Eddie wanted to do nothing more than stare at her, rave about her to everyone he's ever known, or to just kiss her and tell her exactly what he's thinking. He hasn't felt this lovely since the day he got his first guitar...

He snapped out of it, "Oh, uh, are you hungry?"

Y/n nodded and got up to stand in front of him. He gave her a left over candy bar and she smiled. She loved chocolate.

"We don't have a walkie now do we?" She asked, still chowing down on the candy bar.

Eddie shook his head and sighed. He didn't know what to do about being...walkie-less? He paced for a minute before glancing over at the men to his right, down the forest. They had walkies, but how could they get one?

"Whatcha lookin at Eddie?" Y/n peered from behind Eddie's shoulder while standing on her toes a bit.

Eddie jumped back a bit, "We need to try and get a walkie from those men. " He pointed.

"Oh...well that's easy!" Y/n shouted and started to take off her jacket. Eddie's jacket from last night was already on the log next to them drying now.

Eddie almost fainted when seeing Y/n in just a ripped tank top and ripped jeans. Her arms were toned and her back was...sexy? Eddie had no idea why he was finding these things hot but boy was he enjoying the view.

"You gonna stare or would you like to touch the muscles?" Y/n smirked.

"Sorry, uh, let's just go with the plan...what's the plan again?"

Y/n tied up her tank top and pulled it down a bit more to show more cleavage. She fixed her hair a little and smiled.

"I'm going to seduce them while you take the walkie obviously!" Eddie's mouth dropped open...

"Y/n! That's not safe!" He grabbed her shoulders and shook her a bit.

She glanced up and put a hand on his chest, "I'll be fine Eddie. Come on, let's do this!"

She walked down the forest and took a deep breath before "stumbling" into the guard. She slowly raised her head with her hands on the man's chest.

"Oh my...I'm so sorry." She said in a slightly slurred tone. She made herself seemed drunk.

The man cleared his throat, "Its alright ma'am, you should uh run along now."

Y/n pouted and moved her finger to motion Eddie closer. She then suddenly grabbed the man's collar to keep him from looking in Eddie's direction.

"Why don't you come with me big boy?" She giggled.

The man's eyes widen and started to trail his eyes down her body. He slightly nodded.

"Alright, but uh I gotta go check on something first hun." He laughed and ran to go tell the other guards he'll be gone for a bit.

This was Eddie and Y/n's chance. Without a second thought, Eddie grabbed both the walkie and Y/n's hand. He ran like hell out of there laughing.

"A little too convincing Y/n..." He breathed out.

She laughed and fixed her shirt, "I suppose, but hey! It worked!"

Eddie shook his head and smiled at the girl. She was just full of surprises. This made Eddie remember the way everyone acted towards her in the cafeteria that day. Why were they scared of her...or did they just respect her?  He decided to ask while they walked a bit back to skull rock.

"Hey Y/n, are most people scared of you or do they respect you?"

This question caught her off guard. She thought for a minute and then smiled...but not a sweet smile this time...definitely more sinister.

"Well it's actually half and half my good sir!" She said in a dramatic voice like she was about to tell the greatest story.

"Oh do tell..." Eddie said in the same voice and leaned forward towards her. He wanted to listen very carefully.

"Well to put it simply..." She dragged out her words a little. "In the 6th grade-" Eddie was on the edge of his seat at this point. What did she do? And why did she seem so happy about-

"-I knocked out Jason Carver with a Math book in front of everyone, and THATS why he has an irrational fear of Algebra...also i was like uh MISSING for 2 years so..."



End of chapter eleven

This is definitely more of a trolly chapter haha! Hope yall enjoyed! <33

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