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"Ok so let me get this straight-" Robin began.

Steve giggled like a little girl but no one understood why. Y/n just shrugged it off thinking Steve just wasn't right in the head.

Robin continued, "We just talked to Dustin through magic glowing dust and NOW we have to bike all the way to Munson's trailer?"

Nancy nodded, "Yes, now let's go."

Robin groaned and dragged her feet to the bikes. Y/n rode with Eddie, holding on tightly to his waist. When he looked down at her hands he smiled.

As they got to Eddie's, he held the door open for everyone and smiled at Y/n as she walked in. Damn did he love that smile...

They all stood in the living room looking around. When the looked up they saw the most horrifyingly interesting thing ever. A giant gate in the middle of Eddie's ceiling.

Dustin went on a rant about science shit but Y/n ignored him and kept glancing at Eddie. She wanted to hold his hand...

Eddie could practically read Y/n's mind and decided to gently grab her hand. He squeezed it to let her know everything would be ok. She smiled at his actions.

Dustin threw a blanket rope through the hole and dragged Eddie's bed to it so they would land softly.

"Those stains are...uh...I don't know what those stains are." Eddie said a bit awkwardly.

Y/n laughed and held her stomach as Robin muttered 'gross'....

Robin went, then Eddie, leaving Steve, Y/n, and Nancy. Steve and Y/n looked at each other.

"I bet I can land cooler than you." Steve said while running to the rope.

"You can try Harrington, but you'll just end up looking like a dying demodog." Y/n smirked.

After Steve landed, she took the rope and climbed up. Right as the other gravity hit, she did a flip and landed nonchalantly. Steve groaned and rolled his eyes.

"That's how it's done Harrington." Y/n smirked and gave Dusty a high five.

[This is where I change things a little so it fits with my story! Just want to warn you so it doesn't get confusing! Love you <3]

Nancy then came through and dropped onto the mattress. Steve helped her up and they all gathered around deciding to head to Max's trailer.

After sitting on her couch they went on with discussing where to even get weapons now that they couldn't get Nancy's. Eddie suggested going to a hick store filled with guns they could use.

"I bet you any money that bitchass Jason Carver is gonna be there buying guns." Y/n shook her head.

Steve rose a brow, "I doubt he'll be there at the exact same time as us."

"Well then, let's fucking go!" Nancy said starting to get impatient.

Max sighed, "We're gonna walk all the way there?"

Suddenly Eddie spoke up, "I have a car..."

They all looked at Eddie questioning where the hell his car is. He looked at Y/n and smiled devilishly.

"...though, it's not mine."

Y/n shrugged and opened the door, "Well Munson, lead the way!"

Eddie took her hand and ran out the trailer. They all followed him and ended up sliding into a RV. Eddie immediately ran to start it up.

"I didn't know you knew how to start up a Rv like this Munson." Y/n said while looking over his shoulder.

He stuck his tongue out a bit while concentrating, "My dead beat dad taught me, who knew this would actually be useful to me?"

Eddie continued to concentrate on his task as Y/n stared down at him. He looked badass when he was working on hot wiring. Y/n bit her lip a bit trying to suppress a smile. Eddie was really hot...

"Eddie...I don't know if I trust you driving this thing." Robin said nervously.

"Oh I'm only starting it, Harrington's got it. Dontcha big boy?" Eddie said smiling over at Steve.

Suddenly an angry couple started yelling from outside as soon as Eddie started up the RV. Steve jumped into the driver's seat and told everyone to hang on.

Eddie grabbed a railing and then Y/n's waist. His own actions shocked him as he held her waist. A blush fell over his face and his ears burned.

Y/n smiled back at him which ultimately just made his face get redder.

"Thank you Eddie..." She whispered to him.

It was a bumpy ride until Steve got the hang of it. Y/n sat down next to Eddie and held his hand. She didn't mind anymore and neither did he. Everything felt more normal when they held hands. Everything felt right.

Steve stopped the RV at the stupid hick store. Y/n looked out the window and decided she didn't want to go in.

"Its not like you can go in anyways Y/n, you're kind of an accused murderer cause of Jason now. Remember?" Max said.

Y/n shrugged and placed her head on Eddie's shoulder. Everyone else ran inside for what they needed. This left Y/n and Eddie to sit comfortably in silence.

"Do you think everything will be alright?" Y/n asked while not looking at Eddie.

He squeezed her hand again, "I'm sure of it, and if anything happens then I'll make sure you're safe."

Y/n still felt unsure. Deep within her she felt this dark feeling, like something was eating at her.

"I need you to promise me something Eddie..."

He looked at her nervously. He just stared waiting for her to finish. She looked up at him and stared into is deep honey eyes.

She put a hand on his face and rubbed it a bit with her thumb. A worried smile rested on her lips.

"Promise me you will always run to a safe place, no matter what, in whatever dangerous situations we face." She said.

"I promise. " He placed his hand on hers and leaned into her warm hand.

What Y/n didn't know was that she was his safe place... so he will always run back to her.


End of chapter sixteen

Thank you all for reading!!! I can't wait for you guys to read the next chapter!! Love you guys <333

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