This story involves the gods of Egyptians Mythology.
Such as,
Amun-Ra (the sun god) and her childriens.
Part of this story also involves the 9 Ennead.
Ra ( the mighty sun god )
Daughter and sons of Ra.
Shu ( god of air )
Tefnut ( god of moisture )
Bastet ( god of abundance and fertility )
Hathor ( god of love and beauty )
Maat ( god of truth and justice )
Sekhmet ( god of destruction )
with Maat's mate Thoth ( god of knowledge and wisdom )
Daughter and son of shu and tefnet.
Geb ( god of the earth )
Nut ( god of the sky )
Daughters and sons of geb and nut.
Osiris ( god of life )
Isis ( god of magic )
Seth ( god of desert and war )
Nephthys ( god of harmony and peace )
Osiris and Isis son — Horus
Seth and Nephthys son— Anubis
The Girl Inside A Book
Historical FictionHana was an ordinary highschool student who always fails in her class especially in History. "I'd rather study math than that boring subject" as if she finds the subject tedious and dull. When Hana's friends and her were studying at the library fo...