S.H.A.D.O/ Mecha/kaiju /godzilla base/ Sub groups

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fist off let get the sub groups out the way

in the year of 2010, an unknown huge meteor the size of the New York City area had struck the East of Russia, causing what could only be described as indescribable damage, while there was nothing but a wall of fire all around the impact site. It was like the Gates of Hell themselves had been opened up. Eventually, tall humanoid creatures suddenly rose up from within the flames, all of them standing at heights of around 100-200ft tall, while also sporting with horns, claws, tails, wings, and red eyes. Many people have simply called them 'Demons'. Many thought that the Demons had come from the underworld of Earth to lay waste to humanity for all the sins they have committed over the years. But the higher-ups knew what the real truth was.

At once, military forces began to open fire and attack the Demons, utilising their tanks, jets, aircraft, rockets, missile launchers, heavy artillery and mortar cannons, all of them firing everything they can at the towering beasts, the weaponry doing moderate damage to the beasts, but not enough to defeat the wave of up to 10 Demons that has sprouted from what was designated as 'Hell's Gate'. The option of utilising tactical nukes was completely out of the question, by orders from the United Nations.

So, they began to try and everything they can to stop these beasts, but resulting in the destruction of some cities in Mongolia, North and South Korea, and the north islands of Japan. Despite all of everything, the Demons were still advancing towards the larger population centres of Beijing, Tokyo, and going towards parts of Western Russia. The only way that the Demons could be defeated was done by a crazy kamikaze pilot flying his MiG-25 jet right down into the head and chest of the Demon, and detonating the bomb inside of the beast, sending it falling to the ground, until the body faded away like black smoke.

After this surprising victory, some pilots began to do the same thing, but there was only a 20% chance of victory, and the sacrificial play of the fighter pilots wasn't the best option for the United Nations. They needed a brand new plan if they're to fight this threat.

But then, one man stepped forth with a plan that sounded out of this world... it just might work: His plan was the covert operation and organisation codenamed 'S.H.A.D.O'. With this operation, the resources will be funded for the construction of a new weapon that will be able to stop and kill the Demons. Sure enough, the influx of military and government funding from around the world began to pour in, and the construction of the S.H.A.D.O bases began underway, all of the bases hidden underneath cities around the world like New York, Tokyo, Brisbane, Paris, Berlin, Moscow, San Francisco, Seattle, and other cities, all of the cities interlinked with underground railway tunnels with high-speed trains that can go up to 300mph. With this all happening, the general public didn't seem to know what was going on, but all they got were no answers from any of the governments around the planet, but they've all been advised that brand-new shelters and emergency bunkers have been built in preparation for the Demon attacks, and when they happen, S.H.A.D.O will have everything under control.

S.H.A.D.O is also made up of a few other  organisations

fist the orignal S.H.A.D.O

The Supreme Headquarters of the Alien Defence Organisation, or S.H.A.D.O., is the world-wide armed force established in secret to deal with the threat that UFOs posed to earth or monster attacks

, is the world-wide armed force established in secret to deal with the threat that UFOs posed to earth or monster attacks

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