Trailer for a RP for a friend

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Trailer for a RP for a friend of Higher school DXD/ Thunderbirds/ Transformers and more

this is for a 2nd part to a rp we did  afew month back that we be carrying on




Highschool DXD crossover Part 2

Highschool DXD crossover Part 2

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A second later, the picture and wall spin around 180°, Kieron now facing to see his new uniform: a blue jumpsuit with the International Rescue logo on the left breast, while having dark blue gloves and boots. He steps closer to them, just as the section of floor rises up to the aircraft bay, as he changes into his uniform. Once done that, he looked over to see the craft he will pilot.

The craft is known as Thunderbird 1. It has a sharp red nosecone, along with a cylindrical silver body, and a powerful blue engine. It also has a pair of small sweep wings on the sides of the craft, and the cross shaped bottom is positioned in the manner of a plus sign. It is 80ft tall, with a 20ft (26 when the wings are extended) wingspan. It has a definite underside and topside when flying horizontally; the underside has four VTOL jets, a large glass window for the pilot, and bay doors in the midsection, while the topside just has "THUNDERBIRD" written down it, completed by the "1" painted on both sides of the blue coloured section. The interior goes from the nosecone to the wings. The pilot's chair is located at the front, near the nosecone, where the windows are. There are no front facing windows with the aerodynamic nosecone taking up the entire front. The windows can open up, and the chair can be carried outside via a robotic arm, providing swift entrance and exit.

At the launch bay, the doors open, and Kieron steps onto a moving platform which takes him to TB1. As soon as the platform reaches the pilot's chair, it stops, prompting Kieron to get into it and strap himself in. The chair is next hydraulically lifted into TB1's cockpit via the robotic arm, whilst the platform retracts and the cockpit windows close up.

"Engine sequence: activated." The computer spoke out in the cockpit, as Kieron starts to flip some switches inside the craft. "Anti-detection shield: activated."

"Flight controls are green." Kieron counted off. "Hydraulic systems are green."

Next, the platform began to carry TB1 off to the launch bay. As it does so, the lights inside the bay flash on, as the platform locks into place, and prepares for the craft to launch.

"Right, set primary fuel pumps. Main engines start." Kieron announced. At that moment, the engines on TB1 rumbled and roar to life, as Kieron prepares for takeoff. Up above, the pool outside and above began to retract and pull away, revealing the sunlight down into the launch bay.


Jonson ran up to the portrait picture of the rocket. At once, the rocket portrait lifted and rotated around, as Jonson slid down the other side. Jonson slid down into the red leather box, and starts to travel down the tube, while he gets changed into his uniform. Once he changes into it, he grabs onto the flying fox-like piece, as the box stops, and he travels down a tunnel towards Thunderbird Two parked down below. Jonson reaches the end of the little 'flying-fox' ride, him letting go of the handles, and landing inside of the cockpit. He closes up the roof section, as the cockpit lights up to life, and the instruments fire up as well. At the same time, the pods begin to slide and roll under the huge green leviathan. Then, Pod Three stops underneath TB2, and it lowers itself down on its telescopic legs, linking and locking the pod to the ship. Inside the cockpit, Apps , now sporting his uniform, enters the cockpit, and prepares for the off. Once done that, the large rock cover that hides the entrance to the hangar lowers itself down like a drawbridge. Thunderbird 2 now begins to taxi out into the runway created for it. The palm trees lining the runway lift out of the way, widening the runway allowing the huge ship to advance to its launch point at the end of the runway. Suddenly, the launching ramp lifts Thunderbird Two up to the correct launch angle of 35°, just as its wings fold down and lock into the flight setting. A section of the runway behind the ramp opens up, ready for the launch.

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