CHAPTER 1 : EPISODE 8 : Betty's missing...AGAIN!?!

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(the last episode for chapter/season 1👹👊 DONT WORRY IM GONNA MAKE CHAPTER/SEASON 2 SNEAK PEAK

It was a normal wasn't. Kat woke up from her alarm and gets up for breakfast,

she saw Kim in the kitchen while Allen and wenny was watching stranger things she noticed that Betty was gone she remembers when she was missing but.. she was actually at the grocery store

"Hey uh guys? Is Betty here?" Kat asked with a worry look

Kim, wenny and Allen was confused
"Did you guys see her?" Kim asked, no one answered Kats question

"Nope, you were the first one to wake up Allen, did you see Betty?" Wenny asked Allen

"Nope I haven't seen her" Allen answered wenny
"Ughh is she at the store again?? Lemme check my phone" kat said

Kat turned her phone on and looks at discord if Betty is online
Betty is not online...huh how weird right? Betty was always online in discord Betty would text the krew back but she didn't kat texted Betty is she was at the store

There was no reply
She saw that Betty came online

hey Betty! Where are you?


Kat was confused, why is Betty using captions and she always calls her kat but funneh? They only call thems
elves by they're real name and they're not even recording a gaming video and

But Betty is your real name not rainbow it's just your username and just call me kat it's my real name I thought you knew about it since I was born?


WDYM!? Draco is our younger brother and your my older sister!!


Wth Betty!?!

Kat felt like it wasn't Betty it was a different person.....

"Hey uh guys, something's wrong with Betty.." kat said and she showed the whole conversation she had with Betty(?)

"That's clearly not Betty because I think they're a funneh x draco fan....." Wenny said, kat and Allen looked at the phone in disgust and sits next to wenny

"That happend to me, I texted Betty and she said I was dating her and she keeps calling me 'darling'.." kim said and

"Uhm ew??? That's so messed up" Allen said

Kat raised her eyebrows that she has a idea
"How about we call them?" Kat said

"I don't know if that will work.." Kim said

"Let's try." Wenny answered

They called Betty a stranger accidentally answered

"HELP ME!!! PLEASE SOMEONE!!?" They heard Betty yell in the phone.

"BETTY?!" Kim yelled

"KIM HELP!!!! IM TIED U-" Betty gots cutt off because the stranger taped her mouth

"HEY!!" Kat yelled
"GET AWAY FROM MY SISTER!" Kat yelled again on the phone

"Noo." The stranger spoke and they sounds like a girl....
The stranger ends the call

"WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT!?!" wenny yelled

"WE NEED TO GO FIND HER! I can ask the stranger for the address" Kim said

"How will we do that!?!" Allen yelled

"I'll act like 'im in love with her' then she'll say it" Kim said

"I don't know if that makes sense but ok" wenny said

Kim turns her phone on and messages Betty

hello rainbow

Hello gold :)

where are you? So we can meet

The address is ###-######-####


"Hah! She fell for it!" Kim said

"Now let's go find her!" Kat said

They put a baseball bat in they're backpack if the stranger attacks, kat gives them walkie talkies so they can communicate to each other if they're splitting up

"Are you guys ready?" Kim said, while grabbing the baseball bat

The krew nodded

They said goodbye to they're pets and go out of the house

The house or shelter was near to their house
They made it, the stranger opens the door, it was a girl teenager

"Hi! Uhm is Betty here?" Kim said, the house was pretty big..
"Yes come in!" The girl said
They get a strange feeling that the girl kidnapped Betty in her basement

"Is your parents home?..." Kim said
The girl Shaked her head(no)

"Wait what? Your all alone in this house?!" Kat said

The girl nodded she grabbed Kats hand and go to the basement
The krew followed the girl

"Uhh ." Wenny said

the girl got out quickly and locked the door

"HEY! LET US OUT!!" Allen yelled

Allen tried to open the door but it's lock

Allen grunts and grabs his bat and hits the door, the door would knocked down by now right? No it didn't it, it's too strong

"Let us ou-!" Kat got cut off
They heard screaming, it was betty..
Betty was beside the room there's a door behind them that isnt locked

Kat opened the door behind them and saw Betty tied up

"Betty!!" Kat said

"Did the girl did this to you!?" Kim said

Betty nodded, Kim saw a chainsaw in the corner of the room.

Kim grabbed the chainsaw tried to open the door, it kinda worked.

Kim bursts through the door and the girl was standing there speechless

"why is the girl that stupid to put a chainsaw in the corner of the room" kat said, wenny laughed quietly

They go run and open the exit, they got out

"Phew, you saved me guys.." Betty said and hugs them

"Your welcome Betty!" Allen said

They got home and decided to watch stranger things
And phew that was a long day.


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