CHAPTER 2 - EPISODE 6 : shopping with kim !

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kat and wenny goes shopping with kim !!
Will they find the perfect outfit for Kim?
Find out in this episode of krew daily!!

WARNING: bad grammar(maybe?)
((KATS P.O.V))

'RING RING RING RING!' the alarm screeched, I woke up from hearing the sound of it, it was kinda annoying.

I stopped the alarm clock and go to the bathroom to go brush my teeth, then I got out of the bathroom to get my phone

And then I go out of my room to eat breakfast.

"Good morning kat!, How was your sleep?" Betty greeted while cooking bacon
"Good morning kat." Kim greeted aswell.

"Good morning Betty and kim, I slept well how about you?" I questioned her while grabbing a plate and a spoon and fork

"I slept good too!" Betty replied, smiling

Floof came over to Betty for bacon and Betty fed him some bacon

wenny came out of her room and said good morning to Betty, me and kim too.
Then Allen came out of his room too and said the same thing to Betty, Kim, wenny and i.

After that, the silence was pretty loud. But then Kim broke the silence

"Hey kat and wenny, wanna come shopping with me later?" Kim questioned me and wenny.

"Sure!" "Sure Kim"

Kim looked excited and runs to her room, I slightly chuckled at her reaction

I go to the office room and edit some of our videos once I was done, someone knocked on the door

'im guessing it's Kim?.' I thought to my head

I opened the door and saw Kim and wenny

Oh no.. they're probably gonna scold me

"Kat! Go change, we're going shopping!" Kim exclaimed with a excited look on her face

I thought they were gonna?- Eh oh well!, I nod and go to my room to change,

I look so aesthetic ✨ I got good fashion sense ofc!

I was done changing and heard kim yell "kat! Hurry up!", They're getting impatient I better hurry.

I grabbed my phone to put it in my purse and go to the living room

I saw wenny and Kim waiting for me on the couch

"Let's go!" Kim scolded, she grabbed me and wenny's hand and walk out of the door

It was bizarre that there was a box next to the door, maybe it was my Amazon package? Oh well. Dang I keep saying 'oh well' today, what's happening?

Kim called a taxi and it arrived fast, we got into the car and the ride was brief and perilous. kim complained that the taxi driver was smoking in the car so it was kinda excruciating.

the car stopped and we got to the mall, the inside was vibrant, not gonna lie!

"we have to go to the clothing store!" kim cheered, my stomach made a noise. oh shoot i havent ate anything!

i told her "hey uhh kim? im hungry-"

i was distressed if the store is gonna be closed if we eat before going there, i dont wanna make kim sad..
I guess I gotta choose the right choice-

"Oh? Okay let's go eat then!" Kim said,
Well that was kinda easy..

We went to a Japanese restaurant, where they got udon, pork-katsu, sushi, fried rice and many more!! I really enjoyed the food! I got pork-katsu, Kim had rice balls and wenny had udon! I love how the design in the restaurant is so adorable!!

After we ate, we decided to go to the clothes store. I guess it was called h&m or something like that?

"Wanna buy this Kat?" Kim questioned, I looked at what she was holding. I saw it was a white vintage vest

"Sure Kim! Thanks by the way" I thanked Kim for buying me clothes and wenny thanked her aswell.

After that we went to an arcade, filled with so many prizes inside..



gotta end it right there. Thank you everyone for reading ❤️ I appreciate you all for reading this weird book I made..

673 words!

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