CHAPTER 2 - EPISODE 3 : the place..

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Hey! Uh kim where's the clothes around here? Eheh....." Allen said while scratching his neck

"Oh! It at your left!" Kim said while pointing to they're left

"Thanks Kim!" Wenny thanked Kim and then go find some clothes while Allen followed her

"Huh, how do you know where the clothes were?" I said while raising my eyebrow

"Oh there's signs can't you see? Eheh." Kim said and point at the left again

"Gosh why am I that stupid..." I thought and proceed to walk over to the pet toys


"Hm..we should get this ball for floof!" Kim said while grabbing the small ball

"hmm..he might just eat the ball.."
Kat said

"Uh no he won't! I think he'll love it!"
Kim said and put the ball in the basket

"If you say so.." kat said and goes to the other shelves

"How about we buy this toy chip bag?" Kat said while pointing at the toy

"Hmm sure let's buy it!" Kim said while smiling

Kim puts the toy chip bag in the basket and go to the cashier while kat was looking at some weird stuff(lmao)

"Hello! I would like to buy these items please!" Kim said while putting the basket on the desk(a/n: I thinks it's like a desk idk.)

"It costs 10.33$" the cashier said

Kat looked at the items

((KAT P.O.V))

'hmm...I wonder why cashier's always look so emo..' i thought and almost burst out laughing at the cashier

"I'm gonna go find the others" i said randomly

"Oh okay make sure to tell them to hurry because I wanna go home!" Kim said

"Okay I will!" I said and proceed to go find Allen, wenny and Betty

"Hmm where are they..." I said while looking for them

I immediately saw a pink haired woman
'it must be Betty!' I said to my mind I immediately run to the pink haired woman

"Betty!!" I yelled

"Hey! What do you mean Betty? Im not Betty! Go look for someone else bozo!" The pink haired woman said

I was embarrassed that it wasn't Betty!
"Sorry ma'am!" I said, I immediately run to the halls to go look for my siblings.

'stupid me..I should go look for them.' I said to my mind, gosh why am I that dumb?!

(A few embarrassing moments later..)

I saw a purple haired lady
'i hope it's wenny,' I thought

I immediately run to the purple haired lady
"Oh! Hi Kat!" Wenny said while smiling at me, Allen was there

Betty was with them too? Huh.

"Oh gosh! Finnally! I have been looking for you guys!" I said, I sweating from earlier phew..

I saw Kim going this way

"Did you find them kat!?" Kim said

"Yup I did! But did you get here?"

"..." My siblings were shocked..I was shocked that I found out...

"FUNNEH WE'RE AT THE CASHIER!"Kim slightly yelled

"..WHAT." I was shocked that I have been going circles in this store..

"Welp let's just go..." Betty said

"Yep..let's go home now" Allen said

(They already paid btw)

(( AT HOME ))

"Phew we made it!" I said while putting the bags down

"Welp let's give these toys to our pets!" Kim said and giggled

"I hope they like it..." I said,

'man what a day..'


Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed the episode today! It's seriously midnight rn lmao so ty for reading!

(Sorry for not posting..sigh)
600 words.
date: 11/23/2022

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