CHAPTER 2 - EPISODE 5 : baking with Betty!

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Kim, kat, wenny and Allen bakes with Betty!
Will the baking go wrong? Will the food taste bad?(hope not..) will the house get burnt down by Kim? Let's find out on this episode!

(The chaos here..)


Noises coming from Kats alarm...kat woke up and her hair was kinda messy, she went to the bathroom and go fix her hair and brush her teeth

After that, she went back to her room and lay on her bed then she heard her dear older sister yelling.

"DEAR SIBLInGS!!!" Betty yelled and almost had a voice crack

'What is it this time...' kat said in her mind and thinking if someone broke her favorite mug again..

Kat went outside if her room, she then saw Allen eating a bowl of cereal, Kim on her phone posting something on insta and wenny playing animal crossing on the Nintendo

"What is it Betty?" Kim asked Betty, Betty Inhaled and..

"LETS BAKE CUPCAKES!!" Betty yelled again

"Ow Betty you're literally making my ear drums hurt" wenny sarcastically said while covering her ears

"oops sorry wenny, but anyways let's bake cupcakes my dear siblings!!" Betty said while smiling

"Hmm, ok that why you have so many ingredients for cupcakes on the counter?.." Allen said, duh it was very obvious that those ingredients are for cupcakes

"Yup! That's right Allen!, I got 10 (idk 😟) ingredients!" Betty said while grabbing the whisk (it's like that thing where you mix the eggs??)

"Hmm, I'll get the flour!" Wenny said while grabbing the flour

Kim grabbed the icing and kat grabbed the eggs


The cupcakes were in the oven, Kim put the timer to 10 minutes (pretend it's the wrong timer🥰), kat was kinda confused why the cupcakes are getting black(NOT RACIST!!!)

'wait..why are the cupcakes turning black? Wait a minute...' kat thought for a second and realized...

"KIM THE CUPCAKES ARE GETTING BURNT!!" kat yelled and Kim immediately turn off the oven

Kim opened the oven door thing and the cupcakes were slightly burnt. Poor cupcakes..

"Oh gosh..uh I guess we have to put icing on it now!" Kim said and immediately changed the topic.

Allen and kat waited for this moment! Kat grabbed the blue and green icing before Allen, Allen immediately grabbed the icing away from Kat

"let go!!" "No!!" This is why kat should've think before getting the green icing..

The green icing randomly fell off on the ground, wenny took it before kat and Allen.

"It's mine now suckers!!" Wenny yelled

"NOOOOO!!" Allen and kat said and gets revenge on wenny by taking her purple icing

"Hey! Don't fight! It's not worth fighting over icing!!" Kim scolded them

"Hey it's not my fault Allen immediately grabbed the green icing away from me!" Kat said in a sad way

Allen smacked Kats head and kat smacked his head too

"Ow!" Kat and Allen said, Kim sighed in disappointment

"You know there's 2 more green icing in the fridge right?" Kim said

Kat and Allen ran to the fridge and get the green icings

Kat put the blue and green icing on her cupcake

Allen put his green icing on his cupcake aswell

"Are you guys done?" Betty said while putting sprinkles on her cupcake

"Yup!"Kim said, while putting her cupcake on the tray

"And....done!" Allen said and finishes his cupcake by putting sprinkles on it

"Done." Wenny said

(20 minutes later)
"I'm done !" Kat said while putting more sprinkles on her cupcake

"Finally your done kat, your sooo slow" Allen said and laughed

"Shut up Allen! You're slow too!" Kat said with the same roast

"Hey guys, don't you dare fight again!" Betty said and gave us a death stare

"Fine!" "Well fine!" Me and Allen turned away from each other

"You guys act like children!" Wenny laughed at them, Kim laughed aswell

Betty chuckled
"Allen is more childish than me!" Kat said
"Dang, just because I'm the youngest.." Allen fake cried

"You both are more childish.."Betty mumbled



End of episode! Thanks everyone for reading this❤️

696 words.


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