CHAPTER 1 - EPISODE 1 : where's Betty?....

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Betty is gone, the krew tries to find her. Will they succeed?

Kat woke up and immediately checked her phone.

'oh, it's 8am.' she thought in her head, she stood up, walk to her bathroom and brush her teeth, she decided to go to the kitchen.

Kim and Allen was there but no sign of Betty, wenny is in the living room watching a TV show.
"Good morning guys!" Kat greeted

"Good morning kat" "good morning!" Kim and Allen said,

Wenny walked into the kitchen.
"Have you guys seen Betty?, I checked her room and she's not in there" wenny questioned

"I don't know, I just woke up." Kat said and grabbed a plate to eat

"Maybe Betty was outside buying snacks for us?" Allen said while eating bacon & eggs.

"Yea, maybe.." Kim agreed with Allen while cooking bacon"But! We should eat first."

After eating, kat decided to call Betty.


Ring ring...ring ring...number cannot call.
"What?!" Kat was surprised that Betty didn't pick up...

"Kat, you okay?" Kim asked

"I called Betty but she didn't respond.."

"Hey, kat don't worry! She'll get home soon.." Kim calmed kat down, kat is still worried about her.

Even Allen and wenny are a bit worried, since it's been an hour.

2 hours later, Betty still isn't home.

"Guys can we atleast call her again?!?" Wenny asked us

"I mean if we could try?" Kat said.

Kim called Betty on her phone again, 2 minutes later she didn't answer.

"did Betty answer?." Allen asked Kim.

"Nope, didn't respond again."Kim announced, she got a lil bit worried about Betty now.

"Oh noo, what are we gonna do!?" Wenny yelled in distress

"Okay guys, calm down! Maybe her phone died.."kat said.

Kim looked at her siblings, thinking they'll go crazy without betty in the house.

3 hours in..Betty still haven't came home.

"Okay seriously!? She still haven't came home yet??" Allen slightly shouted

"C'mon Allen, we just gotta wait for her." Kim replied

4 hours in..

"I'm getting tired now-.."wenny got cut off from someone knocking on the front door.

Kim opened the door and...

Saw Betty with a bag of snacks, a paper bag with a t-shirt in it and she was holding a dairy queen Oreo ice cream.

"Where were you!?!"Kim questioned her while taking the bag with full of snacks.

"I'm really sorry..I could've texted you guys that I was shopping in the mall!"Betty replied while she sat in the couch

"WAIT WHAT??, You were shopping in the mall-...WITHOUT US???"kat shouted

"Seriously kat? You worry about her shopping without us?-" Allen said

Wenny slightly chuckled,
"Allen I am worried about her, like she's literally sweating right now!" Kat stated

"okay guys don't fight! I just got back home, let me go change my clothes real quick." Betty said and went to her room

That was a really weird day.

Thank you guys so much for reading my books!! I really appreciate you all❤️❤️ I finally finished it after so many days 😭
Also bonus scene✨:

Allen walked up to the counter while Betty stored the snacks in the pantry, Allen secretly snatched the Dorito chips and run to his room. When Betty was gonna store more, she got confused where the other chip bag was, she'll never know who snatched it.
573 words

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