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Abby walked along the streets of the small town. She was told the church was down this street but she couldn't seem to find it. Finally after finding a local and asking them she was pointed to a small shack. She knocked on the old wooden door that looked worn and old. A woman answers hiding behind it. "Yes?" She says looking up and down the street as if double checking that Abby was alone.
"I was told that this was the church?"
The woman looked skeptical and scared.

"Yes it is, are you the missionary?" She asks hope filling her voice. Abby smiled wide. Nodding her head she answered kindly. "Yes my name's Abby." The woman quickly stepped aside to let Abby in. The inside was dark and like most of the town covered in dust. "Come in! Come in." The woman said excitedly. Abby walked past her and took in the room. It was no larger than the living room her apartment had held but fifty people sat huddled in the room listening to a man amongst them read from a small Bible. Upon her entry everyone stopped and stared. Suddenly she was overcome with fear. These were the people she was supposed to share God with.

"Hello," I squeaked out. I wanted to hide but instead I drew back my shoulders and mustered all of the courage I had. "My name is Abigail Leopold. I am the missionary from America here to build your school."
My voice came out smooth but my hands shook and my mouth felt dry. Most people waved politely. Then turned back to the man who picked up his reading. I sat on the edge of the room and listened. She couldn't pin point where they were reading but guessed Romans. After they read the songs Wich I dotted down in my note book to learn later. Then everyone gathered for fellowship. Many said hello and were nice. Although I saw no children here I didn't let my hope fail and instead asked a kind older woman.

"Children at work." She answered. Before turning away. At work on a Sunday! It was outrageous. Pushing the aside she went to talk to the pastor about school. He said that she could use the church building as long as she didn't teach on Sunday. She assured him she wouldn't dare and then he seemed to drop into serious matters. "I'll tell you now though. Most children won't want to learn. You'll simply pull them away from needed jobs and fun." With that he turned to greet another church goer. Part of her ached at that. But she shoved it aside. A few of the woman said their child would come tomorrow but most said it was unneeded. She knew before she could reach the young child she would have to reach the older. After everyone left she prepared to use what little she had the following morning. Setting out little mats so that the children could sit she also put out a few notebooks for them to use.

After everything it took her only about thirty minutes. Although she'd done no hard labor Africa, was quite hotter than New York and she'd started sweating. Wiping her forehead she left the small building and walked outside. The small town was busy. Especially for a Sunday. She saw many woman working in small gardens and many men skinning animals, most likely for dinner. She walk along the street just studying the people the town held. Many children poked out to look at her from the folds of their mothers skirts or around door frames that didn't have an actual door. Here and there in the town she found Chicken coops. But other than the animals the men were skinning there wasn't many animals. Sure the occasional mouse scurried past, but even those were small and not often.
The whole town had a weird smell about it and she wondered if she would ever grow use to it. She stopped to watch as a small group of children sang a song about God's love. They shouted it excitedly and she noted it in her book so that she might use it later. Bravely she walked to them.

"Can you teach me?" She asked one little boy. He looked up at her with big brown eyes. Although he seemed confused. "Teach you what?"
He asked. She gestured to the children who were still singing. "The song about God."
The boy now seeming to understand shook his head eagerly. Walking to the middle of the circle he called out.
"The nice lady here," he started gesturing towards Abby. "Wants to learn our song." At this the children eagerly began to teach her. And although it took awhile she soon learned the song.

A/N what do y'all think? Also do y'all want to know the song? And what do y'all think of Abby? Hope y'all enjoyed. Let me know

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