abt us + how2join + rules

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welcome to the super epic cult i made for our one and only prankster, aiga akaba!!!! maybe hikaru too

here we make mommy valt suffer in everyway possible. area 51 go pew pew

this book is adapted from the sinnamon squad which is owned by TheAzureGirl (there r 3 seasons go read rn its so good!! u can get content of aiga kil- im mean humor and laffs!!)

this cult was originally supposed to be a joke but i decided to make it an actual cult to make blue suffer. 🤡 now enjoy all these dumb asf mentions!!!!!

blue just accept your inner aiga fan. we know you love aigas antics <3

-- anyways heres our rules:

01: do not hate on aiga +hikaru or ill personally hunt you down and kill you </3 /hj

02: if u enter in any of these three categories: a sadist, a menace, or a masochist ilysm now suffer with me.

03: enjoy aigas antics!!! if u dont ur not a true aiga fan.

04: u dont gotta simp u just gotta support for our boy. just donate valts money so we can go to area 51 or smthing

05: everyone is allowed to join, so pls respect everyone here in every way <3

-- what 2 expect:

i dont know actually, but there might be a bunch of chapters of very detailed stories of every time aiga destoryed something, killed someone, annoyed valt, and raided area 51.

azure pls help. what do i do.

maybe a bunch of aiga content just for you???? <3

-- form 2 join:

pls fill out our form below to become a member of our cult!!!

the current members are me, TheAzureGirl and Bluee_here (forced her to join uwu u cant hide bluE EMBRACE UR INNER AIGA)

why u joined:
reasons why u stan aiga:
extra: (add ur pronouns, or anything abt yourself so we can understand u better!!)

if u want pls help us grow so we can spread awareness that #aigaisacoolboyboss #supportaiga #killingphiandarthurisgood #raidarea51isgood and #mommyvaltssufferingisgood

u can add this cult to ur profile or socials or absolutely anything but we dont force you.

why do ppl hate aiga in the community i absolutely love him

stan aiga he is such a savage

aiga doesnt deserve anyone,, hes too good for everyone else.

the aiga akaba cult!! #helpusraidarea51Where stories live. Discover now