aiga ships!! epic or mid? ... wait a minute

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blue wont tell me her ideas so i spent 2 whole days procrastinating on what to do,,, wow ty so much blue you somehow made me suffer in the most humble way. ive never felt so damn offended in my life-

well thank you very much. i have now thought up at the most cliche idea. rating ships.

i would prob say every single ship here is not pog at all because aiga is just too cool for everyone but i have no ideas. who thought my boredom would go this far holy-

i have no ships for aiga but if my brain is taking me this far then if you insist-

i would rate every single ship here a 0/10 but iLL be nICE 🤡

you can rate your ships of aiga in the comments idm i wanna see peoples opinions and you obliterating me for my taste of aiga ships. <3 im such a masochist muahah

azure said my laughing is scary so im gonna use it in every single sentence now mUAHAHAHAHHAHA

am i gonna be adding a picture of every ship i mention? no. im not feeding you a picture of your aiga ship you thirsty people.

also none of these ships will get a 10.

anyways enough of this lets start hehe

1. valiga (valt x aiga)

7/10 - its okay. i guess its kinda pog.
   OK ill be honest with you i used to ship this until my aiga obsession suddenly came when i was watching cho-z but i lost interest in this ship — and when i lost interest, i mean i completely lost it.

i only see valt as aiga's big brother now

HAHA VALIGA SHIPPERS i dont feel sorry at all

its cool.

2. aiga x xhan

8/10 - its pog and cute
   this ship is just adorable honestly. first we have a prince and a farm boy that met in a cruise that whoknowswhereitwasgoing

then xhan went "omg this is what xhaka told me i finally met my de stin ed rival i bet fate brought me here to this day uwu" in like 5 minutes HELP

there moments r just so wholesome.


3. aiga x laban

5/10 - okay.
   i just see them as friends, really, but its still cute. their interactions r rlly adorable when aiga went to visit laban lmao

i honestly have nothing to say abt this so

po g

4. shu x aiga

2/10 - they met like- once in cho-z 💀
   im pretty sure people only ship this was during that scene where aiga was like staring at shu sleep while trying to wake him up at like 4 in the goddamn morning.

idgaf abt aiga ships so i have no idea what to say.

kinda pog ship but not rlly?

anyways no one deserves aiga.

5. kit x aiga

6/10 -
   they're adorable (especially during that scene when kit just flew with naru and made aiga run by foot) but i only see them as friends.

i would of given this a higher ranking if they had a bit more interactions but beyblade tends to forget all the other characters and move on with a new main character so like.

po g sh i p i g

6. ranjiro x aiga

8/10 - bestiesss <333
   look at these bros, they're just so cool. this ship is just adorbs tbh. its honestly rlly cute how they care for each other, especially when aiga decided to get milk but ranjiro went like: "you aint going anywhere bestie let me come w/ u"

look at these best bros. they r just slaying so hard

epic ship!!!!

7. fubuki x aiga

7/10 - its cool
   theres these moments where fubuki's just done with aiga and then those moments where he acts like a shu with valt 2.0 but its just that aiga is screaming all the time (you go aiga!!! 🤪)

now that i think abt, this relationship is just fubuki is shu and valt is aiga but aiga was the one to turn into red eye LMAO

i see them as friends but this ship is cute


8. suoh x aiga

5/10 - lmao im wheezing
   they practically hate each other but the fandom dgaf so they started shipping them. this ship is just so funny to me idk why ROFL

i literally have nothing to say. i dont like it nor hate it at the same time so

pog ig 👌

9. nika x aiga

5/10 - wow, straight ships come by rarely these days
   lmao its decent. i would also give this a higher rating if they had more interactions but they barely communicated w each other so okay.

i just see them as friends. nothing more <3

but hey, its cool

somewhat pog? i dont know.

10. aiga x hikaru

7/10 - cute <3
   there was that time when aiga went to visit hikaru and stuff bc he thought hikaru was brocken and emo after he got eliminated from the one of the tournaments. that was honestly very considerate of him owo

this ship is also wholesome. there interactions r cute. i would of atleast given this an 8 if they had more screen time

overall its epic.

11. phi x aiga

-100000/10 - IM CRYING
   I PURPOSELY PUT THIS LAST BC I DIDNT WANT TO GO OVER THIS ONE HONESTLY this ship is just so cursed and toxic HELP IF YOU SHIP THISE YOU DO YOU BUT IM ABT TO GO INSANE (i already am) this ship gives me major hisoka x gon vibes and im not lying




having a major meltdown for 20 minutes.

anyways ur just so cool for reading this bull crap

also i still need ideas because blue isnt giving me hers

please join the event too so i can make blue and rose suffer. i need submissions

anyways bye until i find something else to post on here.

- midnight

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