submission: Being A Secret Spy

126 13 95



WRITTEN BY: anonymous


Aiger Akabane is known for his unique abilities. Unlike other kids, who like to jump around and play or have fun, he wants to do dangerous stuff and mess with others.

Currently, the brown-haired kid is trying to complete a mission he got from the headquarters. He has to finish this mission as soon as possible to make it in time for their squad's hang out. He knows, that if he's late, his partner in crime will take care of covering the things up. He smirked knowing his partner and jumped off a roof perfectly landing on the spot without making any sound. As soon as he landed on the spot, he didn't even wait for a second and quickly made his way to the next position. He's on a mission to take down a whole dark empire which is known to be at the top of the wanted list. So, the Secret Spy Agency thought of sending their best spy for the mission.

Aiger positioned himself and checked his surroundings for any sign of danger. When he felt like everything was alright, he pulled out his two handguns and readied himself for a dive jump. While everyone who are down was concentrating on the goods they were shifting, Aiger jumped off taking them all by surprise and started shooting randomly which almost hit all of them except for those who reacted fast and took cover. Aiger smirked at his ability proud of himself. He put the handguns in their place and pulled out his dual swords. His favorite weapon. I'm gonna nail it for sure. The boy thought as he launched himself toward the hidden men. The men who survived the before attack, started shooting simultaneously at the kid who dodged every bullet swiftly and blocked some of the bullets with his sword. Time for my special move. The kid thought unleashing his full potential. "Have any last words?" He asked the men and slashed through each one of them in a split second. He loves it when he does that.


Meanwhile, with Valt and the squad, Valt has been growing impatient about a certain kid. It was past half an hour since they were supposed to meet. Valt growled in frustration as he scrolled through his phone. The kid wasn't picking up his phone. His best friend, Shu placed a hand on his shoulder trying to calm him down. "He must have been stuck in traffic." Shu said as Valt growled even more. "How can he be stuck in traffic if he's gonna come by train?" Valt asked his friend as it was Free who answered him this time. "Maybe, he forgot about it or something?" Valt huffed at Free's answer. "I don't think he will forget when it's about an Action movie," Valt said still trying to contact the maroon-haired kid. Aiger's partner in crime stepped up wanting to help his friend. "Valt, I just stopped talking to him. He said that he found a new video game that got released just a few hours ago. He said not to worry. He'll make it in time." Valt sighed at this. "Then I guess we should go to the park without him. I hope he'll make it in time before the movie starts." Valt said gesturing for others to go.

Just as they were about to enter the park, Hikaru got a call from his partner. "Sorry. You guys go on. I'll talk and come." He said as everyone goes in. He attends the call to hear the sounds of gun firing and explosions. 'Hello? Sun Prince, I need a hand over here. They're more people than I expected. Unfortunately, they got an incredible backup. You might call Golden Deer for help too.' He said hanging up immediately. Hikaru sighed as he got new trouble on his shoulders. He has to sort out a plan to get both of them out of here. The Sun Prince passed many people in the amusement park to meet his friends. "Free!" He shouted wavings his hands. "Kris called you and me to the WBBA. I guess they're gonna team us up or something." Hikaru said while giving him a wink. Free understood the situation and waved to the rest. Valt sighed as soon as the two left the place. "Why does everyone has to get some important work on this particular day?!" He turned to the others. "Let's just cancel the movie for today. We will go on any other day." He said as Hyuga had tears in his eyes. "But, I wanted to see the movie." Valt patted Hyuga's head. "I promise. We will see it any other day. Let's just enjoy in the amusement park for today." He said as Hyuga stopped crying replacing stars in his eyes. Lui huffed in response. "I came here with you pathetic people cause you insisted me come to watch the movie. If it was just going to the amusement park, I would have never agreed to come. I'm taking my leave." He said and left on his way. Valt sighed heavily. He was having enough of this. Everyone's leaving one by one. He looked at the rest. Hyuga and Drum were talking excitedly with each other and Shu were just silently scrolling through his phone. While Bell was sneaking behind him to do something.

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