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WRITTEN BY: anonymous


Aiga yawn in boredom.

 The said maroon boy is now tied up in rope in a chair, he's supposed to be meet Valt to hangout with him but (un)fortunately he got kidnap by a novice kidnapper. 

 He almost snort at his idiocy. That guy doesn't even know how to kidnap properly!  

First mistake: The kidnapper use chloroform in handkerchief with a wrong dosage, he just put up with an act that he fell asleep and the kidnapper actually buy it. That shows how noob he is, a chloroform takes about 5 minutes, given the right dosage, to knock you off. He deduce that guy watch to much movie where one goes unconscious immediately. Thankfully he only sniff few dosage or else he will be doom.

Second mistake: The kidnapper abandon him alone, didn't even bother to put a camera to watch over him, he guess he's poor. His negligence will lead him into escape because he can move what ever he want without being worries.

Third mistake: The kidnapper is terrible in tying knot, it's not even tight or done properly. Sure, his hands, feet and torso are tied up, but know how to take this off without a sweat. All he need to do is use his teeth to take the ropes off, simple as that.

How does he know all of this? Let's just say he has enough knowledge and experience, that's all.

He's expecting his day to be more interesting only to leave him disappointment. Boo!

Oh well, time to spice things up. And he better be hurry or else Valt might get angry at him or worried, it doesn't matter what his reaction would be, he's not picky. 

Aiga stand up and dust himself, the kidnapper is probably coming back now the moment he realized his bag doesn't contain money, because it just contain a knife He can already imagine his priceless reaction, thinking why this kid has a dangerous weapon unlike him.

The maroon boy grab the baseball bat place in the corner of the wall, he suspect he will use it against him, but the table is now turn.

It's payback time now, he will make him realize he kidnap the wrong person.

Turquoise eyes sharpen at the sight of door being open, in a fast reflex, he immediately hit the kidnapper's head as much stronger as he can. The unconscious body fell down in the cold concrete floor that create a thud.

A devious smile form on the gremlin's lips, as he drag the body.


Valt groan in frustration, he keep tapping his feet in the ground in irritation, while looking from his surrounding while simultaneously looking at his phone for any hint of maroon boy. "Where is he?" He mutter himself angrily

But deep inside, he can't deny his worry for him.

'What if something bad happen to him? What if he got hurt?' The bluenette keep thinking dark ideas until his train of thoughts interrupt by his phone.

Hazel brown eyes shine in hope, as he sigh in relief and sag his shoulder in relaxation, his maroon friend name show up at the screen of his phone. 

He open his phone to read the message, and in that exact moment, he's starting regret feeling worried about him.

I need help to hide a body ^^

Valt can feel the familiar headache taking over his head, he pinch the bridge of his nose to calm down his nerves.

'How does this guy always stir some trouble?!' Valt thought irritatedly, all he want is a peaceful day. Is that even too much to ask for?

If he hadn't known better, he would think Aiga is doing this in purpose to make him suffer.

The bluenette quickly type on his phone with an angry face. The people who is passing by is thinking that he has a fight with his lover, he can hear their sad mutterings that make him want to puke.

 Is the reason you're late is because you killed someone!? 

Of course not~ I just got kidnap, that's all. 

The bluenette who is reading his messages almost had an heart attack at the word 'kidnap'.

Before you start worrying, I already got escape and I didn't kill anyone (yet). I just type that to make you surprise ^^

Valt's eyes twitch dangerously, as he clutch his phone tightly. This guys is messing up with him! He can imagine it clearly his annoying reaction.

Bring back my worries! 
You didn't deserve it! 

Aww, you're worried about me, thank you <3

That's not the point!!! 

Anyway, does our plans cancelled?

Of course not! I want my pizza! I'll be there is 30 minutes. Just order our food or go around first. 


Wait, you said you got kidnap right. Does that mean you got rob your money too? 

No, because I only bring my weapon. The kidnapper's face must be surprise it to see it XD 

Are you saying you're going to mall without money and only bring weapons!?

Hahaha jk, I brought my money too of course. I just hide my money in the secret pocket of my bag.

Are you saying your money is hidden but the weapon is visible!? Isn't reverse!? 

Yeah XD 


I hate you -_- 

Lies ^^ 

 Valt sigh in exasperation, but couldn't agree more. He's just gonna get revenge by putting hot chili sauce on his pizza. 


 The kidnapper slowly open his eyes, consciousness taking over him, the first thing he see is a teen with maroon hair, turquoise eyes with a smirk playing on his face. 

 "Hello, nice to yeet you" Aiga greet with a mischievous smile while suppressing his laugh at his incredible introduction.

The kidnapper, who is tied up in the chair, stare at him for a very long, long time. As his next sentence almost make Aiga laugh.

"Please, just turn me in the police already" 


(thank you for the submission!)

(i might be extending the deadline for the event since there is an insufficient amount of submissions. please let me know if you approve. if so, ill extend it to a further date. -midnight)

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