part two: hikaru ships! epic or mid?

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i didn't update in like a while so im very disappointed in myself rn

im very very very very sorry pls forgive me

anyways ppl said i should do a hikaru ship version next so here it is ig

i saw a very cursed picture of one of his ships and started crying. im still traumatized today. you'll soon know what it is soon. sob

he doesn't have that many ships so there will only be a few.

anyways lets start hehehehhe

1. hikaru x raika

5/10? (same ranking as aiga x nika) - straight ships come by once a moon
   okay i have the same exact reason for aiga x nika. its cute. it would of gotten a higher ranking if they had more moments together 

but other than that its poggers 👌

2. ranjiro x hikaru

6/10 - i see them as friends only
   lmao ive seen ppl ship this. its okay. they get along well and stuff but i only see them as friends, nothing else.

personally dont know what to say to this but its pog! it has some decency :)

3. aiga x hikaru

7/10 - same reasoning in the other chapter
   i added this bc i need to put content which i dont have even though i already went over this. they're interactions r adorable honestly. i wish they had more screentime other than the time aiga came over and shiz happened.

idol x fanboy LETS GOO

epic epic epic!!

4. hikaru x hyuga

-10000000000000000/10 - crying in a box rn
   oh after many many years, this is what society has become? shipping brothers? whoever ships these two, i wish you the best of time behind the bars. illegal, disgusting, and a disgrace to see. after seeing this i want to jump off cliffs, shoot myself, drown myself, suffocate, and die in the most painful way. oh how inspirational

who thought of this? i would like to speak to their manager and sue them for eternity.

mid. way below the category of mid actually. what do i call it?

im trying my best to speak calmly, but my hands that are typing this are shaking with anger.

5. lean x hikaru

0/10 - this ship will appear in my nightmares tonight
   hey are you the👁👄👁new girl😜heh☺️ i thought so😌i've never seen👀 you before🤔 cone e chee wah ✋🏻 i'm david-kun😚it's so nice😛to finally meet you🤪you look just like😳my waifu🥵😩HEH👹HEH👹HEH👹HEH👹HEH👹HEH👹anyways😐i'm so sorry😔about the jerks😡in class😤theyre all👊🏻BAKA👊🏻they only want😭one thing😫not me🥴i just like🤓to watch📺my favourite anime😍jiu jitsu kaisen😍and read manga😎mmmalso👉🏻👈🏻ithinkyourereallycool👀😩😅kawaee desu neigh😳🐴HEH👹HEH👹HEH👹HEH👹HEH👹HEH👹nghuuh😩😣i'm sorry😤i'm just nervous😩😭okay😈😡it's just😏😉well😋it's just🥵mm i just wish id die and suffer a painless death

honestly cursed

no super super cursed

crying in a box 2.0



just mid.


6. lean x hikaru x hyuga

-10000000000/10000000 - this wont be apart of my nightmares, its my literal sleep paralysis demon
   oh, did you notice how i added the extra zeros in ten? that was on purpose. this is how much anger i feel when i see this ship. we ship brothers, and now this. 

and dont worry. theres gonna be one more cursed ship, and thats it. no more suffering, no more traumatization, and the world is saved.

im not gonna say anything. im traumatized, hurt, in pain, having a headache, and throwing up.

how do you say below mid in the most painfullest way? someone tell me.

7. free x hikaru

0/10 - suffering from chronic pain.
   i searched up "hikaru asahi" and i see a picture of him and free kissing. why must you do this to me? im traumatized, very traumatized.

they only went to spain just to train and battle free. my screen has droplets of water on it. its probably from my tears

tears of pain


im so glad this chapter is finally over.

suddenly, my kokoro has been enlightened with stars and happiness.

thank you for reading my bullcrap 2.0 you have earned a token of my respect and i think you're super cool. not cap btw

idk if im gonna continue the event since no ones joining lets goooo

give ideas if u want. i have a few but they arent enough

anyways see ya besties

- midnight

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