how to deal with problems maturely (REAL)

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do you have something that's been bothering you for the past couple days 😧😧, or perhaps weeks 🤔🤔? maybe even months 😱🥶😱? today i will teach you HOW to handle them like a certified and informative adult.

number one.
   recognize what's the cause of all this and calm yourself down. take things easy, and realize your surroundings. it's best to handle it calmly.

number two.
   don't blame others for the cause. to take complete control over your life crisis, take full responsibility on yourself. you must know that everything charges against you from each minute forward. it's important to stay positive and focused.

number three.
   get the facts. ask questions. it's good to ask yourself or other people to understand your situation. if there is a possible solution, make sure to listen patiently to all answers. it's your job to find it by completely understanding what happened before proceeding to the next step.

number four.
   take your problem off your mind for a bit and try something new. by doing this, you're taking a different approach to solving this problem. give yourself breaks, and perhaps maybe a solution will hit you right away.

number five.
   it's time to make a conclusion. stay motivated and keep trying if you fail. if this technique doesn't work for you, proceed to the next stage and take major measures. we have provided a few steps that will guarantee you to find a solution to your crisis.

number six.
   kill it. destroy it, or do anything that will make it disappear from your life. it's a great way to remove the pressure you're feeling in your life. make sure it doesn't leave any traces so you'll prevent getting flashbacks from your problem.

number seven.
  to cure your rage, consider committing a mass murder. it's always good to use your anger on other things. do know that this is a more highly successful way then crying in a pillow. this way it will benefit the world from overpopulation and yourself. go to the next step for an alternate way.

number eight.
   commit arson. it always nice to watch the flames that burn as hot as your anger fill your surroundings. it's a rather beautiful scene. watching something peaceful can always calm your attitude.

number nine.
   vandalism. it's a great way to inflict your rage on other beings. the terror they receive when something they cherish gets damaged is an amusing sight to see. not only will it cure your anger, but it will also give you a good laugh!

number ten.
   commit a felony, or do all of the above! this way, you will receive a better experience. the chances of succeeding is very high, so don't worry. however, taking this step make form many risks, so it's best to be prepared when you take this action.

was your problem solved? 😏 congratulations! 😊 sometimes things get tough and you are faced with life's complicated problems, 😨 but remember to stay motivated knowing that using this technique you can recognize and develop strategies to solve any problem. 🤗

how do you solve your problems and stay motivated? 🤔 make sure to leave a comment below! 👍 hopefully you now learnt how to deal with problems maturely. 🤫  i hope this guide will help you in nearby future! 😁 i hope everyone has a good day. 😋

amen 🙏

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2022 ⏰

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