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Jae's POV

We get inside and see a bunch of armed men on the downstairs floor with guns. El made the car alarm go off and throw it at them crushing them as it flys by hitting them.

Dustin, Robin, Mike and Erica come out from behind the counter and we rush downstairs. After a few hugs, Robin asks a question.

"I'm sorry but I don't understand what the hell happened to that car."

"El has superpowers." Dustin retorts at her


"She has super powers she threw it with her mind come on catch up." Steve said sarcastically.

"I'm sorry who are you?" Nancy asked.

"She's Robin, she works with Steve and I. she helped crack the code." I answer her question

"Yea which is how we found out about the Russians" Steve chimes in.

"Russians... What Russians" Jonathan said surprised."

"The Russians." Steve says pointing at the bodies on the floor."

"Those were Russians!" Max said sounding kind of excited.

As we started rambling on I see El fall onto the floor. We run over to her and I take the bandages off her leg. Something started to move around and she screams. Jonathan runs away to find something to help get it out. I hold her down steadily. He comes back with a heated knife and tries to cut it out, he sticks his fingers inside and El screams. I felt like throwing up so I ran to the closest trash can to throw up.

"Stop it! Stop!... I can do it."

I hear her scream while I finished throwing up, I turn around. I see her throw it but it attached itself to me and I start to scream in pain as it dug into my skin on one of my deep wounds. I take a few steps back before falling down onto my back. Nancy and Dustin run over and he kneels down beside me as Nancy slowly places me on her lap.

"You're gonna be okay. Guys help!" She said as tears formed in her eyes. I started to feel sleepy and my eyes start to shut on their own.

Nancy's POV

Jae's eyes started to close and I started to get scared. Jonathan runs over and noticed where the thing was latched onto. Jonathan used the knife on it but only managed to cut half of it as the other half was already inside of her body.

"Her shirt has to come off. Lay her down." The others slowly come over as Mike helps El up and over to us. I lay her down and rip her shirt in half. Her upper body was covered i. many open wounds that she didn't tell anyone about. The boys looked away except for Dustin, Jonathan and Steve. Her head rest on Dustin's lap as he started to cry at the sight of his sister dying.

"No Jae I... I can't lose you. Please, wake up." Dustin says as he rubs his hand over her cheek.

Jae's POV

I felt the tears of Dustin fall into my face. I slowly open my eyes and look at him and place my hand on his cheek.

"It's.... It's going to b-be okay. I-I pro-promise." I said barely able to speak.

"No Jae you can't leave me, you can't leave mom, Nancy, Steve, Jonathan, you can't leave us. Not right now. We need you."

Nancy's POV

"Jae please don't leave. I....I love you. I always have since the day I knew we would be together forever." She grabs my hand and places it on her cheek.

"I-I love you too Nancy Wheeler." She said with a week smile.

"What the hell is going on here?" I look up and see Hopper quickly walking over and getting down to our level.

I explain what happened and he places his gun down. He looks at El.

"El I know you're in pain but I need you to focus, okay. We aren't going to let another innocent person die to this thing. So focus." He stands up and walks over to her.

Joyce takes a seat next to Jae and holds her and while giving me a reassuring look. Dustin and I hold hands as we waited for El to save Jae.

Jae's POV

I woke up in my room everything was empty all except for a bed. I walk out the room confused on what's going on. I go downstairs and see my father.

"Jae sweetie, it's a bit early to see you here?"

"Where am I? Did I die?" I ask him.

"No sweetheart, not yet at least. You see you're stuck in a place between life and death."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means you can choose to go back and help your friends or join me and watch as time goes by."

"Dad... I don't know what to do. I'm not sure I can help them."

"Yes you can Jae. I may have not been their for Dustin but you have. You leave and that kid will have no one. Yes he has your mother but she can't do what you have for him. I've seen how you care for him and that's no ordinary sibling love."

Nancy's POV

Hopper holds El up as she gets ready to get the thing out of Jae. She gives it a shot but fails.

"Try again! Focus Eleven!" Hopper says to her.

Jae's POV

As my dad kept telling me reasons why I should go back part of me believed it was better this way.

"Hey kiddo come here, I'm gonna show you something." He snaps his fingers and all of a sudden I can see everyone crowded around my body. Hopper Joyce and Murray were there too but I guess I missed them coming in.

"You see all your friends... your family are fighting to keep you alive. You just have to put your part in."

"But Dad-"

"No buts, you have a choice kid. And time is ticking. You have 45 seconds to choose to live or be stuck here with me for eternity. I'm your dad and I miss you so much but I don't want you dying like this. Not in the moment your friends need you the most. You join the fight and you're not fighting just to save Hawkins you're fighting to save the world. Go be the hero you would read about in comics. Don't be a coward and run like me." He got silent.

"Don't be a coward." I say to myself.

"How do I get to them?" I ask my Dad. He shows me a tunnel with memories of them going by at the end.

"Run to them. Run as fast as you ever could."

I hug him and run as fast as I could without looking back.

Comment what you guys think of this chapter. I felt like smth should happen to Jae since the story revolves around reoccurring tragedy. Also, lmk if you guys want anything to happen in the next "season" or any recommendations you guys have. Enjoy!

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