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What tv show would you watch together
Josh-Random old shows. Josh never really gets into newer TV shows and has never really watched Netflix or Hulu. He likes watching classic old tv shows like the Brady bunch and sometimes a good western like the rifleman

Jake- Stranger Things. You and Jake got into stranger things after it got suggested to him in an interview. His favorite character is hopper and he was pissed when he "died" in season three. You binged the whole first season in a day.

Sam-American Horror Story (specifically coven) you and Sam have watched coven at least five times. You love it because once again Fleetwood Mac obsession and Sam likes it because it's what you like so he got into it too. He likes Misty Day because that is your favorite and sometimes when he knows the Fleetwood Mac or Stevie Nicks song he starts singing with it.

Danny-Family Guy. You and Danny don't watch tv often. You usually just watch movies but when you do watch Tv it's family guy. Danny loves having more humor in his life and family guy is something he can laugh to.

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