Chapter 33-1: "Copy and Paste Versus the Editor"

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After the meeting concludes, Riku Reality receives a message from his alternate, telling him of the things he needs for his upcoming battle with Hiroshi. Riku pauses for a moment after reading the message, thinking back to the last moments of the meeting.

"As I said, the point of this meeting was to not only gain your trust, but to also make you aware of your current position in the resistance." Artemis spoke, Riku letting go of Sorey's hand and looking over at her. "Not only are you new here, but there are many that are suspicious of your appearance and presence here. There are many that do not trust you, and do not accept you."

As if on cue, several members of the Ten Teikoki rose out of their seats, Sorey taking his seat in turn. "Everyone standing currently are those who feel that way about you, minus the members of the resistance who aren't in this room of course." Riku narrowed his eyes; only Sorey, Aseiko, and Esen were sitting down. As for Artemis, she too was standing.

"So, even Artemis is suspicious of me...that's fair. They all have a right to be suspicious of me." Riku didn't bat an eye, looking directly into Artemis' eyes.

"I accept you, Riku. I trust you. But I cannot heart wavers when I look into your eyes. You are not Riku Fumiya, and yet your eyes are the same as the leader I put so much faith into. The same as the man who saved me. I cannot bring myself to say I trust you fully." Artemis does look away as she says that, but just as quickly regains her composure. "Seeing this, are you still willing to stand by the words you said before?"

Riku closed his eyes, not making a sound for just a couple of seconds. When he reopens his eyes, his expression is unchanged, confidence and determination burning bright in his eyes. "Yes. I don't care what I have to do, or how long it takes, but I'm going to prove myself. The first step to that is to take down the bastards that took Makou and Reina from Gina and Haruto. After that, I'll worry about moving up in the ranks of the resistance, and seeing where my purpose lies."

"Is that so?" Kei suddenly spoke, stepping away from his seat and standing about a foot away from Riku. "Because I don't think you have what it takes. To me, you look like a naive, idiotic child who barely has the strength to fight for what he believes in. I don't think you have what it takes to stand with us."

Riku doesn't even flinch as he meets Kei's intense gaze. "Then I guess I'll just have to beat you down first, won't I?" The two glared into each other's eyes, and it was a surprise their auras weren't leaking out.

"3:00pm, meet me in the training facilities. We shall see if you have what it takes to follow through with your convictions. I will test you myself." Kei narrowed his eyes. "And if you choose not to make an appearance, I will take that as your answer."

"I'll be there. You're on, pretty boy." Riku glared right back. After that, Riku locked eyes with every other Teikoki member, as well as Artemis herself. "I'll show you. Just wait until it's your turn."

And with that, the meeting ended. The second Riku walked out of the room was when his watch began blinking with a message notification. "I'm meeting Kei at 3:00 for a bout so..." Riku ponders to himself for a moment before sending his response to Fantasy. "4:00pm should do just fine."

After that, Riku goes to spend the few hours he has until his meetings with Gina and Haruto. He tells them about the meeting he had with the Teikoki and how amazing they all are, as well as how they feel towards him. He promises to make the children proud, just like their parents, and after some encouraging words and affection from the children, Riku warms up whilst they watch. In no time at all, it is time for Riku and Kei to meet.

As Riku makes his way to the facilities, he notices Kei is waiting for him right at the entryway. "Geez, I even came a little early and he's still here before me..." Riku mutters to himself, rolling his eyes as he notices a few female members gazing at him from afar.

Kei stands with his arms crossed, back leaning against the wall. Once Riku is close however, he opens a single eye and cocks an eyebrow. "So, you actually showed. You're brave, I'll give you that."

"And you're cocky..." Riku narrows his eyes in annoyance. "I think I'm gonna enjoy kicking his teeth in a little too much..."

Kei smirks just a bit before turning away. "Come, we'll be sparring in my training room." He begins walking down the hall with a purpose and Riku follows just as quickly.

"You guys all have your own training rooms?" Riku cocks an eyebrow.

"As the Teikoki, it's part of our duty to stay in shape and show an example to the rest of the resistance members. Hence, we get our own rooms to continuously train in whenever we see fit." Kei explains as they walk past several of the public rooms.

"I see...and people can challenge you for your position whenever they want?" Riku cocks an eyebrow, stopping as Kei pulls out a card and swipes it against a card reader next to a door with the number 10 on it.

"Yes, but we have the right to refuse, and even challenge the strength of other members ourselves. Though, the latter is quite rare, so you should consider yourself quite honored." Kei states as a matter of factly.

"And what makes you say that?" Riku asks sarcastically, rolling his eyes as he believes Kei is being cocky once more.

"Because every person who chose to rise out of their seat was also making the choice to challenge you in that way. You were challenged by seven of the ten members at the same time, right if you include Aseiko's introduction, and even the leader herself. Though if you want to climb the ranks, you have to make the holder of their title surrender it willingly. You can't just beat them in a fight and expect that to be it." Kei explains, walking into his room that looks almost no different than the other training rooms. The only notable difference he could see were four odd devices in the top four corners of the room.

"Although getting to the top would prove just how powerful my convictions are, it's not necessary to meet my current goal. So, even if I don't get to the number one spot, that's fine with me. I just need to prove I'm strong enough to hold onto my convictions, right?" Riku asks as he adjusts the gauntlets on his arms.

"Correct." Kei walks to the control panel in the middle of the room, typing away at it until the room becomes that of a simple dojo. Stone walls, wooden pillars, and bare wood floors. "So, let's see if you have what it takes, Riku Reality." Kei turns to face Riku, drawing his blade.

"Before we start, can I ask what's up with those four camera looking things?" Riku points to one of the four devices that looks very similar to an everyday, spherical security camera.

"They make the fabrications of the rooms all the more real. You won't be able to tell the difference between a real dojo and this image of one as we're battling. Allow me to show you." Kei then dashes at Riku, getting quite close in just a few seconds.

"Nothing but physical skill at the start... Alright then, I'll make you use your magic before I do. That'll show you that I'm no weakling." Riku eyes glow for a moment before he too dashes at Kei, his blades popping out of their sockets.

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