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The next week after they met, he found the seungmin.
Hyunjin's seungmin.
His best friend. Jeongin wished.
I don't want to be the best friend. Jeongin's imaginations had already went far from it .

Next week at the entrance, jeongin waited until his 'only hyung' appeared. But there was someone else standing beside him, well walked besides him. The sight  just made Jeongin feel a uncomfortable feeling.
'Who's that ? Why he's Soo clingy to hyung?? Look them laughing loud!'
Well, hyunjin's laugh was the best thing for Jeongin's ear. But at the moment, it wasn't.

Two came to jeongin and stopped.
" Jeongin!!!" Hyunjin light up at younger's sight as always.
Jeongin managed to give out a smile.
" Jeongin. This is my closest friend. Seungmin. You two, also be friends!" He said smiling.

" Hi hyung. I'm jeongin" jeongin, himself didn't understood why his own smile felt so unrealistic at the time.
" Ah. Jeongin! I'm seungmin" seungmin lend his hand to younger boy. Jeongin questioned himself, why he looking so unpleasant at me?

" I wish it's just us. Hyung and me!
Just two. Not three

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