A Protective Big Sister

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    As soon as they entered the room Carlos froze as he laid eyes on his sister. He had seen her in the hospital before when she wasn't eating and she needed to be hospitalized however it was nothing like this.

Carlos felt anger build up in him as he watched his sister struggle in her hospital crib. She had done this. Carlos knew she was cruel but he didn't expect this. Not to mention the very man standing next to Ava right now had also caused this. He didn't actually physically hurt them but by lying to him and threatening him and keeping him from his sister he was allowing that monster to keep hurting them. And that made him just hate the older boy standing near his big sister even more.

"Carlos it's okay if it's too hard you can stay at your dorm and I can come get you after," Ava told Carlos when she noticed him just blankly staring at Mal and he looked like he was deep in thought or trying to process. Carlos immediately shook his head no in fear at the mention of going back to his dorm alone.

"No, I'm staying here! But Ava I do have to tell you something," Carlos told Ava who just looked at her brother in concern as she just slowly nodded. "Okay here it goes..." Carlos told Ava as he completely broke down and told her everything.

"So she did this?" Ava asked Carlos as she tried to process everything she had just been told. Ava could feel her rage building up the more and more that Carlos talked about what happened to them. Ava couldn't believe she had just been allowing some monster to hurt her baby sister and little brother.

Well it wasn't happening anymore and Ava just knew if she ever did see that monster she was gonna make her pay for doing this to her family. Ava just didn't understand what kind of cruel devil could just do this to innocent children.

Before Carlos could really respond to her the door opened and two people entered. Jay who Ava recognized right away and some girl Ava had never seen before.

Ava wasn't stupid though she could see the way Carlos began to tense up and she could hear Mal's monitors starting to beep more and more as if the tiny baby could just sense the presence.

"Hi sorry we came as soon as we heard. I'm so sorry and um who are you?" Samantha asked Ava in her fake sweet voice that made Ava sick to her stomach as she knew exactly who this lady was and what she had done.

"I'm Ava Jalali, their big sister and the legal guardian of these two kids and as the legal guardian I want the both of you out now before I call security! Oh and one more thing! I know what you did, you b****! You did this! Don't think I'm gonna fall for your little innocent act! You're lucky that I don't want to end up in prison, otherwise I would have you in one of these hospital beds and begging for your mommy," Ava told Samantha in her threatening voice, making Samantha just laugh and roll her eyes.

"Oh please I would love to see you try," Samantha practically growled out making Ava lose it as she tried to launch herself at Samantha but got held back by Nolan. "Let me go!" Ava screamed out as she tried to get out of Nolan's hold.

"Ava that's what she wants you're better than her," Nolan told his girlfriend who just continued to scream and thrash. "Ha you're so pathetic! You need a big strong man to protect you," Samantha cackled out causing Ava to finally break from Nolan's hold as she pinned Samantha to the wall.

"I am not pathetic! And you need to leave now before I call the cops and tell them what you did to my little brother and sister. You'll be rotting away in prison where you belong," Ava threatened out to the slightly younger girl who gulped in fear before quickly going back to her normal self again.

"Oh yeah! You do that and I'll spin it to make it look like your precious cousin did it. I mean what's more believable, a sweet girl who never does anything wrong or some alcoholic teenage boy who actually lives with them. You tell on me and I will make sure your precious cousin ends up behind bars," Samantha told Ava who just looked at the younger girl in shock.

"You're gonna have a hard time proving that considering all the evidence I've collected on you! And you're wrong the correct word is lived as in we lived with him but not anymore," Carlos cried out as he was sick of being scared of Samantha and letting the older girl control him.

Samantha just laughed as she started to get closer to Carlos. "You're lying, you have nothing! You're just a scared little boy!" Samantha screamed out as she started to get closer to Carlos causing Ava to step in front of him as she pushed Carlos behind her.

"Get out of here now and if you even think of laying another finger on him or Mal you won't have anymore fingers do you understand me!" Ava sneered out making Samantha laugh as she tried to launch herself at Ava this time.

"Did you not just hear what Ava said! Now get out before I make you and trust me I will make your life a living hell if you don't," Nolan threatened as he just grabbed Samantha and practically shoved her out of the room.

"This isn't over!" Samantha screamed out as she just stormed out. "Oh and I think it is!" Ava screamed out as she just watched Samantha storm away. Once Samantha was out of the room Carlos just let out a sigh of relief and Mal's monitors started to level out again.

"Ava?" Carlos asked once he knew that they were safe again. Ava just gave the young boy a small smile to let him know that he was safe now. "Yeah pup?" Ava asked Carlos who just hugged her tightly and just let everything out filling Ava's shirt with tears.

Ava just held back her own tears as she pulled the young boy close to her and let him continue to let out all his emotions on her. Ava knew that things were gonna be different and harder now, but she knew that she had to do this. Her family needed her and she was ready for this.

"Um I'm sorry if I'm interrupting but are you Miss Jalali?" The doctor asked as she came into the room causing the two siblings to break from their hug as Ava nodded. "Yeah um that's me is everything okay?" Ava asked the doctor who didn't answer her.

"May we speak out in the hall please," the doctor told Ava who just froze for a second before pushing down her feelings of anxiousness and nodded following the doctor into the hallway. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2022 ⏰

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