Enough Is Enough!

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Ava just sighed as she had been trying for hours to get the perfect sketch of her new design done but no matter what she couldn't seem to concentrate.

    "Ugh you have got to be kidding me!" Ava practically screamed out as she looked at her phone that wouldn't stop ringing. It was the same strange number that wouldn't stop trying to call her.

     Ava just looked at the phone as she decided enough was enough. "Hello this better be important because I swear if this is just a solicitor trying to call me over and over again then I'll..." Ava began but immediately stopped when the person answered.

     "Hi and no I can assure you this is not a solicitor call. I'm actually calling from Auradon's Children's Hospital in Auradon. Is this Ava Jalali," the receptionist told Ava who just dropped her pencil as she knew this wasn't a joke.

       "Oh um yeah I'm Ava Jalali is everything okay! What's going on?" Ava quickly asked the receptionist as she began to panic.

       "It seems your baby sister Mal Jalali has contracted some lung issues and some other more serious issues as well and is in the hospital right now and your little brother Carlos Jalali has been admitted as well after he collapsed from a panic attack. And we did find some pretty bad injuries that he seems to have been hiding," the receptionist told Ava who just listened to everything that was being said as she broke down crying trying to take it all in.

       "Okay well um thank you for letting me know I'm on my way now," Ava told the receptionist as she hung up the phone then grabbed her stuff.

        Ava couldn't believe something like this would really happen to her innocent siblings. She didn't even know what was going on and she already felt guilty.

         This was all her fault. She had sent them to live with Jay and just left them. What kind of a big sister does that. And now they're both in the hospital and she wasn't even there to comfort them.

         Well no more. Ava was sick of this. She is going to be there for her siblings while they recover and then she is pulling them from Auradon Prep and taking them back to BHU with her.

         Just like she should have done from the start. Her siblings need her and it's time she be there for them. Ava was so distracted with her thoughts that she didn't even realize she had run into someone.

         "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry," Ava began but stopped when she heard Nolan's laugh as she could always recognize who that laugh belonged to, making her smile.

         "I knew you missed me," Nolan playfully told his girlfriend, making Ava laugh as she couldn't help herself when around him. "Haha but seriously I need you to move I'm going to make a drive down to Auradon," Ava told her boyfriend who looked at her like she was insane.

       "Ava we agreed to let go. They moved on from you so you're going to move on from them remember," Nolan told Ava making Ava roll her eyes as she couldn't believe she had actually said those words.

       "I don't care. They need me, Nolan. I'm going to see them and I'm taking them back here. Enough is enough I'm done. I made a commitment to them to keep them safe and I broke that. I'm not doing it again. They're coming home with me," Ava told her boyfriend as she pushed past him and walked to her car.

        "Wait Ava!" Nolan called out, making her stop as she looked at him. "Yeah and hurry up I want to get there soon," Ava told her boyfriend.

         "I want to meet them and you could use some company. Plus it's safer. And bonus, we have more alone time together so what do you say?" Nolan asked Ava who smiled as she looked at him.

         "Okay you make a good argument. You can come but I am going to visit them and I'm not leaving without them so that's not changing, got it," Ava told Nolan who nodded as he got in the car and Ava got in as well.

          "Alright we're here let's go in now. Nolan get up!" Ava told Nolan as soon as she parked the car, making Nolan jump as he had fallen asleep on the way there.

          "Alright I'm coming. Are you sure you want to do this. I mean Ava being a mom is a big responsibility you know that," Nolan told Ava who just sighed as she knew Nolan was right.

         It was a big responsibility to be a mom, but it was a responsibility she was willing to take on if it meant protecting her family.

         "I know it is but Nolan I'm all they have left. I shouldn't have abandoned them in the first place," Ava told her boyfriend who nodded as he didn't agree with this but he could tell Ava was passionate about this and that this meant a lot to her.

        "Okay then let's do this," Nolan told Ava, making her smile a little as she looked at him in shock. "You're actually okay with this?" Ava asked her boyfriend in shock, making him laugh.

       "Not really but I can tell this means a lot to you and if it means a lot to you then it means a lot to me too so come on let's go in," Nolan told Ava making her laugh as she hugged and kissed him and then they entered the hospital.

        Once they made it to the hospital Ava quickly went to the receptionist. "Ah so you're Ava Jalali I'm presuming," the receptionist told Ava as she had heard all about Ava from Carlos whenever he came in which was a lot.

        "Yeah I'm Ava and how did you know that?" Ava asked the receptionist who smiled. "Just a hunch. Anyway I'm assuming you're here for Carlos and Mal. Okay well Carlos is actually still asleep right now but once he wakes up he's able to be discharged. Mal on the other hand is going to require a lot more especially due to her young age," the receptionist told Ava who just slowly nodded trying to take in everything again.

       "Okay great thank you and what rooms are Carlos and Mal in?" Ava asked the receptionist who just looked at the screen as she told Ava the room numbers. Ava didn't even hesitate as she immediately made her way to her brother's room as she had missed him so much and couldn't wait to see him again.

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