Chapter 4. Expectations

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After a week of vacation, the Etheria's dining room was filled with hundreds of students sharing dissatisfaction with the weather. Can't wait for a better moment than this. The blonde grabbed two trays and knocked them together, climbing onto a chair:

- Good morning, ethereans! Adora Mertens from the eleventh grade is talking to you. I'm sorry to distract you from eating, but this is extremely important. Um... I'm not a fire tower! Glimmer is not..., - the pink-haired friend waved hands, begging to come down,  - You're not a shorty, Frost. You are an excellent player. For the Princess your participation will mean a lot. But even if you don't want to be on our basketball team, I just have to say that it was unimaginably stupid of me to act so arrogantly. I'm sorry. Nobody deserves superficial judgments. Thank you for saying this. 

To the trio's surprise, the students gave the speech a round of applause until Adora ended up threatening anyone who touched Entrapta and her belongings. Because of this, Dean Bright's office once again opened the doors for the athlete.

- Miss Mertens, I talk to you more often than to my own daughter.

- I'm sorry to hear that, ma'am, - the girl said without a hint of sarcasm.


On Saturday, the girls had to volunteer to board a bus that would take them to the Military Academy to play against the Horde. No matter how hard Coach Swiftwind tried, he could not put out the fear that flared up among the princesses. The trust exercise caused Perfuma to lock herself in the closet for prolonged sobbing. Mermista had to go to her dorm to pee, from where she returned, because remembered how painful it was to pee after a skirmish under the basket at the semi-finals. The ball slipped from Adora's hands again and again, as if it had been buttered. Her long body suddenly ceased to obey the control center.

The last straw was the prank of the cadets on the eve of the game. The team's Instagram account was hacked and renamed from "Princesses of Etheria" to "Free Whores". Instead of photos and videos of practices, were posted bad shots of athletes and offensive memes. No one received physical injuries, there were no vandalism, but it was this kind of attack that made the basketball players furious. And far from inspiring, but after which there comes hopeless despair. At dinner, the girls moved the tables to jointly resent the impudence of their rivals.

- I can fix this, - nobody noticed as Entrapta crept up beside them, holding tiny cups of jelly to her chest.

Bow deftly organized a free chair for a classmate. Everyone was silent for a few seconds, until Mermista held out her smartphone.

- Maybe we should give up this game? We're not ready, - squeezed out Perfuma, already guessing how the proposal would hurt the feelings of the captain.

- Absurd! - Anuka Frost belligerently screamed, - You are afraid of the same girls as we are!

- You haven't met them, so you have no idea what you're talking about. The cadets are killing machines, - Mermista whispered, - We have Adora. But there will be five of them on the court, you understand?

- I'm not a killing machine, - a meatball fell out of the blonde's mouth.

- The coach said that in physical strength we cannot compete with the cadets, - if Perfuma could now make a wish with a genie, she asked him to save him from the need to meet with the Horde.

- He also said that our advantage is agility and speed, - reminded Glimmer. She diligently pretended that she was not at all offended by the published picture of her body, which received a whole arsenal of mocking comments - from fat to pregnant.

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