Chapter 6. Exit

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Preparing for the final game of the championship took all free time, but most importantly - energy. It seemed that this was not enough even to fall asleep. This time, Murches made no attempt to put herself to bed after lights out and set off to roam the floors of the dormitory building. In the windows flashed trees bending under the mood of March. And somewhere behind the sharp tops of the Etherians, who hate the captain of the Horde. When the starting whistle sounds, there will be nothing left of basketball. From the kind gaze of Adora too. There were drafts along the half-dark corridors, but it did not dampen the heat. Catra's bones were languished. They were probably begging for freedom. Laughter emanated from the break room. The sergeants arranged a film screening in a tight privileged circle.

- What are you watching? - Murches was not eager to join, but hoped to kill time before it killed her.

- "Texas Chainsaw 3D".

- It would be better to put "Lord of the Flies".

- A good horror film? - inquired the eared senior, sipping from a flask far from juice

- Unforgettable.

A disheveled cadet flew into the room and stood under the beam of the projector. On his uniform shirt dismembered a human.

- Boys, we have an intruder! The Stig has already dragged her to the lobby!

Leaving the crowd rushing down the stairs, the girl slowly followed them to see the captured fool. Usually the sergeants' lovers used the more civilized ways of visiting. On the marble floor with wrung hands sat the pink-haired girl from Princesses. Her attempt to say a strong word turned into a kick. Catra regretted that she had not stayed for toss and turn in bed.

- Hey! Do you even know who this is? Dean Etheria's daughter. We won't do well if bruises show up on her.

- And what do you suggest? Let her go? the black jackets roared.

- Let's inform Colonel Prime,- Hordak began buttoning his uniform with stiff fingers.


Colonel Prime took four faceted glasses from the cupboard, filled them with whiskey, and offered them to the teenagers.

- Time for an educational conversation? - Glimmer dived headlong into trouble, but she could not understand where the cadet arrogance of Hordak and Murches had gone. Even their breathing became silent, as if they had put lungs on standby.

- If there is a need, - after wetting his throat, the officer sat down at the head of the table. Bulky vintage furniture squeezed the walls of the spacious master's office. The smell of polish overwhelmed everything else.

- Moral instructions are needed by your soldiers much more ... I wanted to see you, that's why I got caught.

- Do not look for easy ways, Miss Bright? - the man was unusually affectionate, and the princess wanted him to be angry.

- Getting an audience with you, sir, is like seeking a meeting with the president.

- May I call you Glimmer?

- Call it what you want. It doesn't matter.

- What is important then?

The daughter of the dean of Etheria passed her smartphone across the table, playing a videotape of her buying stimulants from a cadet. The colonel's wrinkled face remained impenetrable.

- This is a serious accusation.

- Especially in scale your whole Academy, sir. The reason for the amazing sporting achievements lies in doping. Imagine all these sparkling cups are fake, - Glimmer took a greedy sip, forgetting that in the glass was not water, - It's worth nothing. And all this has been going on for years right under your nose, Mr. Prime. Better a sweet lie than a bitter truth, right?

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