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I stare at my phone looking at the time. While i stand around in Zeds room, half an hour till we need to leave for the big game.

"Tonight's the night Y/n!" A tall zombie claims while pacing up and down his room.

"You can do it Zed your gonna be the first zombie to ever go to collage. You'll be with Addie to!" I respond excitedly.

He stops and lifts his head to look at me. His smiling instantly dropping.

"If I actually get excepted." He sits on his bed wide eyed.

"Zed. You are probably the best person I've ever met. Your getting into that collage no doubt about it!" I sit next to him with a hand on his back. He looks over at me and I shoot him a thumbs up."your gonna do amazing"


I listen to the sound of everyone cheering For Zed, I join in cheering with them. A man and a women walk over to us, first shaking hands with Zeds dad.

They begin talking before randomly quieting staring at the sky behind us. I turn around followed by everyone else to see lights emerging from the darkness. Slowly a whole ship began to appear. Before I could properly look people began screaming and running.

I quickly hurry to a building, every girl for themselves I guess. I hid at its side peering around the Corner.

I saw zed and Addie standing under a light as the ground began to crumble underneath them. They quickly got away just in time. I could hear the Z alarm going off while I watched some people recording this with there phone.

I glance up at the ship to finally take a good look at it. It was a huge sphere with many lights and had blue glowy crystals growing out the bottom of it. It had three sort of smushed circles floating around it with rings shining Around the edge.

I continue to stare at the ship when a car near me is struck by a laser causing it to burst into flames. A piece caught by the flame flung onto my hand causing me to scream. It sits on my hand for a few seconds before finally falling off and distinguishing in a little puddle of water by my feet.

I look at my hand now extremely red and bloody. I slide my back down the wall holding my wrist. I look down and begin to take off one of my shoe struggling with the lack of a free hand. I manage to do it taking my white sock and rapping it around the wound. Jeez I'm lucky I wore long thin Socks today.

I get up placing my wounded hand underneath my now dirty pale blue jacket hiding the fact its injured.

I look back at the chaos scene to see a group of new people with vibrant blue hair and outfits that I'm assuming are what came out of the spaceship walking towards a group from Seabrook that were al standing behind Zed ready to fight. Cars begin to flock behind the new guys as Zed turns into his zombie self trying to look intimidating.

Addison pulls zed back from the confused blue beings as they pick up a leaflet and begin talking to Addie I was still to far away to hear what was going on. She smiles excitedly while speaking to them. Addie's dad shouts something and the three are arrested and taken into the trucks.

I watch as Addie walks towards the cars and I start to walk to Zed.

"Heyyyy...." I blurt out.

"Where were you!!! I thought you got Injured or something. Are you ok??" He complains while scanning me up and down to see if I'm ok. "Hey did you hurt your stomach or something!?!?"

I quickly jerk back to avoid him looking, "yep just a scratch on my hand!" I reassure not wanting to pile anymore stress considering his chances to being the first zombie to go to collage was ruined and now we have aliens or something to deal with!

"You sure?" He asks not at all convinced.

"Yep!" I give him a thumbs up still hiding my injured hand. He is very much like my big brother despite me being human and him being a zombie it's sweet...most of the time.


I stand next to Bucky and Addie in a room discussing what to do, Addie had filled me in about what they new and that these aliens were here for the cheer competition. Now we were standing in a room watching 3 aliens with cameras, two of them had my friends trying to investigate them  and 1 was alone. Addies begins to argue with Bucky and her mom while tune there words out to watch the cameras.

I look at Zeds alien then back at the alone one to see he's missing. I walk slightly closer to the screen confused trying to see if he's in there hiding before hearing everyone behind me scream. I turn around to see the missing blue haired alien. He did NOT look like what I thought aliens looked like. He looked mostly the same as a human. But with blue hair and a mark around his eye. To be honest he was pretty cute.

"Greetings," he spoke, "did you want me to continue waiting alone?"

Everyone exchanged confused looks on what to say before Missy talked, "I- uhhh- think that would be- uhhh- BEST- yes."

The alien smiled, "very well. Shall I redon your ceremonial jewellery and rewire your door panel?" He asks still not breaking his smile.

"That would be... dynamite, yeah." Missy responds.

He looks at the jewellery and back up at us, "oh may you find harmony." Before he makes his way out the door.

I smile at him before he leaves, him returning a quick bigger smile before walking out and back into view of his camera.

I take a minute to go outside my hand still in a lot of pain. I sneak towards the medical room lucky there was a nurse in there who i had never seen before so she probably wouldn't know who I am or who my friends were.

I got my wound fixed up it had luckily stopped bleeding by the time I got it treated and it now had fresh bandages on she told me I should be ok and it wasn't to bad and i should be fine without a hospital trip. Then I got given a bunch of painkillers I said thank you to her and left the room,

I went to place them in my bag to find it to full, I took out a empty apple juice bottle from earlier today and walked towards a bin with the painkillers in the same hand as the bottle, I put my hand over the bin and let go dropping the bottle...

And the painkillers


I went back to the aliens to see them talking with everyone in the middle of the hallway. I walk near to see Zed getting zapped by a blue electricity while the blue boy looked excited like he's won something. I giggled slightly at Zeds reaction, shouting about how the blue boy didn't win, while the Alien noticed my presence. He again smiled at me like before and I returned it despite being in immense pain.

I turned and left waking through the damaged streets luckily everyone's houses where ok. I walked back to my house alone. There was no car on the drive suggesting my aunt wasn't home. I ran in falling into the sofa. I watched tv there for hours till I fell asleep, one thing still claiming my mind.

That alien.

Different type of love (a-lan x Fem y/n)  (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now